
One Piece: I am Imu

Transmigrate to the world of One Piece, reincarnate as Saint Imu; Control the world government and sit on the throne of the void. He obtains the star map of the omniverse and contemplates the sea of dimensions. Gather all individual combat power, military power, financial resources and all material resources to open the star gate, conquer all dimensions, and break the limit of individual power! Unite or be destroyed, how to choose? --- This is a translation of a Chinese Novel, with minor changes in some parts of the original story. I don't own the picture in the novel cover.

TitoVillar · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
197 Chs

Chapter 93: Encounter at Yashiro Station - Crocodile's Arrival

When Laskey and Marta landed on the train, there was no obvious noise. The whole process seemed so silent amidst the noise.


Marta clung to the iron sheet of the outer carriage, alert to the movement inside that was glowing with orange light, and asked in a low voice: "What should we do next?"


Laskey deadpanned: "Let's try to capture one of them, put on their clothes, and blend in. If they speak the same language, I'll probably understand what they're saying. Let's first find out who these soldiers are."


As he spoke, he took off the glasses from the bridge of his nose, folded them and put them in his coat pocket, revealing his sharp and indifferent eyes. "From their performance in the previous battle, although they are soldiers, they are weak."


"They don't even compare to the Marines of the Branches of the Four Seas, they are ordinary people who have received some military training and there are only a few who are agile."


Marta nodded and suddenly asked a strange question: "Yes, but there is a problem. How are you going to solve it?"


"What a problem?"


"I noticed that the height of this group of people is generally less than 1.8 meters, with an average height of 1.7 meters, and I am 1.85 meters, and you..."


This sensual and attractive blonde woman dressed in black examined Laskey up and down with her beautiful eyes. "I remember you are 2 meters tall, right?"


"..." Laskey's cold expression froze instantly.


He didn't expect that one day he would be in trouble because he was too tall, but the problem was that he was not considered tall in his native world!




The Dimensional Gate Base that received Marta's report became even more lively at this time.


The officials in charge of administration quickly passed the news of the discovery of large cities and armed forces.


After receiving this information Imu's response was to completely delegate the exploration and development of the New World to the Five Elders. After receiving this order, they decided to send a large army force.




Room of Authority


"Should we take Bullet too?" Warcury looked at V. Nusjuro and asked him and the latter, with half-closed eyes, observed the sword in his embrace and replied: "He will know sooner or later. Let him go."


"Yes, Crocodile has already gone. Barrett has no reason not to go. Maybe, once he finds out about this, he will behave more obediently." Mars said with a smile.


"But if you want to use Bullet, you have to ask Imu-sama for an order. That bastard won't listen to our words."


Ju Peter said dissatisfiedly: "This is the same for Crocodile. He has been gone for so long and hasn't sent back any news. I don't believe that he didn't find anything."


"Let him go, this is what Imu-sama wants." V. Nusjuro said calmly. "As long as I return at the end, the army will have additional reinforcement. Then, we will have to train Crocodile, he is still quite weak."


"At least we have to make up for his deficiencies in physical and Haki skills. When the time comes, let him go to your Cipher Pol headquarters for training. You are experts in that area."


Actually, the best option would be to send Crocodile to Zephyr for a year of training, but that would make him a member of the Navy, and Zephyr may not be willing to accept him.




The Five Elders made a decision and orders began to be rapidly transmitted from top to bottom, and soon the army headquarters was notified.


Upon receiving the order, two thousand fully armed army soldiers quickly assembled, forming a complete regiment.


There weren't many. But who made the Dimensional Gate that size? If there are too many people, it would take too long to queue to get through.


Ten minutes later, everyone was wearing hard leather gloves, metal arm and leg armor, black military uniforms, automatic rifles on their backs, and a string of grenades and long knives hanging on their waists. Then they rode on military motorcycles and were led by Bullet. With a deafening roar, they emerged through the imposing steel doors of the Army headquarters.


At this time, Bullet had put on a full dark blue suit, black leather boots, and the cloak of justice with white letters on a black background on his shoulders.


Lieutenant General Douglas Bullet.



Dimensional Base No. 001 in Zone RL1556.


After entering the Base in the New World Bullet began to understand the basic information about the world. He then approached the cell where an active Kabane was being held captive.


"You say this thing can easily break an iron plate?"


"Yes." The government official who had previously led the way and explained the tasks to Laskey and other CP9 members nodded. His name was Addison, and he was a senior director of the Administration Department, who was Coulson's colleague.


Bullet greatly enjoyed his role as a military leader. Born in war, raised in war, even betrayed by war, he remained passionate about it, considering betrayals to be just a part of war. And now, he was fighting otherworldly adversaries! That turned her blood on even more!


For Bullet, this mission was not so much a war as it was extensive combat training for his soldiers.


He was sure that these two thousand soldiers, after facing these terrifying undead, would quickly become resolute veterans. And then, it would be time to bring in a new group.


"By the way, I heard that Crocodile guy is here too?"


Bullet was obviously unhappy about this. He obviously joined the army first and was still a high-ranking lieutenant general, but he entered here behind a bastard who was still a criminal.


"What are the Five Elders thinking? If they want to recruit Crocodile, they could have brought him directly to me. I have ways to make him behave and join me like a good subordinate."


