
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
198 Chs

Chapter 95: Unexpected Returns

"Roar!!!" After the 'Fused Colony' regained its shape, it roared angrily towards Crocodile in the air. After being hit hard and feeling severe pain, it finally noticed the small ball of yellow sand.


"What an interesting thing. It's obviously just a pile of meat pieces gathered together, but its surface strength is comparable to that of a rock mass, and it even has obvious eyes and mouths."


"But it's still too weak. The giants' bodies are not that fragile."


Crocodile's fur coat fluttered in the strong wind, but his eyes were full of curiosity.


"Looking at its reaction, it even feels pain and emotions, and 80% of it has something to do with that thing called the core."


At the same time, the 'Merged Colony' stood up, then waved its huge arm covered in corpses and Kabane and slammed hard towards Crocodile's location.




His strength was undoubted, just a simple blow caused an explosion of air, explaining how he could easily tear down the thick walls.


But although his power was great, he lacked Haki or any other supernatural energy. For someone with elemental abilities like Crocodile's, his attacks were meaningless.


Crocodile was too lazy to dodge its attack, and allowed it to blow up his body, and then reassembled the wind and sand in another place in the air to reveal his human form.


Seeing this scene, the people on the city wall became even more convinced that he was a real god.


The God of Sand!


"It seems that the way to deal with this thing is either to polish off all the undead on it, or to target its core."


Thinking of this, he directly used his Kenbunshoku Haki, and gave the Fused Colony a thorough check, feeling it from top to bottom.


As expected, deep within the latter's head, he sensed the source of the strongest aura. However, this also made Crocodile discover something interesting.


"Strong mental fluctuations, full of negative emotions of fear, rage and greed."


At the moment when Crocodile's mental fluctuations came into contact with the mental fluctuations in the core of the Fused Colony, an image of an unknown man even appeared in his mind, who seemed to be some kind of memory of his family.


"It seems that this is his essence, does it originate from the special power of the heart like Haki?"


In the next moment...


Just as the 'Fused Colony' struck him tirelessly, Crocodile opened the palm of his right hand, from where a whirlwind of sand emerged that rotated at high speed.


"Then let me see what your core is like."




When this whirlwind was released, it instantly expanded into a veritable massive whirlwind of sand. He first shattered the huge black palm that was charging towards Crocodile into fragments, and then slammed into his body.


'Fused Colony' and 'Sables' collide head-on!


But the winner was decided in a second. The former's body was brutally torn apart by the raging wind and the blade-like gravel.


It is difficult to describe the tragic situation of the 'Fused Colony' with such terrible words as 'fragmented'.


Cruelly stripped, its surface was torn, revealing a heart and eyes of Kabane that glowed with a subtle blue glow.


When the sand figure embodied by Crocodile appeared in front of her, the Fused Colony showed an expression of terror and fury.


Typical death struggle, a trapped beast still fighting.




"Blue light, you really do everything to show your specialness, but your unique heart should be of great value, right?"


Since he had decided to join the World Government's army, Crocodile thought it would be appropriate to bring a gift.


He couldn't return empty-handed after being gone for so long, otherwise Bullet would probably make fun of him.


Thinking of this, Crocodile grabbed the blue light Kabane's neck with his right hand and forcefully dragged him out of the Fused Colony. During this process, the Kabane madly tried to claw, scratch and bite him.


Unfortunately, everything was in vain, everything it encountered was gravel, and the former's strong grip made it impossible to break free.


When the 'core' was pulled out, the 'Fused Colony' ceased to exist, and countless Kabane and wreckage bodies fell to the ground. This scene made Crocodile frown.


His Devil Fruit ability hadn't awakened yet, so he can't turn the land into a desert, otherwise he can sink all these things into quicksand.


However, he couldn't just ignore it.


The mining city behind him is also his own gift in the eyes of Crocodile, and he cannot let these things destroy it.


With these thoughts, he injected more power into the ongoing sand whirlwind, making it even more powerful and gigantic, managing to lift all of the Kabane into the air before pushing them in the opposite direction of Yashiro Station.


As for where this whirlwind of sand that was loaded with so many Kabane would go, it was no longer his business.


"My God!"


"A miracle."


The whirlwind of sand, which expanded more and more, carrying the Kabane with it spinning through the sky, had surpassed the height of the walls.


Meanwhile, Crocodile, holding the Kabane of blue light in one hand, transformed into wind and returned to the top of the wall. The soldiers and samurai prostrate on the ground became excited and revered him even more, bowing their heads deeper.


Only their mouths trembled uncontrollably, constantly repeating the word "God".


"God?" Crocodile repeated.


As Crocodile observed the behavior of the inhabitants of this world, he said to himself: 'It seems that in this world there are no special abilities like the Devil Fruit.'


But he didn't care to clarify that he was not a god; in fact, he thought it would be more convenient for normal communication. Of course, he wouldn't admit to being a god either.


Since he would be joining the army under the World Government, it was better to pay attention to this kind of thing.


"Remember, my name is Crocodile. Remember to open the door next time I come!"


