
One Piece: I'm Whitebeard

I reborn as a Whitebeard, with the cheat of emotional points system, climbed out of the grave and now I climb back to the top of the world! This world is destined to be shaken by him! The four emperors of the new world, countless great pirates, admirals, five old stars, and will all tremble when he will punch ! A bloody revenge.... No one can match his close combat, I am Whitebeard, igniting the blood and blasting through the world! Blackbeard: Dad...you are obviously dead and you don't even have the Shock Fruit anymore, why are you still so strong? ! Akainu: Damn it, without the support of the Devil Fruit, how did Whitebeard has become stronger... No much stronger than before .. He is invincible! Newgate : you.. Are the THE ONE WHO KILLED ACE ..CHAOS . ... .. . .. TRANSLATION WORK : By ME AUTHOR NAME : Shen Xiaoyu / https://wap.faloo.com/476048.html Just doing it for fun as I don't even know if it is good or not, if I find it boring I will drop it { YOU ARE READING IT - FREE TOXIC PEOPLE STAY AWAY OR.....}

Arshpreet_Dhaliwal · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 35

The piercing whistling sound is too sharp that it makes people's scalp numb

Kizaru held his Sword that is emitting a dazzling light, leaving an afterimage of light as he moved, and stabbed Whitebeard at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye!

The speed of kizaru is like cheat, just like flash his fruit provide his super speed so majority of people can't match his speed at all.


except for the Thunder Fruit which is comparable to it and eaten by enel the king of sky..he is one of only few people who can match kizaru's speed.

Facing the Kizaru who attacked at an extremely terrifying speed, Edward Newgate didn't even frown. His powerful strength matched his self-confidence to be fearless dragon in front of a lionl

Then with just one hand Edward Newgate strengthen the naginata with armament haki and just existence of that force made space tremble .

The huge naginata, as black as the abyss, quickly and arrogantly flew through the air, made his way toward his target !

In an instant, strong winds blew, sands and rocks fleed in the air , the force made the land of flames and ice tremble and countless ruins flipped upside down, adding a terrifying atmosphere to the area!

It seems like a long story , but it actually happened in a very short period of time!

The explosive sound of the naginata's rotation had not yet spread completely, but it clashed with Kizaru's sword with a strength which are similar to higher level beings !!


The air keeps creating circles of ripples!

The clash between two made a sound as if mountains collapsed. 

The sword of light powered by full power of kizaru made a nuclear explosion as soon as it clashed with whitebeard, 's sword . The shockwaves from their energy sent to all directions in a instant !

Such a terrifying confrontation makes people unable to open their eyes!

Kizaru , who was fighting, felt fear in his heart at this moment!

The power of whitebeard is soo strong that kizaru had to use everything to save himself! After a lot of efforts kazaru sigh in relief but then a huge hand of old man covered the sun and his hand is coming toward kizaru's head, his hand was covered in armament haki .if it was a ordinary people his head would had exploded in a instant but even if the person a admiral of navy, he just wants to run, his heart was beating at the speed of train, his body tense up, his blood is flowing faster as if burning .


The sound of the air being pierced just sounded, and a huge slap containing terrifying destructive power is coming near kizaru! 

At the critical moment, Kizaru decided to abandon his Sword and narrowly avoided this terrifying slap!!

Kizaru suddenly appeared on the ruins of the Flame Land many meters away from whitebeard !!

Kizaru's breathing became heavier than ever before. This was something he had never experience before even in the battle of marineford. To be precise, after he became a admiral there had never been anything like this that made his blood burn, tense and fearr!


He was just a second away from being slapped .

That slap that looks like a normal slap but it is extremely threatening!!

Kizaru will never able to felt this for the rest of his life. Even after getting out of dangerous situation , he still felt unsteady and his heart was beating wildly!

Originally, he wants to become the one who killed Whitebeard and he used his moves one after another gaining upper hand in battle but just as whitebeard made a move he reversed situation instantly, and he almost crushed kizaru's head .

But there was no room for Kazaru's to blame his luck, As at the moment, Whitebeard's naginata was coming toward him with a thunderous sound!!

 A big sword in the sky was making his way toward kazaru's location.

Kizaru didn't want to fight anymore , but he could only swallow his anger and avoid the sharp edge attack . He quickly transformed his body into elements. The golden sight flashed, and Kizaru quickly escaped from the place as if he used teleporting ability !



The sword missed his target and with extreme power it destroy the ground where kizaru's was before. .


The ice ground turn into water with heat from energy and countless pieces of snow fleed in the sky which made others unable to see what is happening. 

"Not good!

Kizaru was frightened. When he saw this scene, he knew that Whiteboard's attack just now was with . ... It was not to kill him at all but to create a scene like a sandstorm in front of him!!

In such a situation where you can't see even see your figure so obviously the ability of the Shining Fruit will become useless !!


Edward Newgate held his naginata high with one hand. The wide naginata, with a long range was like a huge flywheel. It was rotated in the air by Whitebeard .

Cyclones roared one after another, and the spiral cyclones, like tomatoes, rose into the sky, carrying sand, dust and mud all over tobthe sky, splashing wildly, from the ground to the sky, filling every corner of the entire land of flames, covering everything!!

Even the NEO sailors who were far away from the center of the battle couldn't help but fall to the ground. A group of NEO sailors tried their best to protect the children, they don't dare to open their eyes to watch the battle, even standing up has became a problem due to huge power of whitebeard and huge waves of air but them one after another .!!


A real sandstorm was formed . The scene was extremely terrifying!!

 this sandstorm call covered the whole sky and sun disappeared after a few moments , it is difficult to distinguish the north, south, east, and weat even if you want to escape now it's impossible. 


Kizaru was in the middle of a sandstorm was roaring in the sky when he suddenly heard a loud sound . Then he saw sword of whitebeard coming at him with speed that far surpassed his expectation. 

"Let me see how much time you can entertain me, kizaru.

At the same time, Whitebeard's thunderous voice came from above .

Now, kizaru realized why they call him the strongest, his existence is unfair for others .

This is a true battle, and death of kizaru can be decided any moment...the moment he let his guard down, he will be killed.

'it was a huge mistake to think I can even take on whitebeard ' kizaru thought.