
One piece: I can Repel Everything

Ethan is pleased. It's the year 1519, which means he's finally going out to sea. After transmigrating to the one-piece world, he obtained the paramecia devil's fruit of repulsion. This devil fruit, which was considered a Trash fruit, was brought to its maximum potential by Ethan, thus developing various abilities: Shinra Tensei, Repel Damage, Repel Space, Repel tiredness, etc... He is destined to become the strongest in this world! No one can stop it. His story begins here...

_Ni_ck_ · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
79 Chs

Ethan Stomps On Smoker!

Seeing the white smoke coming out of Smoker's body, Cavendish couldn't help frowning with a depressed expression.

Until now, he still doesn't understand why his attacks can't bring harm to Smoker.

No matter how fierce and powerful the slash is, the result will be the same.

So, at this point, he's wide-eyed and focused, trying to see what Ethan will do if he can hurt the Smoker guy.

"If you can defeat the bastard Smoker, then it's not impossible for me to join your crew."

Many people are watching seriously.

Daddy-Masterson sat up straight, looked at the execution platform seriously, and said solemnly: "If nothing happens, Ethan will be defeated with one move."

"After all, when he met Logia, he had no choice but to lose."

Carol knew Smoker, and when she saw the white smoke on his body, she clapped with her little hands and said with a smile."Uncle Smoker is using his smoke again; it looks hilarious ~~."

"Father, is Uncle Smoker going to start catching pirates again?"

Daddy-Masterson touched his daughter's little head and said gently: "This time, it's a big pirate. You, Uncle Smoker, take it very seriously."

"The bounties offered by these people add up to hundreds of millions. Now, your Uncle Smoker, I'm afraid he will be promoted."

"Although he does not obey the headquarters' orders and acts alone, the headquarters will not obliterate this credit."

"Girl, let's find your uncle later and ask him to treat you to a lot of delicious food."

As soon as Carol heard about the food, a sweet smile appeared on her face. She clapped her hands, looking very happy, and her voice was tender and clear.

"Okay, okay, this is good, hehehe~~."

In the east, everyone is also watching seriously, paying close attention to this battle.

Desire's beautiful eyes were unblinking, his pretty face was dignified, and he said seriously: "Here we come, the battle has finally begun."

"Then let's see if Ethan has the power to be arrogant."

Bartolomeo changed his slutty expression and said solemnly: "Smoker is so powerful; there is no reason why he would lose to Ethan."

"I just hope the battle will be more fierce so that it will be interesting, hahaha..."

Under the execution platform.

Seeing that Smoker launched an attack, Burgess couldn't help but raise his arms high and said with a big smile, "How dare you attack the captain, Wiiihahaha~"

Doc Q lay on top of Stronger with a weird smile and said: "The captain is notoriously ruthless; no one can disobey him."

"This Marine, even if he doesn't get killed, he still has to vomit some blood, hehe."

Gin sneered and said with disdain: "It seems he is tired of his job since he dares to attack the captain. That guy is heading for a humiliating defeat."

Law held Kikoku and said coldly, "That's good. I haven't seen the captain make a move for a long time; this is a rare opportunity."

Hawkins was playing cards and said in a low voice: "From the looks of it, this smoker has had a bloody disaster today."

"Since you attack the captain, it's impossible to be kind."

Van Augur tapped his shoulder with his gun and said deadpan, "This is his fate!"

Kuro pushed his glasses, looked up at the execution platform, and said something sensibly.

"Speaking of which, since I joined the team, I haven't seen the captain make a move yet."

"This is a very rare occasion, quite difficult."

Lafitte straightened his top hat and said gently: "At the level of a captain, it is indeed very difficult to see him make a move."

"That guy doesn't know the difference in strength between him and the captain, it seems like he's just looking to be humiliated!"

All the girls looked at Smoker floating in the air with curious expressions. This is the second Logia ability user they have seen before.

Carina blinked her beautiful eyes and said with surprise: "This is the so-called Moku Moku no mi. It produces white smoke, and it's really interesting."

Nami nodded with a pure and sweet smile, "It looks white and translucent, the same as the smoke in the natural world; it's just billowing in thick smoke."


"It's amazing!"

Kaya's beautiful eyes were shining, and her gaze followed Smoker's figure all the time, and a look of admiration appeared on her beautiful and refined face.

"This Devil Fruit looks very strong, but it feels very mysterious."

Carmen shrugged her fragrant shoulders, sneered, and said directly: "What's so amazing."

"With Ethan's personality, letting him go easily is impossible."

