
One Piece: Ragnarok

In an age where the sails of pirates billowed in pursuit of glory and gold, the tides of time have shifted. Enter Brontes, a wayward spirit cast adrift thirty years before the legendary tales of One Piece unfold. Thrust into a maelstrom of chaos, Brontes devours the mighty Rumble-Rumble Fruit, a treasure destined for the original Enel. With the might of lightning at his command, he finds his destiny intertwined with the formidable forces of the Marine, standing shoulder to shoulder with legends in the making—Sakazuki and Borsalino. Let's embark on a riveting journey with Brontes, now hailed as the God of Thunder, Ragnarök. Witness a man's solemn vow to uphold justice and reshape the fate of the Marine. His saga is one of thunderous ambition and a quest to rewrite destiny itself. Join the odyssey and behold the rise of a new legend in the making. --------------------------------------------------- Greetings, dear readers, Welcome to my opening raid into the realm of One Piece Fanfic. I must clarify that the elements within this fanfiction, including the cover image, are not my original creations. My intention is to present you with a new chapter on a near-daily basis, with the exception of Fridays. ----------------------------------------------------- Above all, I hope this work brings you joy and stirs your imagination. Now, without further ado, let us embark on this journey together. Enjoy! ---------------------------------------------------------- You can enjoy more chapters in my Patreon:- patreon.com/RK98

Ragnarok98 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
142 Chs


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The horizon was ablaze with the fires of war as the once calm sea now roiled with the chaos of battle. The pirates, known for their agility and cunning on the waters, had swiftly deployed their small, nimble boats to encircle the marine warships.

These colossal ships, burdened by their heavy artillery, moved sluggishly in response, like ancient beasts weighed down by their own armor.

Yet, in the heart of this maelstrom of steel and saltwater, the pirates' underestimation of Brontes would be their undoing. His prowess, fueled by the fearsome might of his Logia devil fruit, was a force of nature that no ordinary buccaneer could hope to match.


With a roar that split the skies, Brontes transformed into a formidable Lightning Dragon, his scales crackling with electric fury. He soared through the air, a tempest incarnate, and with a mere flick of his tail, a pirate ship was obliterated, its timbers splintering like kindling in a storm. The sea swallowed the wreckage hungrily, leaving nothing but froth and memory in its wake.


Undeterred, Brontes surged forward, his eyes alight with the thrill of the hunt. He descended upon another marine warship, where the soldiers were already locked in a fierce skirmish with the invading pirates.

The air was thick with the cries of battle, the sound of clashing steel and the roar of cannon fire.

Yet Brontes did not join the fray. Instead, he sought out the pirate captain, a figure rallying his crew amidst the chaos. With a precision strike, Brontes cut him down, his body falling to the deck as Brontes turned his wrath upon the other pirate ships.


In an electrifying display, bolts of lightning arced from Brontes's maw, striking the pirate ships with divine retribution.

Pirates convulsed as the electric onslaught overwhelmed them, their bodies crumpled to the decks, paralyzed by the lightning power.

"ZliZli!! ZliZli!!"

The battle cry echoed as Brontes, relentless, ensured that not a single pirate ship was spared.

Five ships were decimated by his hand alone, leaving but a few stragglers on two warships for the marine soldiers to contend with—a test to hone their combat experience.

Brontes had been clear in his plan; the soldiers needed to taste the bitterness of bloodshed. He could not always shield them from the frontlines.

They must grow stronger through the crucible of war, and if death claimed them, it was a testament to their weakness.

With the skirmish concluded, Brontes used the Moonwalk technique, his form blurred as he caught up with the leading marine warships. But the tides of battle were fickle, and from the horizon, five more warships emerged, encircling the beleaguered pirate ships in a deadly pincer.

"Boom!! Boom!!"

The sound of cannon fire was relentless as the marine warships unleashed their fury. The three pirate ships, already battered and burning, were caught in a relentless barrage from Vice Admiral Dis and his fleet.

Realizing their dire predicament, the pirates made a desperate bid for escape, steering east towards the Golma Island.

But fate was not on their side. The three pirate ships, now little more than flaming husks, ran aground on the island's unforgiving shores, the marine warships closing in like wolves upon their prey.

The marines, bolstered by the presence of three Vice Admirals from the G-1 Base, executed their battle plan with ruthless efficiency.

Brontes had orchestrated a masterful encirclement, trapping the pirates between the jaws of the eastern coast and the relentless pursuit of the marine forces.

"Black Fox, you can't escape!" Dis's voice thundered across the shore, his words slicing through the tension like a saber through silk.

