
One Piece: Reincarnated as Vivi

An inhabitant of our world suffers an untimely death after a meeting with a strange old lady and wakes up in the body of Nefertari Vivi. Upload rate: 5-6 chapters a week. Support me on Patreon -patreon.com/Kriogenix You can get 10 advanced chapters ahead of time. Extra info: - The story is going to follow the adventures of the Strawhat crew. This will not be an AU. - The fic is going to be told from the perspective of the MC. That means that many events will the omitted or skimmed over if the MC is not present. Some knowledge of canon will be required. - There will be romance later on in the story but it will not be the main focus. The pairing has not been decided yet (feel free to give recommendations). But it would most definitely be a female. Even if you don't like yuri, don't worry because as I said, it will not be the focus of the story in any way. But I just feel that a fic with no pairings is missing something.

Krio_Genix · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
347 Chs

Chapter 287: The rescue party

Dialogue "sample"

Thoughts 'sample'

Author notes -sample-

Disclaimer: One Piece and all of its characters belong to Eiichiro Oda.

Chapter 287: The rescue party

"What do you mean he is not coming back?!" an angry Luffy shouted at her.

"Didn't you notice his change of attitude after That short guy whispered something to his ear?" Asked Vivi.

"You know what he was told?" asked Nami.

"I have good hearing…shorty basically told him that if he refused to attend this wedding, Big Mom was going to kill everyone he cared about. Not just us, but also the people from that restaurant he worked at." 

"The Baratie?!. Those guys are like a family to him," said Usopp.

"So, they used coercion to make him go…I figure it was something like that," added Robin.

"That's it!, I'm going to see that Big Mom and kick her ass!. Who does she think she is to threaten my friends!" Luffy frowned.

"You can't leave now, Captain. " Said Zoro.

"You just made an alliance with those samurai to go fight Kaidou. But they never agreed to get involved with another Emperor."

"Yes, and the reason for Sanji to leave the crew was to prevent us from being directly connected with Big Mom. What do you think will happen if you go to their island in person?." Asked Vivi.

"Then what?. If Sanji is in trouble, I need to go help him." Shouted Luffy.

"I'll go." Said Vivi.

"What?!" Cried Nami.

"You want to go face Big Mom?" Usopp asked in disbelief.

"I'll just go to her island and get Sanji back. Then we can travel to Wano and meet with the rest of you there." Vivi explained her plan.

"You make it sound simple…" Said Zoro.

"That's not much of a plan…" Franky pointed out.

"Do you even know how to get there?" Asked Law.

She pointed at Law.

"Vivre Card."

She then pointed at Franky.

"I'll improvise something."

"Can you get him back?" Luffy asked her with a serious face.

"Of course, Captain. I won't leave without him. Even if I have to drag him and his new wife along." Vivi promised.

"...Okay. You go do that." Luffy said eventually. 

"Luffy?, you can't be serious. Is too dangerous!" Shouted Nami.

"Nami, the Captain has complete trust in her…can you do that too?" Said Robin.

"But…" Nami looked at Vivi.

"Is fine. I'm not going in there with the intention to fight everyone. Just to get our chef back." Vivi assured her.


"Fine. But you will need a navigator, so I'm coming with you. "

"You want to come? but…" Vivi seemed hesitant to bring her there.

"Wait a moment!, the two of you can't go at the same time!" Luffy complained.

"Right, how are we going to reach Wano without a navigator?" Wondered Usopp.

"Is not that!, other than Sanji, Vivi, and Nami are the only ones who can cook! What are we going to eat?!" Luffy exclaimed in horror.

"I… didn't see that one coming." Vivi raised an eyebrow. 

"I have a good cook in my crew." Said Law.

"And also a good navigator. We will have no problems finding Wano." 

"Are you going in the Sunny?, because there is no way the two of you can navigate that alone," Franky said.

"We can take Zoro for the heavy lifting." Said Vivi.

"And I'm sure he is also worried for Sanji."

"Oi!, I don't care about the shitty cook." Zoro huffed.

"But you two cannot go alone…I'll go."

"If you take the Sunny, what are we going to travel with?" Asked Usopp.

"My ship is big enough to take everyone there." Said Law.

"Since you are already going there. If you happen to come across the red poneglyph…" Robin said.

"Sure, well make a copy for you," Vivi assured her.

"I'll prepare a set of paper and tools for you to take then," Robin added.

"You may need to make a quick escape. And no one knows that ship better than I…I guess I'm coming too." Said Franky.

"Is already late…we should leave in the morning." Suggested Nami.

"Then…one last party before you go!" Luffy exclaimed. 


On the next morning. A big group of people and mink were standing around the Sunny.

"We won't be able to leave for a few days. Chopper wants to make sure everyone is healed enough. We will then sail directly to Wano…well see you again there." Said Luffy.

"Yeah, well be there with Sanji, don't worry Captain." Vivi gave him a thumbs up.

"My friends." Kinemon adresss them.

"Be very careful when you approach Wano. The waters surrounding the country are extremely violent. They are one of the main reasons the Government has left us alone so far."

"I'm going to miss you, Nami!

Momonosuke jumped into her breasts.

"Shell be passing you the bill after we are done liberating your country, Momotaro." Vivi grinned.

"Is Lord Momonosuke to you!" He huffed.

"How long is this trip going to take?" Nami asked Beepo, the navigator of the Heart Pirates.

"It should be around three days, more or less. "Answered the white bear

"Let's hope to get there before he actually becomes a married man…it will be a lot more difficult to get him out afterward." Said Nami.

"Well just take the wife too…" Said Vivi.

"And if she doesn't want to leave?" Asked Usopp.

"We are pirates, we kidnap her!" Huffed Vivi.

"Yeah! , go kidnap that woman!, and Sanji too!" Luffy shouted.

"Vivi!, remember… don't start a war with Big Mom. Just pick up Sanji and leave." Usopp said with worry.

"Yes, try not to destroy her island." Said Brook.

"And make more enemies than necessary." Added Robin.

"Come on guys, have some faith in me…" Vivi requested.

The small crew of four boarded the ship and got ready to leave.

"By the way, Vivi….there is something you haven't said yet." Nami glanced at her.

"What is it?" 

"Well, the main reason Sanji went to Big Mom's tea party is because he is worried she will kill his loved ones…how are going to convince him to leave?"

"Ohh that…easy. I'll just have to make Big Mom so angry with me that she will forget Sanji even exists. His loved ones will be safe then because that whale would only be able to think of killing me."


A.N: - Remember to comment, vote, and/or leave a review if you have the time. Those things help me a lot and I would really appreciate it.

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