
One Piece: My New Home

A simple wish was granted overnight, transporting a young fellow named Ray from Earth into the world of One Piece. Through the lens of the Straw Hats, the One Piece world looked fun, however, Ray knew different. Strength ruled over all and unlike the novels he had read, Ray wasn't granted any special abilities as he crossed over. How could a regular man possibly cope and thrive in this world? Note: No system bullshit, MC does have prior knowledge of the One Piece world but he won't be going for the Rumble Rumble fruit like every other Fanfic.

Pzero · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs


[Paradise, Hyokaido]

On the outskirts of Hyokaido, a marine ship could be seen approaching. Hyokaido is an island with cold climate, filled with icebergs and glaciers. It is the territory of the Accino Family, a family of bounty hunters.

"Ah, look at where they got me fucking patrolling, my balls are freezing already" said a young man who stood at the bow of the ship, complaining as their ship approached the island.

He was donning a dark coloured slim suit and matching black dress shoes with black gloves. He stood at 220 cm, slim yet was quite a muscular man. He wore a white Marine Captain's coat which draped over his shoulders like a cape, "Justice" written on the back.

"Captain Ray!"

Ray turned around to see his subordinate wanting his attention, "What is it?"

"We've gotten reports from headquarters that Queen the Plague, an all-star from the Beast Pirates was possibly seen searching for something on Hyokaido" reported the marine as he saluted.

"What's that fat fuck doing are here?"

"I'm not entirely sure sir, but it was implied that he might've been in search for a devil fruit"

"What was Sengoku's orders if we were to be direct contact with him?"

"First it was to avoid direct a conflict as much as possible, but encase he becomes a threat then you are to engage and capture him alive"

"I see, thanks for the info"

"No problem, sir" replied the marine as he saluted and went back to do his duties on the ship.

'Interesting, Queen huh? If I remember his bounty was around 1,050,000,000 berries at this time, so he's weaker than he was at Wano during the anime' Ray thought, but avoiding a direct conflict would be difficult if he Queen decided to attack his men.

At this point in time, Ray wasn't afraid of facing the Yonko commanders, he spent these past 4 years training and honing his skills ruthlessly.

Often patrolling the New World with Garp or taking care of pirates in Paradise. He often took care of pirates with bounties ranging from 100,000,000-700,000,000 berries, they weren't much of a challenge now however. 

'The issue is if I'm forced to take care of Queen, then the Beast pirates might get involved and Sengoku will rip me a new one' sighing, Ray thought of the risks confronting Queen, his men were quite weak, clearly not enough to handle someone who was notorious in the New World.

He had grown accustomed to his subordinates and like them very much, they had spent these past 2 years patrolling in Paradise after all.

An short while later...

As the marines got off their ship, they could all be seen shivering as they lined up on the island and were beginning to complain about the freezing climate. "Come on boys, stop shivering like pussies and man up!" shouted Ray.

"But sir, you were also complaining before" responded a marine.

"Blasphemy, I did no such thing!" replied Ray, earning a chuckle out his subordinates, Ray had always tried his best to lighten the mood. A lot of them missed their families and possibly facing off against Queen was daunting to them.

"All right boys, this fat pig might be going around killing innocent men and women, our job is to prevent that, if you're not with me and you spot him, sent out a signal, am I clear?" said Ray, reminding them not to engage with Queen.

"YES SIR!" said all the marines at once while they saluted.

Ray had his men split up in groups while moving out by himself, with Ray's speed they would all slow him down and by the time they searched the island, Queen would have vanished. 

Using his Observation Haki which enveloped nearly half the island, he keenly looked out in search for Queen, seeing no results. Ray dashed off in a random direction, aiming to reach the parts where his Haki couldn't reach.