After that, Crocodile went to the governor's residence and asked for two maps. One was a large map of the country, and the other was a route map recording important stations.


Originally, he wanted a big map of this world, but who would have thought that there isn't one here? However, according to the Governor the capital where the Shogun was located had one.


Seeing that he was so obedient, Crocodile also asked some other questions.


"How did those undead you call Kabane come from?"


"Well, it is said that they came from the European continent, but we still don't know how they were created."


"What kind of minerals do they have here?"


"Mainly iron ore."


As he asked, Crocodile felt that continuing to ask would be endless. Under the nervous gazes of the samurai, he grabbed the back of the governor's uniform with his right hand.


"Ah! God! Please forgive me, forgive me!" The latter suddenly screamed.


He thought it was his rudeness last night that made Crocodile want to take revenge on him.


"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you, but I need you to come with me." After saying this, regardless of whether he agreed or not, Crocodile released a furious wind.


At the same time...


On the plain outside the destroyed City that was discovered by Laskey and Marta last night, there was an army.


Under Bullet's orders, riding heavy motorcycles and wielding automatic rifles, they moved quickly among the Kabane, while shooting at their legs.


For a time, the loud gunshots and constant roar of motorcycles completely covered the vast plain.


These people were the Army Heavy Motorcycle Brigade, led by Douglas Bullet.


Although they had traveled all night, Bullet did not order them to rest. Instead, he asked his soldiers to do a brief check and verification of their weapons before dividing them into groups of ten, then he ordered them to perform elimination tasks in turns.


However, the noise completely attracted the attention of the Kabane within the city. A dense flow of undead poured out from the suspension bridge, truly looking like a moving black river.


Seeing this, Bullet gave another order.


Quickly, a group of soldiers turned the motorcycles in opposite directions attracting the Kabane, while another group fired from the sides and occasionally threw grenades to bombard the Kabane.


The mobility of motorcycles and the range of automatic rifles were used to the maximum under Bullet's orders.




Suddenly, just when everything seemed to be in order, a Kabane who was half a meter taller than his companions roared. He threw one of his companions like a sandbag, hitting an army soldier on a motorcycle and sending him flying, creating chaos.


Noticing this, the soldiers around them aimed and fired intensely. However, this Kabane did an amazing act. He grabbed two of his companions and waved them like guns, blocking most of the bullets.


Additionally, he had two Kabane attached to his chest and back, acting as human shields. From time to time, he would throw the Kabane in his hands towards the fast-moving motorcycles and then catch another Kabane.


The most surprising thing was that, with his roars, the surrounding Kabane slowly gathered towards him, as if they were hypnotized.


"Um?" At this moment, Douglas Bullet, sitting on a specially made oversized motorcycle, noticed this special Kabane. "Interesting, let's see how formidable you are."




The next moment, his huge figure instantly turned into a black shadow. Then, she blinked and appeared above the special Kabane's head.




The army soldiers around could barely see Bullet's movements.


The next moment, the special Kabane was subdued by an invisible force. Its head made a crunching sound as it hit the ground, forming a large crater and unleashing shockwaves in all directions with cracks spreading.


When the smoke dispersed, there was no trace left at the bottom of the hole, only a mass of sticky flesh and blood.


"Huh~ That's it?"


Bullett looked contemptuously into the crater, then turned around to slowly head towards his heavy motorcycle, occasionally hitting the approaching Kabane, shattering them and throwing them into the air.


"Move quickly!"


"In two hours, I want to be relaxing in the city!"




Inside the Dimensional Gate Base.


Senior Director Addison had just hung up the call on the phone at the desk, but the look of surprise on his face did not dissipate for a long time.


"It's not surprising that Crocodile agreed to join the army, although it was much earlier than expected."


"But he actually found an intact human city, a city with a large iron mine and complete facilities, he also captured a Kabane, the core of the 'Fused Colony', as well as the governor of that city."


Any of these three things had extremely high value to the World Government in the current situation.


Thinking of this, Addison quickly turned the dial on the phone bug to contact the home base on the other side of the Dimensional Gate.


He first told Crocodile's story, and then made an application, saying: "We need an expert who is proficient in interrogation and torture."


"Okay, we'll take care of it."


Immediately afterwards, he called Professor Fritz from the Institute of Biochemistry and told him that a special blue-light Kabane would be sent soon, and at the same time he gave the information about the 'Fused Colony' introduced by Crocodile.


"So what are you waiting for?! Send it right away!"


As expected, Professor Fritz was very excited after hearing this, but this also made Addison helplessly repeat what he just said.


"This needs to wait until Crocodile comes back. Just be prepared." After saying that, he hung up directly and stopped talking to the other party.


He then had to organize a team to send gasoline and personnel responsible for exploration and intelligence to Bullet's location.


"Hey, I really envy that guy Coulson. He takes people on trips every day, delivers documents and so on. How free he is." At this time, Addison no longer had the excitement of coming to this new world and was only left with a tired spirit.


What he didn't expect was that Crocodile would not only agree to join the army earlier than expected but would also return earlier than expected!




I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar

