
One Piece: Reborn as Eustass Kid Twin Brother

This is the story of a man from earth who dies and reborn in One Piece World as Eustass Kid twin brother. Follow the story of the two brothers as they sail the Grand Line and make a name for themselves. =-=-=-=-=-=-= The mc and Kid will be co-captains of the 'Eustass Pirates' (instead of Kid Pirates). Notes: -No system. -No cheats. -No harem. I don't own anything in regards to One Piece, and I don't plan to make any profit out of this.

Captain_Erebus · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
110 Chs

The Eustass Pirates VS The Blackbeard Pirates

"It seems that fate is not kind enough for them to place them in our path" Doc Q said while panting and sweating heavily, he looked very sick while lying on top of his massive horse Stronger.

"I'm interested to see what outcome this fight will bring" Laffitte added while observing the fight from a distance.

"Bring it! You can't stop me!...Zehahaha!" Blackbeard laughed manically while darkness surged from his body like fire.

"Don't think taking our Devil Fruit powers is enough to cripple us" Kai said while clenching his hammer tightly before he summoned another thunder cloud, coating his weapon with its lightning.

SWOOOSH!! Kai cracked his neck and shoulder muscles and let out a loud battle cry before he charged toward Blackbeard at blinding speed using Soru, swinging his hammer horizontally with two hands and then aimed to strike him with devastating force in the face. His weapon left a trail of lightning behind it. 

"What the hell is that speed damn it?!" Blackbeard remarked, taken aback by that before he used darkness around his arm, ready to stop Kai's attack.

"Mjölnir Thunderclap!!"

*Lightning*-*Thunder* Blackbeard thrusted his blackness-coated hand at Kai's hammer, absorbing his lightning that was generate by his Devil Fruit power before he punched Kai in the stomach with enough power that he managed to break a few of his ribs while sending him rolling on the ground.

"Zehahaha! It's useless, my darkness can swallow everything even devil fruit powers…but I got to say, that was a pretty strong attack" Blackbeard remarked as he looked at his bleeding hand that was injured by the force of Kai's hammer "It's not too late to join me, I'll forget this ever happened. So, what do you say?" 

"Suck my nuts" Kai replied with a smirk while holding his broken ribs in pain.

"Have it your way--?!" Blackbeard suddenly realized that someone was attacking him from behind. It turned out that Kai was buying time for Kid to prepare his attack and also give him an opening.

Kid appeared behind Blackbeard after attracting various metal pieces to his left arm, making a massive, makeshift arm before he slammed it into Blackbeard, crushing him down to the ground.

"Punk Gibson!!!" 

BOOOOM!!! Blackbeard coughed some blood upon receiving that attack, but he managed to quickly get on his feet again and when Kid tried to slam his massive metal arm at him again, Blackbeard responded by absorbing the metals using his darkness before he released them back at him.

"Black Vortex!!" After that Blackbeard used his gravity to pull Kid towards him, the latter pull out his dagger midair and tried to stab Blackbeard with it, but he dodged it easily before he tried to punch him in the face.

But again, just like what happened when Augur shot him, Kid managed to feel the killing intent of Blackbeard and moved his head to the side avoiding it "Again…Huff…Huff…there is no denying…Huff…I just used Observation Haki again…" Kid muttered while trying to stay calm and focus more in order to use it more often.

"You could use Haki?!!…" Blackbeard seemed shocked "…I was wondering how you two were able to dodge some of my attacks" he said, grabbing Kid by the face and smashing him into the ground, causing a lot of damage to him.

Kai of course didn't want to leave Blackbeard any chance to relax and proceeded to transform his limbs into smoke, but not his hands, enabling him to strike from a much greater range, before repeatedly punched Blackbeard in a blurry, rapid barrage of strong punches that created the illusion of him having multiple arms.

BAAM!! BAAM!! BAAM!! When Blackbeard saw that, he proceeded to cross his arms in front of him while using darkness to block them.

After a few seconds of punching Kai shot dense cloud from his arms in the shape of a massive fist in order to blast Blackbeard.

The two brothers tried to overwhelm Blackbeard by constantly attacking him without giving him the time to think or even breath.


"Huff…Huff…Sneaky brats…" Blackbeard muttered before turning back to Kai who came running towards him before he summoned several wind clouds and from them, he generated powerful, crescent blades before he launched them at him "Tsk…you again"

"Demolishing Winds!!"

"You don't learn, do you?" Blackbeard confidently stretched his hands absorbing the wind blades with his darkness.

"Even a cornered rabbit will fight with its teeth and claws!" Wielding Mjölnir two-handed, Kai jumped into the air and quickly spun his weapon above his head. He then, while descending, swung his hammer down with great force, trying to smash Blackbeard into the ground. "Destroyer of The World…."


*Lightning*-*Lightning* Blackbeard punched Kai's hammer back and after a quickly clash, Kai was pushed back and Kid took the opportunity to attack Blackbeard from behind.

Kid leaped in the air attracting metal fragments towards him before repelling them down towards Blackbeard, like a deadly rain, a metallic shower.

