
One Piece: Reborn as Civilian

The story: A young child, devoid of memories and thrust into the unfamiliar World of One Piece, Stands alone in the desolate unknown. Clad in the remnants of a tormented past, he carries the weight of his suffering. Yet, in this foreign world, where freedom becomes his elusive quarry, he embarks on a transcendent odyssey, determined to conquer every obstacle that dares impede his path. Brace yourself for a harrowing journey through a world steeped in the relentless echoes of bloodshed and unyielding danger. ________________________ pls leave a review ________________________ I don't own anything except that some character that I made.

ahiro · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
22 Chs

Chapter 5: One Piece World

Isaac swallowed his saliva and proceeded to flip through the pages of the newspaper, quickly scanning the headlines.

The further he delved into the news, the stronger his conviction grew that he had found himself immersed in the world of One Piece. This revelation truly astonished him, leaving him no choice but to release a sigh of disbelief and gaze up at the ceiling.

Despite pondering the matter extensively, he remained unable to discern his true emotions, his expression devoid of any clear reaction.

"Isaac, are you alright?" Old Theo's concerned voice snapped him out of his state of bewilderment. Isaac shifted his gaze to the side and discovered the old man's worried expression fixated upon him.

Unaware of his own peculiar reactions while reading the newspaper, Isaac had failed to notice Theo's anxiety until now.

"I'm alright, grandpa. I just experienced a slight pain in my ribs when I reached for the newspaper. Could you please give me some privacy? I really need to rest."

Isaac let out a yawn and wore a fatigued expression, hoping to convince Theo to leave.

Old Theo refrained from asking any superfluous questions. He picked up the newspaper from Isaac's bed and silently exited the room, though a few lingering inquiries lingered in his mind, he chose not to disturb Isaac with them.


Once Isaac found himself alone in the room, a grave expression settled upon his face. He was well aware that he had stumbled into a dire predicament. Initially, he believed that being aware of his whereabouts would resolve many of his problems, but things had proven far more intricate than he had anticipated.

"Who would have imagined that I would be transported to the world of One Piece? This changes everything I had conceived.

I had assumed it to be a simple world akin to my own, but now I comprehend that I am in a realm rife with chaos. There is one crucial detail I must ascertain before making any decisions.

Given my extensive knowledge of this world and its factions, I must determine the precise time period I find myself in. This will enable me to strategize the best course of action to leverage my knowledge. The only certainty I have is that Roger has been executed, and it appears that not much time has passed since then.

Even with my vast knowledge, I am certain to encounter numerous hardships here. The sea pirates and the world government, all these conflicting parties, can be deemed as my adversaries."

With a protracted sigh, a newfound clarity gleamed in Isaac's eyes. He recognized that despite his profound understanding of the One Piece universe, it did not guarantee him the life he desired.

Presently, the entire world stood as his foe, necessitating a prudent approach in his dealings.

'I needn't overthink it. Strength is paramount in this world, so my focus should be on rigorous training and maximizing my power. My mind is set.

I shall prioritize the pursuit of strength above all else. Should this island prove insufficient for my growth, I will seek greener pastures elsewhere. However, contemplating the options, I see a multitude of paths to explore: the power of Devil Fruits, mastering Haki, and honing my skills in Sword Arts,' Isaac mused, accompanied by a sneering laugh.

He realized that he was in no position to be choosy, so he resolved to train diligently in whichever methods were available to him.


[after a month]

Amidst a modest, unassuming bar, neither extravagant nor rundown, a six-year-old boy moved from table to table, carrying plates and drinks to serve the customers.

Today marked his first day of work at Old Theo's tavern, as the old man had offered him the job to prevent him from becoming a burden to Julia in the future. In this world, the notion of a young child working was deemed acceptable, though unconventional.

"Boy, bring us a plate of roast beef."

"Bring me a bottle of wine."

"Where's the food we ordered? It's been an hour, and I've been waiting here."

Damn, this is so annoying. These people's demands never cease. Isaac was still adjusting to working in such conditions, often stumbling and finding himself in embarrassing situations with customers. Nevertheless, he persevered, continuing to carry out his duties diligently. He didn't know what drove him to endure it, but his steadfastness garnered Old Theo's admiration.

Isaac displayed a level of maturity beyond his years. Most people would have quit in the face of such challenges, but he persisted, even surpassing what some adults might tolerate before leaving.

