
One Piece: I'm Whitebeard

I reborn as a Whitebeard, with the cheat of emotional points system, climbed out of the grave and now I climb back to the top of the world! This world is destined to be shaken by him! The four emperors of the new world, countless great pirates, admirals, five old stars, and will all tremble when he will punch ! A bloody revenge.... No one can match his close combat, I am Whitebeard, igniting the blood and blasting through the world! Blackbeard: Dad...you are obviously dead and you don't even have the Shock Fruit anymore, why are you still so strong? ! Akainu: Damn it, without the support of the Devil Fruit, how did Whitebeard has become stronger... No much stronger than before .. He is invincible! Newgate : you.. Are the THE ONE WHO KILLED ACE ..CHAOS . ... .. . .. TRANSLATION WORK : By ME AUTHOR NAME : Shen Xiaoyu / https://wap.faloo.com/476048.html Just doing it for fun as I don't even know if it is good or not, if I find it boring I will drop it { YOU ARE READING IT - FREE TOXIC PEOPLE STAY AWAY OR.....}

Arshpreet_Dhaliwal · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 27

A group of poor children, under the evil control of Doflamingos parasitic thread, are babbling and ran towards Edward Newgate-!!

"Hey! Whitebeard, how could you have the heart to hurt these innocent children! How old are they? Look, there is another one who is still in the cradle! What a pitiful child! You want to Save them?!"

Doflamingo grinned wildly and his sinful hands were constantly moving in the air. Thin lines invisible to the naked eye connected with all the children!!

Under the evil control of Doflamingo, the children stretched out their hands one by one, making pinching movements, and came running towards Whitebeard-

Doflamingo also had several children tied up beside him. His eyes under his sunglasses were full of smiles. Doflamingo was extremely confident. He firmly believed that with the character of Whitebeard, he would never hurt these children, so they can utilized for his own good.

Doflamingo was walking with the protection of little children all around him, wearing cropped trousers and pointed shoes. Also with red and pink feathered coat, Doflamingo looks like a gangster, extremely flamboyarit and confident, with a curve hanging from the corner of his mouth, "Edward Newgate, there are so many innocent children , what are you going to do to save them .

"Doflamingo, you overestimate your own Thread Fruit ability!"


As soon as Edward Newgate finished speaking, an extremely powerful Conqueror's Haki burst out from his body. The unparalleled domineering energy swept across the entire institute with a unique and tyrannical momentum like the autumn wind sweeping away fallen leaves!!


In just the blink of an eye, the children who were running towards old man, actually are so weak that they fell to the ground and fainted immediately !

"It's really cruel, Doflamingo said with regret as he adjusted his somewhat broken sunglasses. People who didn't know the truth would definitely think that he was a savior But it will hurt these children!"

"Doflamingo! That's can be possibility with poor control over Conqueror's Haki.

Edward Newgate laughed loudly, his white moon-shaped beard turned up, and he was extremely confident, "I will let you feel the real conqueror haki and domineering power of a ruler!


Before he finished speaking a powerful and overbearing aura rushed straight towards Doflamingo like a sharp sword!!

Buzz buzz-

The air fluctuates like ripples, and the overwhelming and a endless domineering haki rushes straight toward Doflamingo's he also let out his conqueror haki to fight with old man .

This is a confrontation between two different conqueror's haki's . 

Like two invisible energies , fighting and colliding in the air!

The next second, Doflamingo's small eyes hidden under his sunglasses suddenly widened as big as a hammer, full of shock!!

Edward Newgate's conqueror 's haki almost swept over him invincibly!!!


Doflamingo's head was thundering, his ears were ringing, his head was dizzy, and his head was in pain as if it was about to burst!!

At this moment, Doflamingo felt that he had lost control of his own energy and body for the first time in his life!!

How could he be the rival of Whitebeard, who ruled the world in the past, with his conqueror's haki which can even rival the king of pirate .

What's more, Whitebeard now has the blessing of the system. After his rebirth, he is as powerful as a sun and has the courage to break through all obstacles. The level of his haki has been improving more and more as his body is recovering from old injuries !

When the two men clashed with each other with fearful looks, the winner was decided in just an instant! Even with the majesty of a king, Doflamingo was almost knocked unconscious and even lost control of his body for a time!!


At this moment, the naginata burst out with a dazzling cold light, pierced the air with buzzing sound, and slashed straight at Doflamingo!!

Being pierced by such a knife would definitely lead him to death!!

"No no no!!!

Doflamingo relied on his strong survival instinct to burst out with a powerful force. He suppressed his splitting headache, grabbed the two remaining giant children around him, and used them to block the upcoming attack .

Seeing that the unparalleled and terrifying naginata was about to pierce Doflamingo, including the two children, in the blink of an eyel

At this critical moment!

Edward Newgate suddenly grabbed the handle of the naginata. The naginata, which had the terrifying destructive power to penetrate everything, stopped abruptly less than half a meter in front of the child!!


This isn't over yet!

Soon enough, almost at the same time as he grabbed the naginata, Edward

Newgate's other hand, like a cattail leaf fan, suddenly reached out and grabbed Doflamingo directly!!

"Doflamingo, your death has come! Those who participated in the battle at the marineford... I will find them one by one.. to settle accounts!!" Whitebeard said..







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