"Die in darkness!" Blackbeard threw a big ball of darkness back at him, dealing massive knockback while scattering the metal pieces away.

"You don't really think that I'm gonna fall for your tricks twice?" Blackbeard said with a smirk before grabbing Kid by the neck once he landed on the ground again and lifted him up "Zehahahaha! You two have an interesting Devil Fruits powers, I might just take them after I kill you" he said squeezing Kid's neck. 

"A-AUGHH--…Damn it!"

Meanwhile in the field near them, the rest of the Eustass Pirates and the Blackbeard Pirates were engaging in a fierce battle, preventing each other from interfering in their captains' fight.

"We have to hold them back! We can't let them interfere in K's fight!" Heat exclaimed while he and Bonney were holding off Doc Q, who seems to be stronger that he initially looked.

Heat was using two heat dials on his dual swords to increase their temperature until they are red hot and burn anything they pierce. He is also attaching the flame and thunder dials that Kai used before to his weapons.

"It's not like they are doing good anyway…even with the two of them they are no match to that Blackbeard guy" Bonney remarked.

"Don't worry, I've been around those two for long enough to know that they will figure out something" Heat responded, having blind trust in his childhood friends and captains. 

Doc Q proceeded to grab a few apples from a basket lying on top of Stronger's back before he threw them at the two.

"Apples?" Bonney and Heat were confused, but the latter didn't think about it that much and proceeded to slash one of the apples flying towards him, which resulted in a big explosion that knocked him back with severe burns across his body.


"Oops, those are explosive apples"

"Heat!!...Damn it!!" Bonney looked enraged while dodging the explosive apples before she jumped at Doc Q, trying to kick him in the face. But he managed to easily block her feet and slashed his scythe at her neck, but she also was able to lower her body in time to avoid the blade before she jumped back. 

Immediately after that Heat was back in the fight, injured but not defeated yet. He proceeded to activate the flame dial attached to his sword before thrusting it at Doc Q direction, releasing a fire blast. Followed by that, he also activated the thunder dial, coating his second sword with it and using the chance to close the distance and slash Doc Q. 

Despite his chronic disease and body that seems weak, Doc Q actually possesses superhuman physical prowess and speed which he utilized to dodge the fire blast, before using his scythe to block Heat's sword then punching him away.

"This guy is seriously strong!" 

When Bonney glanced again at the battlefield of Blackbeard, Kai and Kid she looked very worried about them "Hey Heat, can you hold him off for a moment…I wanna try something"

"What?" Heat was surprised but after studying her face, he nodded "I'll try my best, the only way he's getting past me is over a dead body" 

As for Wire and Gin they were fighting Laffitte, struggling to hold him back.

"Demonic Thrust!"

Gin charged at Laffite who appeared very confident in his skills and used the 'Man-Demon Tactics' his unique fighting style and thrusted his tonfa into Laffitte's chest. But Gin was shocked at the speed of whish Laffitte dodged his attack before suddenly appearing behind him while aiming his pistol at his head. 

Luckily Wire interfered soon after that and attacked Laffitte with his trident weapon preventing him from dealing any fatal attacks. 

"You might need to improve on your teamwork a little more" Laffitte's grin sent the creeps to the two. 

"Don't let your guard down Gin, these guys are not average pirates" Wire said with a serious face. Suddenly Laffitte grew a pair of white wings instead of his arms, lifting himself in the air.

"Gin!" Wire exclaimed, swiftly getting on his knees and straightening his back while Gin came running towards him from behind, using his momentum and Wire's back to launch himself to the air. Wire also used his force to propel him further.

"The Flying Demonic Smash!!" Gin spun mid-air aiming to smash Laffitte's face from the side using one of his tonfa, but Blackbeard's crew member's extreme speed allowed him to dodge with ease before kicking him down.

Near them, Killer and Van Augur's fight was also reaching its climax with both the fighters going all out.

"Jin Sonic!!...ZWOOOSH!!" Killer rushed towards Augur and sliced him vertically through his face and torso while performing a somersault.

Van Augur of course managed to parry the attack using his rifle but suffered a small cut on his left shoulder and he immediately retaliated by firing a couple of shots at Killer. But the latter was agile enough to escape his shooting range in time.

"His shooting skills are no joke" Killer remarked while holding the bullet wound on his right shoulder that he suffered earlier in the fight "This guy is dangerous, I can't let him get a clean shot or I'll be a goner"

"Fate may have something else in store for you, but I shall still do my part…*CLICK*"

"Faffaffaffa!! Fate you say?...we don't believe in that. We take matters into our hands" Killer declared.


Jesus Burgess grinned excitedly before appraoching a tree near him and proceeded to uproot it before leaping in the air and throwing at Krieg "Wiiihahahaha!! Eat this!"

"These fists will smash you to pieces!" Krieg declared while letting out a loud battle cry before punching the tree with his diamond gauntlet with enough force to shatter it into pieces before running towards the Drum Ropeway and he picked up the massive lift with one hand and throwing it at Burgess in retaliation.

"Awesome!! You're pretty strong!" Burgess commented on Krieg physical strength while easily dodging the massive object and went then running towards him again.