Old Theo had not intended to push Isaac so hard on his first day, but he wanted to observe how the young boy would handle the pressure. However, the outcome left him truly impressed.

Isaac, on the other hand, didn't mind the challenging workload. He saw it as a form of training. Dealing with multiple tasks simultaneously sharpened his focus and taught him the art of multitasking.

The reason behind this seemingly illogical approach was that over the past month, Isaac had searched tirelessly for the best method to train and strengthen himself.

However, he found himself confronted with a significant dilemma: the available options were scarce, almost non-existent.

His initial plan was to seek out the hunter Rainer and ask him to become his mentor, but he discovered that Rainer resided in a distant village, making this idea unfeasible.

After much contemplation, Isaac settled on following a training regimen akin to Saitama's famous routine: 100 push-ups, 100 squats, and run 10km each day.

He wasn't sure if he could manage it all, but he was determined to give it a try. If he found it too challenging, he had a backup plan in place—an approach based on gradual progression, adjusting the exercises according to his body's capabilities.


After finishing his first exhausting day at work, Isaac returned home, consumed by weariness and the desire for sleep.

"The first day didn't go as well as I hoped, but I'm starting to grasp how things operate in the bar. It's an ideal place for gathering information and encountering formidable individuals.

This will prove beneficial during my time here," Isaac reflected. Initially, he had attempted to seek out strong individuals to request training from. However, it appeared that most of the tavern's patrons were simple villagers.

He realized there was no need to rush. Eventually, he would discover ways to gain strength. For now, he had to proceed slowly and steadily.

The notion of finding someone to train him may seem trivial, given his extensive knowledge of the power system in this world. However, the precise methods of acquiring such power had not been fully elucidated, leaving Isaac with lingering questions in his mind.


"How was your first day of work?" Julia asked as Isaac arrived home, finding her waiting for him with food set on the table.

"It was good. Old Theo's tavern is always bustling with people, so I had plenty to do," Isaac replied, adopting a childish tone. He understood that maintaining a close relationship with them required him to portray himself as a mischievous child, as acting too mature would only raise suspicion.

Isaac's gaze shifted to the dining table, where an array of dishes awaited him. Most were filled with grilled fish or vegetables, but one dish in particular caught his attention. It was a plate of succulent meat, glistening with fat and boasting a golden hue.

Isaac regarded the meal as a luxurious treat since Julia only prepared this special nettle dish on notable occasions.

"What's the occasion? I see you've prepared an abundance of food," Isaac inquired.

"You worked hard today. Isn't your hard work reason enough for us to celebrate?" Julia replied warmly.

Overwhelmed with gratitude upon realizing that the feast was arranged for him, Isaac couldn't help but reflect on how different his life would have been if he hadn't crossed paths with Julia.

Isaac and Julia sat together at the dining table, creating a pleasant familial atmosphere as they indulged in their meal. Isaac savored the salad and grilled fish, but his curiosity about the other type of meat persisted.

He cautiously picked up a small piece and placed it in his mouth. Initially solid, the meat soon melted on his tongue, releasing an indescribable fragrance and flavor. The experience didn't end there; as he swallowed, a warm sensation spread from his stomach throughout his body.

It was an extraordinary sensation. Unable to resist the temptation, Isaac proceeded to consume more small pieces of the meat, relishing its unique taste. When he finished, he realized that he had emptied the plate, leaving nothing for Julia. Such meat must be exceptionally precious.

As Isaac raised his head, he noticed Julia gazing at him with a mix of curiosity, admiration, and surprise, completely unaware of the expressions he had exhibited while savoring the meat.

"Do you like that meat?" Julia inquired, a wide smile adorning her face.

"Yes, it's the most incredible meat I've ever tasted. What kind is it?" Isaac replied, his desire to indulge in more of the savory delicacy growing stronger.

"Well, that's sea monster meat. John brought it back on his last trip," Julia explained.

"I apologize for indulging in this precious meat alone and not saving any for you," Isaac expressed remorsefully.

Upon learning that it was sea monster meat, Isaac promptly stood up and apologized to Julia.

He had come to understand the significance and rarity of such a delicacy, a delicacy that only the most esteemed and fortunate individuals could ever dream of consuming. Even the townspeople rarely had the opportunity to taste it.

"Don't worry about it. I've had it before. You know John works at one of the renowned restaurants in the city, so obtaining this meat occasionally is not uncommon," Julia reassured him.


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