"There will be only one result for him later; he must be lying on the ground, unable to stand up."

Honey Queen nodded lightly, stroked her light blonde hair, and said dryly, "I see it that way too."

"Since Ethan made the move, it must be a thunderbolt."

At this time, Smoker was flying higher and higher, with white smoke billowing behind him, moving forward like a spiral, getting closer and closer to Ethan.

His body turned into white smoke, and only his head was exposed; with a cigar in his mouth, he looked at Ethan's figure coldly and said with a disdainful smile.

"Ethan kid, your indifferent appearance makes me very dissatisfied. I hope you can still be like this later..." Before he could finish speaking, there was a bang from above the execution platform, and Ethan disappeared without a trace.



Incomparably shocked.

Smoker's pupils shrank; his face was horrified; he didn't see how Ethan disappeared.

Before he could react, a cold voice came from above.

"Where are you looking, Smoker!"


Smoker was shocked again and was about to look up, but unexpectedly, there was a terrifying force from his back, and an extremely intense pain hit him.



Smoker uttered a shrill scream, which spread throughout the square, making people feel creepy after hearing it.

He was trampled on the back by Ethan, and he was like a meteorite, cutting through the void and smashing to the ground quickly.


The square shook, the ground cracked, and the smoke and dust rose high, covering Smoker, making it impossible to see the situation inside.


The entire square suddenly fell into silence without a single sound.

Everyone stared blankly at where the smoke and dust rose, their eyes unblinking, wondering what was happening inside.

Daddy-Masterson sat up straight in an instant and looked towards the center of the square; his face was shocked.

His eyesight is so sharp that he could see clearly when Ethan stepped on Smoker's back just now.

Smoker got kicked!!

This shocked him severely.

"Armament Haki..."

Daddy-Masterson looked surprised and muttered: "Ethan is a young man who can use Haki."

"He is a rookie who hasn't entered the Grand Line yet; how could he do this?"

"It's simply unheard of; it's never happened before."

Carol shook her little feet, looked at him curiously, and asked with a smile: "Father, what's wrong with you? You seem shocked.

"Did you find something interesting? Tell me quickly~~"

Daddy-Masterson returned to his senses, touched his daughter's little head, smiled wryly, and said something.

"Fortunately, we didn't move around; otherwise, we might cause trouble."

"Sure enough, to be rewarded with a reward of 100 million Baileys, the strength is indeed very powerful, and it cannot be underestimated."


Desire's beautiful eyes were unblinking, her face was shocked, and she murmured: "Smoker lost??"

"He was stepped on the ground. Is this still Colonel Smoker?"

"Terrible, Ethan's strength, it's too scary."

Bartolomeo nodded again and again, with the same horror on his face; he said quickly: "Strong, it's too powerful."

"I didn't even see how he disappeared just now. He suddenly appeared on Smoker and then stepped down hard..."

"He it's too strong, so violent, so bloody, I like it, hahahaha~~"

On the Marine's side, everyone was stunned, unable to react.

Cavendish stared at the place where the smoke and dust rose with an ecstatic look on his face, and he made a sound.

"Okay, great, give me a hard hit and kill this bastard Marine."

"Damn it, it's all because of him. Otherwise, how could I not even be able to speak?"

At this time, Cavendish had a flash of inspiration in his mind; his face was full of doubts, and he couldn't figure it out.

"Why can he attack Smoker?"

"No matter how powerful this young master is with his sword, no matter how powerful the sword move is, it can't hurt him at all."

"This Ethan, how the hell did he do it?"

These Marines were startled one by one and couldn't help but exclaim, "Captain Smoker.."

They've been with Smoker for so long, and they've never seen him or been hurt by anyone.

This is the first time!!

It shocked them.

Shigure, the famous sword in Tashigi's hand, fell to the ground with a horrified expression on her pretty face as if she had seen a ghost.

"The Captain Smoker was stepped on?"

Tashigi looked at the rising smoke with beautiful eyes and said in disbelief: "Captain Smoker is a Logia's ability user, and he will be hit, this..."


"Ethan, the bastard, who the hell is he? How can he be so powerful? Is this a newcomer?"

Below is the execution platform.

Burgess looked at the cracked ground ahead and laughed loudly, "The captain is decisive; don't say anything, step on it first, Wiiiihahahaha..."

Doc Q coughed and said: "The last time the Captain fought with Doflamingo, didn't he say that the villain died because of talking too much."

"The captain's words are simply the essence of the battle."

Law held kikoku and said coldly: "When fighting, mothers-in-law and mothers are indecisive, which is not what the strong should have.