"The weapons equipped throughout my body are about to unleash hell upon you!" Krieg declared before taking his left shoulder plate and aimed it at him, and then fired dozens of belt-fed spears in a Gatling gun-like fashion that managed to take Burgess by surprise and some of them pierced his skin.

"That's underhanded you bastard!" Burgess exclaimed in anger before closing the distance and punching Krieg, who used a spiky armor to protect himself, but it wasn't enough to stop burgess punch and he was sent crashing into a tree.

"Huff…Huff…A win is a win... No matter what needs to be done to achieve it!!" Krieg got up again.

"Don't push your luck!"

'Maybe that red headed bastard was right, maybe I was just a big fish in a small pond. But that won't stop me from claiming victory…If only I can use my MH5…but the other ones don't have gas masks…' Krieg was having an internal conflict "Why am I even caring about them?...huh?" While Krieg was engrossed in his fight, he suddenly noticed Bonney approaching them from a distance. She appears to be signaling for him, but he didn't have enough time before Burgess appeared in front of him and with a strong punch he managed to destroy and chest armor to pieces while causing immense damage to him.

"Where are you looking at?"

Krieg fell on his knees coughing blood, as it appears that he would be defeated if he receives another attack like that. That's until Bonney passed by them, she was acting like she was panicked and trying to run away from the battlefield, and she deliberately run past Burgess so he could see her.

"Turning your back in a battlefield, what a weakling. I'll take you out now since I have the chance!" Burgess said in confidence, leaping in the air and targeting Bonney who deliberately acted like she didn't notice him before she turned back and face while screaming loudly.


"Wiiihahahaha!! There is no one to save you!" Just as Burgess rounded his fist while descending towards her, Krieg took the chance to shoot a weighted metal net from his left arm-guard, taking Burgess by surprise and trapping him inside.

"Haha…just kidding" Bonney's crying face was replaced by a mocking grin. 

"What the hell?!" Burgess focus faltered for a second as he crashed down to the ground trying to free himself, giving Bonney the chance to use her winning card. She swiftly approached him and placed her hand at him , immediately aging into a baby version of him while his lost years were manifested in the form of glittering jewels of various shapes.

"Age Skewer!!"

"Uwaaahh!! Uwaaahhh!! W-What happened to me?!" Burgess cried like a baby. Krieg quickly approached him after forming his strongest spear Daisenso and held it against his neck.

"Huff…Huff…that's a pretty ridiculous power you have kid" Krieg remarked.

"Just shut up and stay put"

"Why did you choose him? it's not like we get along" Krieg asked.

"It's just that this guy seems to be the dumbest, a muscle head like you"

"You've got a sharp tongue"

Meanwhile Kai, Kid and Blackbeard's fight appear to reach its end with Blackbeard standing triumph over the defeated red-haired captains.

"Zehahaha! I told you…Everything is useless before darkness. Even the strongest powers" Blackbeard stated while panting a little and covered in some bruises in his face and body, but he looked fine "I didn't expect you to be this strong, honestly you shocked me. But you are still nowhere near my level"

In front of him the Eustass brothers were lying on the ground, covered in blood and injuries. 

"Huff…Huff…Damn it, who the hell is this guy?" Kid questioned while breathing with difficulty, he slowly got on his knees and glanced at his brother who didn't look any better.

"Tsk…we're cornered" Kai said while examining the battlefield around him. 

"You finally gave up? Or are you trying to find a way to escape?" Blackbeard questioned, looking amused at Kai's actions.

"Not really…" Kai replied with a confident grin before Bonney shouted, taking the attention of the entire battlefield.

"Hey, shithead!!" Both her and Krieg were holding the baby body of Burgess as a hostage "If you hurt them, we'll make sure you he loses his head!!"

"Uwaaahh!! Captain, they turned me into a baby!!" Burgess cried and sounded like a baby which made the whole situation funny, even if it shouldn't be. 

"That idiot" Augur narrowed his eyes at that.

"Faffaffaffa! Not bad, not bad!" Killer looked amused.

"Burgess?!!" Blackbeard was shocked at the sight "What the hell happened?! How the hell did these weaklings get you?!"

"If we're gonna die, we'll at least take someone with us" Kai declared with a savage grin.

"You have some guts" Blackbeard said in a low, menacing tone of voice, he seemed to be trying to contain his anger while speaking "Don't try anything you will regret latter, you little shit"

Kai's grin didn't falter even after hearing those threats and he slowly got on his feet again, fighting back the pain from his injuries and broken bones before he turned his attention to Krieg and proceeded to ask him "Hey Krieg! Are you carrying the MH5?"

Krieg's lips curled to a smile "Of course!"

"H-Hahaha, you see my friend over there. He has a deadly poison-gas bomb that inflicts immediate organ failure and internal bleeding on anyone who breathes it unprotected and kills within a few minutes" Of course Kai lied about the fact that it can kill in a few minutes as the MH5 can kill in an hour "…Huff…Huff…So, let's cut the crap…"

"…I have an interesting offer that will benefit the two of us"