The realization that their identities had been penetrated sent a ripple of unease through the pirate ranks. Reluctantly, they shed their masks, revealing their true faces.

At the vanguard stood three formidable figures, the captains of their respective crews, their expressions a mix of defiance and resignation.

The youngest of the trio, a man whose features bore the mark of both refinement and roguish charm, had a wry smile on his face: "I didn't expect to fall into the Marine's trap. It seems there was a problem with our pawns." He mused, his voice tinged with the bitterness.

Dis, unable to suppress the grin that spread across his face, retorted: "That's right, this time we've caught quite a few big fish, and we've also netted all you small fries."

Black Fox, his eyes narrowing, said: "Catching us all in one go won't be so simple. We're indeed no match for the Marine at sea, but it's not necessarily the same on land."

"Why don't you take a look behind you?" Dis's laughter was almost gleeful as he gestured to the space behind the pirates.

As if on cue, a figure stepped forth from the shadows cast by the night, his marine coat billowing in the sea breeze like the wings of a dark angel.

"You can't escape, and I won't give you the chance to." Brontes said, his voice a harbinger of their impending doom.

Black Fox and his companions turned, only to find Brontes standing behind them.

"Just one person? You think you can block us all here?" The burly man beside Black Fox scoffed.

"Yes, just him alone plus us are more than enough." Dis said, his confidence unshaken.

Brontes's voice was cold, detached, as he delivered his next words: "I've just killed all your subordinates, not leaving a single one behind. The rest of the small fry I've left for the marine soldiers to deal with. Now only you left."

"What?!" The disbelief was palpable in their voices as Black Fox and the others turned to Brontes, their eyes wide with shock.

"What the hell are you talking about, brat?!" The burly man's anger erupted, his voice a thunderous roar.

"The captain of the Knight Pirates, right? You were once a general of a kingdom, but you were expelled from your country for attempting to start a rebellion and became a pirate. I've killed all your men including the Three Horses." Brontes stated matter-of-factly.

"You damn ..." The words were barely a whisper from the captain of the Knight Pirates, his eyes blazing with fury, his killing intent as palpable as the sea mist.

The Three Horses, his most loyal and formidable comrades, had been with him since the inception of his piratical journey. They had weathered countless storms together, brothers not by blood but by bond. And now, to hear of their demise from the lips of this Marine, it was a blow more grievous than any sword could deliver.

"They're all dead; you don't need to be sad. I will arrange a reunion for you all in hell." Brontes said with a smile.

Black Fox's eyes narrowed as he examined Brontes more carefully. Recognition dawned upon him, and he spoke with a mixture of surprise and dread: "I remember you now. You're one of the three Logia Devil Fruit users of the Marine, the user of the Rumble-Rumble Fruit!"

"That's right," Brontes confirmed.

"Logia Devil Fruit user?!" The realization hit the pirates like a rogue wave.

"Now that you know, there's no need for idle talk. Do you want to surrender, or do you want to fight?" Brontes asked, the hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"Do pirates ever surrender?!" retorted the man to Black Fox's left, his hand gripping a dagger with a defiant edge. He was the notorious captain of the Dagger Pirates, his reputation as sharp as the blade he wielded.

"Since that's the case, let's cut the chatter. We still need to transport the supplies back to the base. We don't have time to keep talking with you. The gates of Impel Down await you." Brontes said, his laughter echoing ominously.

"Be careful!" Black Fox's warning came too late.


A blinding white light erupted, and in the blink of an eye, Brontes was upon them, his body a conduit for unbridled electrical power.

The pirates scrambled, plus not all the known pirates can use Observation Haki, so their reactions lagged.

"ZliZli!! Rumble!!"

The air crackled with the surge of high-voltage electricity, a network of lightning ensnaring the pirates. Their silhouettes were grotesquely illuminated, bones flashing within their flesh like macabre x-rays.

"Charge!" Vice-Admiral Dis's command cut through the chaos, and the marine soldiers surged forward, ready to engage.

When the lightning cleared, only the three captains remained, their reflexes having spared them from the brunt of Brontes's assault.

"I don't want to end my journey here, so I will leave first. Good luck to you guys." Black Fox said.

In an instant, his body grew black fur, and his bipedal form shifted, morphing into a quadrupedal black fox, marked distinctly by two silver stripes above his eyebrows.

"Whoosh!" With his newfound form, Black Fox's speed was astonishing, a black streak darting into the island's dense forest, his loyalty to his crew forsaken in the face of his own survival.

"Want to escape using speed, huh? Speed is my specialty." Brontes murmured, a dark smile on his face as he watched Black Fox's fleeting figure.