
One Piece: I'm Whitebeard

I reborn as a Whitebeard, with the cheat of emotional points system, climbed out of the grave and now I climb back to the top of the world! This world is destined to be shaken by him! The four emperors of the new world, countless great pirates, admirals, five old stars, and will all tremble when he will punch ! A bloody revenge.... No one can match his close combat, I am Whitebeard, igniting the blood and blasting through the world! Blackbeard: Dad...you are obviously dead and you don't even have the Shock Fruit anymore, why are you still so strong? ! Akainu: Damn it, without the support of the Devil Fruit, how did Whitebeard has become stronger... No much stronger than before .. He is invincible! Newgate : you.. Are the THE ONE WHO KILLED ACE ..CHAOS . ... .. . .. TRANSLATION WORK : By ME AUTHOR NAME : Shen Xiaoyu / https://wap.faloo.com/476048.html Just doing it for fun as I don't even know if it is good or not, if I find it boring I will drop it { YOU ARE READING IT - FREE TOXIC PEOPLE STAY AWAY OR.....}

Arshpreet_Dhaliwal · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 32


Monet was completely stunned by the appearance of white beard in front of him!

"I actually saw Whitebeard. Oh my God!!"

"Is this a..lie?!" Monet couldn't believe her eyes. She raised her forehead to confirm the identify of man and then she stared at her big eyes, "Am I dazzling ?!"

She originally followed the instructions of the Don Quixote family to spy on Caesar. At that time, Caesar and Pica were together and they were easy target for her.

She went to the hidden room to see the group of children. One of the children was. lost, so she went to look for it. She finally found her, but she didn't expect that under the violent shock of the battle, many places collapsed, she held the little girl in her hands and lay down, but fortunately the space below was quite wide, so she didn't suffer any injuries

It was precisely because he was holding the little girl that Monet did not dare to use the the Yuki Yuki no Mi ability to escape.

Later, he was stunned by the tyrannical domineering look of Whitebeard who was fighting Doflamingo.

It can be said that Monet knew nothing about everything that happened on Punk Hazard Island and was completely kept in the dark.

But now there is the scene in front of me.

"Little girl, this research institute is about to completely collapse. Do you want to leave with me?"

Edward Newgate looked at Monet for a moment, and then there was a roar of buildings collapsing behind him. He had no choice but to hold up the huge wall again, take this group of rescued children, and prepare to leave.

"Can !... I follow you?"

Monet stared. It was still hard for her to accept this reality. Whitebeard, the man whose legend ended, actually appeared in front of her! So much so that Monet originally wanted to say "Can I follow you "?

Edward Newgate burst into laughter, "Follow me? Beautiful little girl, if you become my daughter, I can consider it. But let's get out of here now!"

With that said, Edward Newgate put the little girl whom Monet had saved together on the wall held by one hand of old man , and they evacuate quickly. 

Hearing Whitebeard's answers, Monet couldn't help but blush. She was a girl who couldn't stand compliments. Even a casual compliment from Whitebeard made her feel beautiful for a long time. At this time, Monet followed with complicated thoughts. Behind Whitebeard, the words Whitebeard just said, 'Be my daughter" kept echoing in his mind. From time to time, he looked up at Whitebeard's majestic body running fast in front of her.

at the same time.

Also on the island of Punk hazard(the name is too long and difficult to type, I am considering whether to shorten it to ice and Fire Island)

The NEO Navy is suffering the most tragic disaster in history!!

Because of the orders of the fleet Admiral Kizaru of the Navy Headquarters!

"kizaru, so you want to arrest me, it means a battle between you and me."

Zephyr wielded the crusher with his firm and powerful arms. Even though he was old and weakened, he still showed the aura of a strong man. The real strong man in the legendary era, the aura of a strong man who was not inferior to anyone!

Teacher Z. you taught me a lot of fighting skills and abilities. Today..if you refuse to be arrested, I will have to use all the skills I learned from Teacher Z from over the years to against you!

in front of Zephyr , Kizaru called him teacher instead of old man'. This was the only respect he showed to Z 

Z also understood that what Kizaru meant by giving back was to use those fighting skills and abilities to capture him!

Then let me test whether your skills have deteriorated over the years or not !!" Z said solemnly. In his eyes, he would rather die on the battlefield than lower his head and admit defeat and wait to be arrested


Ain wanted to reach out and grab Z but Zephyr refused on the spot!

"Teacher! Let me fight for you!"

Ain begged again. She knew that Zephyr current physical condition had aged to the point where he would be out of breath after even a small battle!

"Don't try to convince , teacher!" he has been proud worrier all his life, how could he let a weak person fight on his behalf?!

Zephyr couldn't help but jumped off the warship, "kizaru, come to the island... and fight me!


Kizaru's body flashed with light and appeared on the island at a speed that could not be seen by the naked eye

This land of flames, which had been razed to the ground by Whitebeard's battle, was covered with countless ravines and cracks, and bottomless, and extremely shocking!


Z waved the huge crusher and punched Kizaru , ' the earlier fight with whitebeard made my situation worse ' Zephyr thought .

The crusher, known as the terminator of fruit users, is fighting with his own student.

"Your speed is too slow! Teacher Z Kizaru said softly, dodging this attack easily, "Sorry, I don't have much time , just let me finish you off in one go!"

" like Whitebeard ! Your era has passed! Stop being attached to this era!"

Kizaru's words have not yet completely finished!

Suddenly Countless yellow rays of light burst out from Kizaru's body in an instant and condensed in mid air. Tens of thousands of light particles were like stars in the sky, exuding a terrifying force.

Kizaru's strongest attack, thousands bullets Magatama!!




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