
One Piece: One Punch Man

Byakuya transmigrates to the world of One Piece with the One Punch Man System, but it takes 3 years of Saitama Training before the Saitama Templates and system are activated. As a Marine, he upholds Justice in his heart and is also a Hero. But while he has a Heart of Justice, as a Hero, he is a Hero with Interest. People live with a dream, and his dream is World Peace, Byakuya will use his power to achieve his dream. Disclaimer: This is Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:OPM NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
65 Chs

Chapter 29: Hot Gaze

(T/N: Please consider reviewing this Fanfic, Thanks and appreciate all who support me)

(T/N: Enjoy!!)


Byakuya squatted down, smiling as he asked, "Are we still fighting?" 

Smoker replied decisively, "Yes, we are!"

After Byakuya left, Smoker thought, why miss the chance to spar with someone as strong as Byakuya in the East Blue?

Plus, after Byakuya's words last night, Smoker felt that Byakuya must be someone extraordinary. 

So young, yet possessed such immense power. 

Most importantly, Byakuya's words resonated with Smoker, reigniting his dormant fire.

Recalling his childhood dreams, Smoker suddenly had an idea. "Byakuya..." 

"What is it? Don't want to get beaten up? If that's the case, then I'll go back to sleep!" 

Byakuya returned the sword to Tashigi and walked towards the dormitory. 

Smoker's tone was heavy, "Byakuya, can you end the era of the Great Pirates?"

Can he end the era of the Great Pirates? What would be considered ending it? Killing all the pirates? Even if the pirates are gone, aren't there still Celestial Dragons? 

"I can't predict the future. How would I know? All I know is that I need to get stronger now, and at least I won't die at someone else's hands."

Byakuya curiously observed the disheveled Smoker and, with years of experience reading online novels, roughly guessed Smoker's thoughts. 

"Do you want to follow me?" Smoker nodded, that was indeed his thought. 

"Stop joking. You're a captain, I'm an Ensign. There's a six-level difference between us."

"But for you, isn't that just a matter of one or two years?" 

Byakuya sighed, "You're clearer about when I can become a captain than I am."

Byakuya counted on his fingers, "There are still many problems between us. For example, you're thirty-two years old, and I'm only eighteen this year, just coming of age, practically still a child."


Smoker and Tashigi beside him were at a loss for words. If they could, they would want to kill Byakuya. 

It's so infuriating.

Having teased them enough, Byakuya didn't continue to provoke them and agreed to Smoker's request. 

This agreement didn't cost him anything, but if Byakuya felt unhappy in the Marines in the future, treated unfairly.

He could lead a rebellion with a bunch of Marines, and counterattack the Marineford; that scene would surely be magnificent!

[Ding! Congratulations, Host, for gaining the following of the original character 'Smoker,' reward: 1500 World Source Points]

Hearing the sudden system prompt in his mind, Byakuya felt like his eyes were on fire as he looked at Smoker. 

1500 points! Since activating the system until now, he has never received such a huge reward! 

Although it had only been a short month since Byakuya activated the system, for him now, it was an unimaginable fortune.

If Smoker were a beautiful woman, Byakuya would want to go up and give him a few kisses. 

Under Byakuya's gaze, Smoker felt a chill in the lower half of his body buried in the ground. 

Could he be planning something while I can't move? For self-preservation, Smoker awkwardly said, "Um... could you pull me out first? I can't move."

Byakuya looked at Smoker as if he were an idiot. 

"Aren't you the Smoke-Smoke Fruit user? Can't you just turn into smoke and come out yourself?" 

"Oh, right, I almost forgot. I thought I couldn't use my Devil Fruit ability." 

"..." Seeing Smoker turn into smoke and come out with a happy expression, Byakuya sighed and rubbed his forehead. 

He suddenly felt a headache coming on.

He suddenly felt that these 1500 World Source Points were the system's payment for babysitting Smoker, who seemed to have a bit of a problem with his brain. 

Thinking about it, Byakuya's gaze shifted to Tashigi beside him. 'Taking care' of Smoker, the system gives me 1500 World Source Points.

Although Tashigi's role in the original story was not extensive, just based on her resemblance to Zoro's childhood friend, she should be quite important. 

So 'taking care' of Tashigi, the system should also give me a lot of World Source Points, right? 

Even if it's less, Byakuya doesn't mind. Who wouldn't want to take care of a beautiful girl? 

Taking care of a sister is everyone's responsibility, and love doesn't care about how many World Source Points there are.

That's how enlightened Byakuya is! 


Under Byakuya's hot gaze, Tashigi felt stiff all over, and for a moment, she even imagined various embarrassing scenarios in her mind, her face turning red. 

The atmosphere became somewhat ambiguous. Smoker noticed the two's expressions and felt like a glaring lightbulb, very intrusive.

After a while, Smoker couldn't help but speak up, "Um... maybe I should leave first, you guys take your time?" 

Under Byakuya's gaze, Tashigi's face turned red to the roots of her ears, and her chin couldn't sink any lower. 

There was no choice; her 'strength' didn't allow her to sink any lower.

Tashigi remained shy and silent, while Byakuya pondered why the system didn't prompt Tashigi's follow-up. 

Logically, as Smoker's Adjutant, if Smoker follows him, shouldn't Tashigi be included? Do I need to do something else? 


Byakuya's gaze towards Tashigi became even more intense.

Seeing that neither of them paid attention to him, Smoker was afraid of disturbing the harmonious atmosphere between Byakuya and Tashigi. 

At a loss, Smoker suddenly remembered Byakuya's previous words. Yeah! I'm a Smoke-Smoke Fruit user; I can use my Devil Fruit ability!

Smoker silently activated Elementalization, completely transforming into smoke, and quietly left the training ground, drifting away with the breeze. 

When Byakuya came back to his senses and looked around, Smoker had long since disappeared without a trace. "Huh, where's Smoker?" 


Suddenly hearing Byakuya's voice, Tashigi blushed so hard it seemed like blood would drip out, letting out a scream and scrambling to run outside. 

In her panic, Tashigi accidentally knocked off her glasses. 

As someone with severe nearsightedness, Tashigi could only see a blur in front of her, but she was embarrassed to turn back to pick up her glasses, relying on memory to run towards the door.

"Hey, Tashigi, you dropped your glasses!" Byakuya picked up the glasses and shouted, "Hey! Why are you running?! Come back!" 

Hearing Byakuya's words, Tashigi ran even faster, as if a hungry wolf were chasing her from behind, ignoring everything and running forward. 

Byakuya kindly reminded, "There's a wall ahead!"

Unfortunately, the reminder came a bit too late. "Bang!" Tashigi's head hit the wall, and she immediately passed out. 

Looking at the three dents on the wall, Byakuya shook his head and sighed, "Tsk tsk, poor wall, unjustly harmed!" 

He didn't understand why the girl was running so fast.

<End Chapter>

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