"Quick, precise, and ruthless. It's a killer move as soon as you come up. This is the most correct way."

Hawkins nodded, still looking dead, and agreed, "We all need to learn from the captain."

Gin held his two tonfas strongly, his dark face showing a look of admiration, and he said something respectfully.

"The captain has always been a role model for me to learn from. I will closely follow the captain's footsteps and become stronger and stronger."

Kuro pushed his glasses and said rationally: "The captain's point is worth advocating. The battle is clean and neat and will never be messy."

Lafitte stood his cane before him, smiled slightly, and was very polite, "Whether it is strength or character, the captain is worth learning from."

"So we should be lucky to have such a strong and perfect captain."

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and there was a whirring sound, blowing all the smoke and dust in the air aside, revealing the situation inside.

The ground was cracked, and densely packed small cracks appeared, spreading outward like spider webs.

At the center, Smoker is lying with his back to the sky, his body covered with dust, and his image desolate.

Ethan's feet stepped on his head, pressing his head firmly to the ground, unable to move.


Seeing this scene, the people in the square were all shocked.

Before everyone could react, Ethan's eyes turned cold, and his tone became serious.

"Give shameless things!!"

"A mere captain dares to attack me."


"If you want to start a fight with me, send a warship over first."

As soon as the voice fell, without the slightest hesitation, he kicked Smoker fiercely, with a bang, and at the same time, there was a shrill scream.

Smoker flew upside down, spurting several mouthfuls of blood; unable to stabilize his body at all, he hit the ground straight and rolled backward continuously.


When Smoker stopped rolling, he spat out another mouthful of blood and lay there, motionless, as if dead.

At this time, his face was pale, as if he was dying of a serious illness.


This scene shocked everyone again.

Seeing Smoker lying on the ground like a dead dog, everyone's faces were horrified.

Their brains were stuck, they couldn't turn the corner, and they were stunned.


Tashigi was naturally dumbfounded but was the first to react and yelled in horror.

After that, without saying a word, he hurriedly ran towards Smoker and said with great concern: "Captain Smoker, are you okay?

"Captain Smoker, get up quickly; nothing will happen to you~~."

The other Marines, ignoring Cavendish, rushed over one by one, worrying and shouting: "Captain Smoker..."

Cavendish looked at Smoker, who looked like a dead dog; his face was full of surprise, and he was shocked by Ethan.

 "Strong, it's too strong."

"Many times more domineering than this young master, it seems this team can join."

On the outskirts of the square, Daddy-Masterson saw this scene, his eyes almost spit out, and he said something in shock.

"Smoker lost!"

"He didn't have any parry power at all, and he was directly beaten to vomit blood. This..."


Looking at Ethan, full of fear, he murmured: "This strength, I'm afraid it's at the level of Vice Admiral; it's too strong.

"It's amazing; there are such powerful young people in the sea; the Marines must have a headache now."

Carol didn't hear her father's words, closed her eyes slightly, and was about to fall asleep.

On the east side of the square, the faces of these people were full of horror, and their eyes almost fell to the ground.


The little ones spoke in unison, very afraid, and expressed emotion.

Bartolomeo couldn't sit still anymore; he stood up directly, his eyes widened to the maximum, and he said in horror: "Smoker was beaten until he vomited blood; he is not his opponent at all."

"Strong, Ethan is just too strong."

"Needless to say, Laozi will follow him and rush to the Grand Line, hahaha..."

Desire shook his head and said in disbelief: "A big man as powerful as he defeated Smoker with one move."

"And it's still effortless, which shows how strong Ethan is."

"That's right, such a character is worthy of our following, so we choose him."

Desire looked at Bartolomeo with a serious expression on his beautiful and delicate face and said seriously: "Bartolomeo, let's go find Mrs. Grandma.

"Tell grandma about the situation here, and ask her if we can join the Black Sun Pirates and go to sea with them."

"I believe that Grandma will give you good advice."

Bartolomeo touched his nose ring, nodded, and said with a big smile, "Okay, then, let's go there now."

"Brothers, let's go, let's go to Grandma first."

After speaking, he turned around and walked forward, not daring to waste time here.

Desire took a last look at Ethan, frowned his beautiful eyebrows, and said to himself: "He is so powerful; Grandma will agree to our joining."

Without hesitation, she followed Bartolomeo and left quickly...

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Titles of the next chapters. (Spoilers)









082-083: Roger Navigator appears!!

084-085: The Girls Start to Practice.

086-087: Marine Headquarters Reaction!