
One Piece: One Punch Man

Byakuya transmigrates to the world of One Piece with the One Punch Man System, but it takes 3 years of Saitama Training before the Saitama Templates and system are activated. As a Marine, he upholds Justice in his heart and is also a Hero. But while he has a Heart of Justice, as a Hero, he is a Hero with Interest. People live with a dream, and his dream is World Peace, Byakuya will use his power to achieve his dream. Disclaimer: This is Translation Update 5 Days a week (Monday - Friday) Please support me by joining my patr**on. Have 10 advanced Chapters for you guys. patr**n.com/saitamablast >OP:OPM NOVEL TIER

Saitama_Blast · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
65 Chs

Chapter 28: M. Smoker

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[Ding! Congratulations to the host for having a significant impact on the ideological aspects of the original character 'Smoker', rewarding World Source Power: 500 points.]

The system's prompt tone, which hadn't been heard for a long time, sounded again. Can one influence thoughts too? Isn't that too abstract?

Or is it because Smoker is a relatively important character in the original work, so influencing thoughts alone can earn World Source Power? 

Byakuya thought so, and it wasn't without reason. If you follow the template of Garp and Roger.

Smoker and Luffy are perfect replicas. Smoker gave up his hometown to chase Luffy, going directly from the East Blue to the New World. 

He rose in rank from a Branch Captain to a Vice Admiral. 

Meanwhile, Luffy's bounty rose from 30 million to 3 billion, earning him the title of the Fourth Emperor of the New World.

If he could earn World Source Power by adopting such methods, Byakuya could consider improving his oratory skills. 

Then he could engage in debates, indoctrinating a group of people spiritually, wouldn't that be a big win?

The next morning, Byakuya woke up and opened the data panel.

[Host: Byakuya]

[Template: One Punch Man - Saitama]

[Fusion Degree: 10%]

[World Source Power: 515]

[Special Skill: Emperor's Engine]

[Fusion Degree 10% to 11%, requires expending World Source Power: 400 points]

Feeling a bit distressed by the increase in fusion degree, with only 115 points of World Source Power left, he suddenly became broke again. 

However, the effect was still very obvious; Byakuya could feel himself becoming a bit stronger. 

He had been thinking about exchanging characters from the shop or unlocking the second-level exchange shop.

Now it seemed like wishful thinking. It would be better to strengthen his abilities first. Byakuya pondered for a moment. 

The only way to quickly obtain a large amount of World Source Power now seemed to be to increase his military rank.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Outside, Smoker's voice sounded, "Byakuya, are you awake? If you are, let's have another fight." 

Perhaps Byakuya's words last night successfully spurred Smoker on, making him aware of his shortcomings.

Byakuya opened the door and saw the excited Smoker, feeling somewhat helpless. "I don't want to fight with someone like you, it's a waste of time and energy." 

Byakuya still doesn't know Haki, nor does he have a Seastone weapon. 

Fighting Smoker would only be a physical endurance test. He might as well catch up on some sleep with that time and effort.

Smoker naturally understood Byakuya's meaning and hastily assured, patting his chest, 

"I promise not to use my Devil Fruit power during the fight." 

Byakuya asked suspiciously, "Not using Devil Fruit power?" 

"Yeah, I promise." Byakuya scrutinized Smoker with a disdainful look, "Are you sure you don't have some masochistic tendencies?"

Smoker's face went red in rage, his head almost emitting steam from anger. He just wanted to train his abilities other than the Devil Fruit. 

Seeing Smoker getting increasingly frustrated, Byakuya quickly agreed. Since someone wanted to get beaten up, then let them be beaten; it wouldn't hurt him anyway.

At the training ground, the soldiers who were supposed to be training were all gathered together, chatting away. 

"I heard Captain Smoker is going to fight Byakuya again." 

"What's wrong with Captain Smoker? He can't win, why bother fighting? Is he Masoshist?"

"Yeah, last time he got beaten so badly by Byakuya. Because of that mark on his abdomen, Captain Smoker hasn't undone the buttons on his shirt for three days." 

"I've been following Captain Smoker for three years, and it was the first time I saw him button up his shirt. I almost died laughing." 

The soldier spoke, growing happier with each word, his face brimming with indescribable joy.

Suddenly, the others noticed Smoker standing behind the soldier who was speaking, his killing intent practically written on his face. 

They all immediately lowered their heads, afraid of being caught by Smoker's gaze, but the soldier who was talking remained unaware of the impending danger.

Seeing that no one laughed, he was somewhat surprised. 

"What's wrong? Don't you think it's funny? Anyway, I found it pretty amusing. I even had two extra bowls of dinner that night." 

Sinister words escaped from between Smoker's teeth, "Momon if it's that funny, you better eat more at dinner from now on. If you're not full, don't even think about sleeping!"

Momon wailed, "Ah! Captain Smoker! I'm sorry!" People tend to invite trouble. 

Momon did, and so did Smoker. One liked to speak carelessly, and the other liked to get beaten up. 

"Tashigi, lend me your sword for a moment." 

"Oh, sure."

Tashigi awkwardly took out the Shigure from her waist and carefully placed it in Byakuya's hand. 

Because Smoker's weapon was made of Seastone, its hardness far exceeded that of ordinary weapons. 

Shigure was one of the Grade Blades, with a hardness almost comparable to Seastone. That's why Byakuya borrowed the sword from Tashigi. 


The sound of a katana rubbing against its scabbard was pleasantly heard. 

The blade was cold, its edge too thin and light, giving it an overall delicate appearance suitable for a lady's use. 

Smoker held his jitte, his voice deep, "Byakuya, launch your attack at me!" 

Byakuya sighed, the first time he heard such a despicable request; it seemed satisfying him was unavoidable. "Be careful then."

Before Byakuya's words had even settled, he appeared in front of Smoker, gripping the Shigure tightly with one hand and bringing it down heavily. 

Smoker, without using his Devil Fruit power, couldn't dodge in time and could only reluctantly raise his jitte to block. 


A tremendous force from the jitte transmitted to Smoker's arm, the terrifying power making it impossible for him to defend, and his weapon were knocked out of his hand.

Smoker seemed embedded in the ground, only his upper body visible, looking extremely pitiful. 

Watching from the sidelines, Tashigi rubbed her eyes, then put on her glasses, only to find that the scene in front of her hadn't changed. 

Captain Smoker, without using his Devil Fruit power, couldn't even handle a single blow from Byakuya.

Wasn't it this bad last time? Smoker's head felt heavy, unable to believe it. 

"This guy's strength seems to have increased again! And his speed seems faster too!" 

"How is that possible? It's only been a few days! The image of getting beaten up last time is still vivid." 

"Can the difference between people be this great?"

Looking at Byakuya's youthful face, then at his own nearing thirty years, Smoker suddenly had the urge to bury himself in the ground even deeper and never come out again.

<End Chapter>

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