Addison on the side suddenly twitched his mouth when he heard Bullet being so disrespectful to the Five Elders. He looked around with an awkward expression, pretending that he didn't hear anything.


"Reporting to the Lieutenant General! The troops have finished assembling! Please give us your instructions!" An army Colonel shouted, approaching quickly.


Actually, the Army did not have cloaks of justice in the past, but since Bullet joined, all the benefits are the same as those in the Navy.


"Let them heat up their motorcycles and set off soon."




After the army colonel left, Addison raised his head in confusion and asked: "Lieutenant General Bullet, are you going to the fallen city immediately?"


"But it's night now, and your order is to leave tomorrow morning."


"Humph, everyone is here, why are you waiting for tomorrow? If my soldiers can't even march at night, they might as well be trampled to death by me, so as not to embarrass me!"


Bullet snorted heavily, turned and left the cell area, while leaving the last words behind.


"I am the lieutenant general of the army. Now that I am here, all military operations here must be under my control!"


"..." Addison watched helplessly as Bullet disappeared from her field of vision, feeling like he was a little too domineering and overbearing.


Couldn't they discuss things?


Army officers used to be much more respectful and restrained in front of senior officials. But now, Addison didn't dare say much.


"Ah, it seems that the army is really taking off. But even though they are riding a motorcycle, they won't arrive when it's dawn? Why the rush?"


Twenty minutes later...


"Open the door!" With a loud shout, the towering steel door was quickly opened, afraid of being smashed by a man riding a special motorcycle.


In an instant, the vast center of the peninsula, where the base was located, was completely awakened by the hustle and bustle of motorcycles. Many who were resting in the dormitories and barracks looked in the direction of the door, cursing furiously.


But Barrett didn't care about this. At full speed, he launched himself into the darkness. Behind him, large groups of heavily armored soldiers on motorcycles stood at a distance from each other, and long lines continued to leave the base.


At the moment...


The World Government army took the first step to conquer this world.



"Hey, look, what is that!"


High on the walls, next to one of the cannons, a soldier on guard heard the loud alert from his nearby companions and quickly turned to take a look.


Sure enough, he saw a figure walking slowly along the tracks.


This thing is so strange. How could someone come from the wild on foot? There are so many Kabane outside!


"What do we do, open the door?" Another soldier asked hesitantly.


This city gate is both a city gate and a suspension bridge.


"Perhaps we should ask Nishishi-sama. My words have no weight here."




Soon, the samurai Nishishi Taku, in charge of the defense that night, received the news. After hearing it, he looked skeptically at the soldier who gave it to him.


"Are you sure it's not some Kabane that strayed here?"


"Uh, Nishishi-sama, he didn't emit red light and his walk seemed stable."


"This..." Nishishi Taku also hesitated. Finally, he decided to go up to take a look, but just then, there was a commotion outside. He frowned, his right hand resting cautiously on the hilt of his sword as he quickly approached and shouted: "What's going on?!"




"That... that person, the man who was walking from the field, he... he has arrived." Said the soldier who ran there trembling.


"Um?" Nishishi Taku was also stunned for a moment, and then said angrily: "How dare they open the door to him without permission?!"


"W-We didn't."


Meanwhile, on top of the wall, about twenty armed soldiers looked at this giant man in horror. They even forgot that they were holding weapons.


They called him a giant because he was easily over seven feet tall, maybe eight feet tall!


For those who had an average height of just five feet seven or even less, it was disconcerting. They had never seen someone so tall in their lives.


But what shocked them the most, even a little horrified, was that this man had just jumped up from outside the protective pit under the city!


"Hey, what is this place?" Suddenly, the giant spoke first, and the soldiers surrounding him looked at each other. Although the accent and grammar sounded strange, they did understand.


"Uh, sir, this is Yashiro Station." A bolder soldier answered with courage.


"Oh~~~" Crocodile looked over in surprise. He really didn't expect these people to understand what he said. He just tried to ask a question.


"Okay, where's the place where they sell food around here?"


"Well, it should be the shopping street in the north. It is now a night market, and there are many vendors selling food there."


After getting the answer he wanted, Crocodile threw down a small gold coin, which he collected from the undead on the way here. As a pirate, he was especially sensitive to world currencies. On the contrary, people in CP9 will not go out of their way to search the body of every undead.


"Oh, thank you, thank you, sir." The soldier who answered the question looked surprised when he saw that there was still a bounty, which made the other soldiers feel envious and regretful.


At the same time, Crocodile looked to the north of the city and saw a brightly lit area. Then he casually walked down the stairs and down the city wall under the astonished eyes of a soldier along the way.


"Who are you!"


However, when Crocodile was about to go to the supposed night market, a samurai with his sword and a dozen armed soldiers stopped him.


"Th-this-this..." When Nishishi Taku noticed Crocodile's height and build, he instinctively stopped, but he had already caught the giant's attention.


Crocodile glanced at him condescendingly, but this glance instantly made the latter retreat in horror, as if he had seen some terrible scene, and even staggered and knocked down several soldiers behind him.




I will post some extra Chapters in Patreon, you can check it out. >> patreon.com/TitoVillar

