
One Piece Once Time Travel I Became Luffy

When Su Xun woke up, he found that he had become Luffy in the world of One Piece. At this time, Luffy was sleeping in a wooden barrel. When he was distressed, the system quietly appeared. According to the original plot, Luffy climbed to the peak of the great pirate era step by step. Empress: "Lu Fei, please take pity on my concubine!" Nami: "Baby Luffy, mua!" Battle on top Luffy: Reincarnation from the dirt! Robin: "Ala, Luffy Kawaii ฅฅ*!" ps: Momonosuke must die (repeatedly whipping the corpse), and I will shorten the horror three-masted sailboat, so as not to let Nami be seen, it may be a bit poisonous .

Zero_D_Darkness · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
99 Chs

Chapter 84

Under everyone's shocked gaze, Luffy stood up intact:

"Still don't understand? Anilu, I'm a rubber man. Rubber is an insulator. In other words, I am a natural enemy to you... Ray is useless to me..."

"Rubber? What is that thing? There was no such thing as rubber on the empty island, and Anilu couldn't help but wonder: "Isn't that kind of thing afraid of lightning?" Let me try, billion volts! Anilu

teleported in front of Luffy's eyes, put one hand on top of Luffy's head, and the electricity hissed, Luffy did not dodge, and carried the trick abruptly.

Immediately afterwards, Anilu's painting style changed again, his eyes widened, his mouth was open, and snot flowed out! (Family, who understands?) When he was coding, his mouth widened and his eyes widened!!

Before Anilu could come to his senses, a palm slapped on his body, "Anilu! Your opponent is me! "Weipa pressed Anilu with some sea lou stone's hand, and there was a platoon shell above." Go to hell! "

Na... Buddhist nun!! Anilu fainted to the ground. Luffy didn't say that Anilu could electrotherapy, because he didn't have to.

"Hmph! Your gods seem to have lost?! Hand over the gold! Solon wore a turban, although this opponent didn't need him to wear it. But it can only be done quickly.

"Is it? That's not necessarily..." Ohm looked at Anilu at the end and smiled.

"No, she's electrotherapy her heart!! Weipa quickly solved him!! The praying mantis was flabbergasted. The next second, Anilu appeared behind the praying mantis, ready to shock the mantis.

"Mantis! Stop it! Anilu !! Weipa shouted!

A jet of water rushed up from below.

"Sister Robin, I'm going up to help, you can explore it yourself first!" Xu just sensed that there was a battle above, said to Robin, and went up the water column. Directly saved the praying mantis.

"Is that you? Doesn't the so-called God look good?

"Again... Qinghai people... Is it? Anilu wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and stared at Xuan.

Luffy flashed to Xuan's side and took her away, whispering in her ear, "Leave it to that Weba, we'll watch."

"But I didn't fight much..." Xu looked at Luffy with some grievance.

"Then you go fight that big snake!" Luffy pointed to the Sky Lord, who seemed to hear it, silently swallowed his spit, looked at Luffy and nodded.

"mua!" Without speaking, he kissed Luffy on the face, and Luffy touched the place where he was kissed and smiled helplessly. After looking at Mu Shuang in Nami's arms for a while, he withdrew his gaze and took out the Book of Forbidden Arts to observe. He was going to learn these things and then make a Buddha Nu Tang Lian.


"Iron Whip!!" A sword cloud rushed straight at Solon, and Solon directly slashed away. "See? Hum!

"Go and die, Qinghai people!" A divine soldier launched an attack on Solon's Face Gate.

"It has nothing to do with you!!" One knife, a divine pawn!

"Go and die! Ohm! "The Sandians sneak up on Ohm, and the result is the same as the Divine Soldier.

"I said, I've played enough, Erdao Flow, Eagle Wave !!" Solon spun towards Ohm and rushed.

"Iron Embankment" !!" An iron wall formed in Ohm's chest.

'Nani?! Iron wall! Solon didn't have time to slow down and crashed headlong into the iron wall.

"This sword is made of Tie Yun... The shape of the cloud can be ever-changing!! Ohm explained, holding up the cloud sword in his hand.

Solon jumped back. Seeing this, the corners of Ohm's mouth rose: "As long as you leave a certain distance, you have no advantage

..." "That's not necessarily, thirty-six..." Solon raised his head obliquely, "Troubled wind!"

"Iron whip!" Ohm's Iron Cloud Sword bounced Sauron's Flying Slash away. "Your moves are very interesting, Qinghai, but isn't it the same? Even if you can heartnetize, it won't help.

"Soon, this upper relic will disappear again."

"You seem to be an important member of the Qinghai people, right?"

"Your companions are doing well... I'm already aiming..."

"Your heart!!"

"Pray to God! The swordsman of Qinghai!! The

Om Yun sword pointed at Solon's heart behind the wall.

"Fool!! All my life... I won't pray to God!! Solon's face turned gloomy: "It's time to solve you, or Luffy will rob my prey!"

"You're pathetic, whatever you want, but can you really beat me?" Ohm said disdainfully.

Solon put the shock in his mouth: "Take a good look, Yaga!"

"I thirty-six troubles... Two lives seventy-two troubles... III... One hundred and eight troubles! "

Three cuts... One hundred and eight troubled wind!! "

'The iron cloud was shaken away!' Ohm's forehead showed a little bruise, a little careless. However, Solon's sword qi did not give Ohm a chance to say anything. Directly cut on Ohm's chest.

Ohm lay straight on the ground. Priest Ohm vs Solon! Solon Sheng!


Robin looked at the ruins in front of him in shock, and stepped forward to stroke it: "I really didn't expect it... Ancient texts of historical texts... It will be so unpolished!! "

There should be no one else who can engrave these words except those who write the text of history..."!

!" Robin looked at the words on the ruins and deciphered them.

"Bury your true intention in your heart and keep silent!!"

"We are the ones who write history!"

"With the bells of the Great Bell Tower"..."

By the way, it is indeed recorded in Noland's diary! There's a huge golden bell..."

The books in the city were burned out, and

the history of the city was interrupted..."'The text of history was transported to the city... Can't go wrong!! '

'In order to deal with "hostility", this city once fought! Robin pulled Taki Feng forward quickly.

'Golden Country Mountain Dora! It was fought to preserve the text of history, and it was eventually destroyed

...'The Great Bell Tower in the Center of the Four Altars...'


...''If it is with the bell tower of the Golden Bell... Then there is no hope for the main text of history

...'"Such a bustling city... And the history it wants to protect... What happened in the past world..."

Robin stopped and looked at the track under his feet, "This is the track of the truck, there are traces of handling!" It's still new!! -

The Merry

"Tell the inhabitants of the empty island on my behalf that Anilu wants to destroy all this!" One of the Divine Soldiers was covered in blood.

A thunder suddenly appeared in the sky.

"Snow Ball!!" The snowball wrapped the divine soldier and saved him.