
One Piece: I'm Whitebeard

I reborn as a Whitebeard, with the cheat of emotional points system, climbed out of the grave and now I climb back to the top of the world! This world is destined to be shaken by him! The four emperors of the new world, countless great pirates, admirals, five old stars, and will all tremble when he will punch ! A bloody revenge.... No one can match his close combat, I am Whitebeard, igniting the blood and blasting through the world! Blackbeard: Dad...you are obviously dead and you don't even have the Shock Fruit anymore, why are you still so strong? ! Akainu: Damn it, without the support of the Devil Fruit, how did Whitebeard has become stronger... No much stronger than before .. He is invincible! Newgate : you.. Are the THE ONE WHO KILLED ACE ..CHAOS . ... .. . .. TRANSLATION WORK : By ME AUTHOR NAME : Shen Xiaoyu / https://wap.faloo.com/476048.html Just doing it for fun as I don't even know if it is good or not, if I find it boring I will drop it { YOU ARE READING IT - FREE TOXIC PEOPLE STAY AWAY OR.....}

Arshpreet_Dhaliwal · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
58 Chs

Chapter 15

Chapter 15: The kingdom of death 

The thick purple gas poisonous mist is surrounding the Cassar, but one attack of naginata powered with armed haki immediately disintegrated the most of poison and poison flee in all directions due to the power of force.

Caesar was completely panicked, when he see that his protective layer is destroyed by just one attack !!

He wants to run away!!

Caesar dragged his body, in an attempt to escape from the naginata's stashing range!

But it's too late

The naginata, which was strengthened with tyrannical armament Haki, slashed directly through Caesar's body from the shoulder with unparalleled speed!!

Caesar didn't even have any room to resist!!

Just avoiding his vital point, one arm was chopped off in a instant !!


Caesar, who flew upside down, fell in the distance, and countless gases shrouded him with a bang. Caesar's true body was revealed in the purple gas poisonous mist. His entire arm, from the shoulder, had long since disappeared, the blood pour down like a water !!


The naginata in Edward Newgate's hand slashed Caesar down without stopping at all in matters of seconds . The dozens of meters long slashes instantly struck the dangerous and extremely ugly Death Kingdom at the Same time ' on the ground!!

In an instant, the huge body of the monsters in the kingdom of death that eroded the ground, was cut open directly,these beings are cut open into countless pieces .


This was not over yet. Under the slashing attack, a huge and terrifying crack was created in the ground, and countless venom fell down from the crack-

Puff-Puff! Pfft~!

Those splashes of dark purple venom fell on the ground in the distance, making a corrosive sound. Just listening to the sound gave people goosebumps and chills in their hearts .

Unexpectedly, after the countless venom fell to the ground, they kept squirming, and soon turned into small slimes!


Taking the opportunity to escape from here, Caesar, who was already transforming into a gas man and floating far away in the air, smiled crazily with pain on his face, and his smile was full of distortion, "My great masterpiece! The Kingdom of Death!! But it will not be destroyed by just one attack .

On the sea outside Punk Hazard Island, Trafalgar Law stood on the deck of a pirate ship, holding a telescope and watching this scene from a distance, and he couldn't help but be surprised!

When the other pirates of the Heart Pirates saw this scene, their scalps went numb and they were homfied. Through Captain Law, they learned about Whitebeard's rebirth. They are shocked to see such a terrifying things so that's the Kingdom of Death. This scene shocked everyone!

"Caesar is really a lunatic!! He actually developed such a terrifying creatures!!

"Even the ground is corroded! Wherever it passes, even the tens of buildings are devoured and corroded!! This is definitely a large-scale killing weapon if it is released, any island will be ruthlessly destroyed!!

"After being cut or chopped open, they turned into small slimes! They are simply unkillable , such terrifying creatures! Can Whitebeard handle it?!

Several pirates from the Heart Pirates couldn't help but questions !

"Whitebeard... He's not as simple as you think!! Law said in a deep and cold voice. He was holding a scalpel that is as long as his height and looked unusually cold 'Don't forget.. He is the white beard! He said .

On the other side of the sea, the NEO navy led by Zefhyr were also shocked. They had never thought that Punk Hazard, known as the Forbidden island, would actually hide such a terrifying creature!!

"Teacher Zefhyr, should we... help Whitebeard?

Ain asked while blinking his pair of beautiful eyes, and slightly panicked.

Today I witnessed scenes of beyond normal means , which made Ain, who was always calm, feel panicked and nervous!

"he will not lost to something like this" Zefhyr said firmly, "How could he fail for the second time?! He is a white beard..afterall .

On the island.

Although Caesar's blood no longer flows when he transforms into a gus man, he is missing an entire arm. This is an unrecoverable injury caused by the absolute crushing strength!!

This is the real reason why Caesars face is distorted!!

"Whitebeard! You cut off one of my arm"

Caesar's distorted voice resounded over Punk Hazard." This pain is nothing compared to my great dreami! As long as I get the secret of your resurrection from the dead, I can completely let the whole world agree, that I am the greatest scientist Who is he Vegapunkt punk , whoa, whoa, whoal As Caesar's voice sounded, the small slimes actually devoured each other, and turned into larger slimes, devouring each other and growing infinitely

"Oh, it's really a bit.. troublesome

Edward Newgate said calmly, his face still calm, "It would be great if the power of the Shock Fruit is still there...

Before he finished speaking, the naginata in Edward Newgate's hard suddenly moved, strong winds blew, and cyclones rolled like a tonado.

The next moment, the naginata slashed nine times in a row, and the range of sword is hundreds of meters!!

The entire Punk Hazard Island shook violently like and experienced 12 earthquake!!

Shocking the world !!

Boom boom boom-!

Nine slashes fell, countless slimes were crushed, and pieces of the ground were out open like tofu

Bottomless cracks appeared one after another, and the ground deformed!

The entire Punk Hazard Island, including the extremely cold places in the distance was transformed beyond recognition in the next moment!! Countless slimes on the ground were all buried into bottomless cracks and


At this moment, everyone was staring at this scene in stunned silence!!