
One Piece: I'm Celestial Dragon

Our friend woke up in a luxurious room and found a screen in front of him informing him: 【Congratulations, you have become a Celestial Dragon.】 He found himself in a world where most Celestial Dragons do nothing but indulge in pleasure and carelessness, under the assumption that they are the center of the world and nothing can topple them from their throne. Armed with his knowledge and leveraging wealth and power, Ryoko carves his path in a world governed by power and schemes towards the pinnacle of the world. .................................................. I do not own any of the characters from the One Piece anime or manga, except for the original character I created. I do not allow anyone to publish my novel on any website whatsoever, nor take my personal effort ________________________________________________________________________ Support me at paypal If you can. ________________________________________________________________________ my Instagram : mus.ouka Contact and inquiries, and adding thoughts and images

Musouka · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
50 Chs

Chapter 44: The Six Nobles

In the meeting room, Ryoko sat by the window. He pondered his encounter with Saint Christina. He felt relieved after passing her test. But, he knew the future held challenges more complex than just providing information. 

Christina wasn't just a noble seeking answers. She belonged to a powerful group. 

Her presence hinted at deeper mysteries.

After a brief moment, Christina began to speak. Her words held great revelations.

Christina: Ryoko, you've proven your competence and determination. 

It's time I reveal something important to you. The group I represent, and who tested you, isn't just any noble assembly; we call ourselves 'The Five Nobles.' With your inclusion, we will become The Six Nobles.

Ryoko raised an eyebrow in surprise, wondering when he had agreed to join. However, he maintained his composure, showing a keen interest in what Christina had to say.

Ryoko: The Six Nobles? And why were you originally five?

Christina (smiling): We sought a new member. We needed someone to advance our interests and resist the noble families' dominance. 

We seek to gain titles, influence, and power, away from the obvious leaders' prying eyes.

Christina continued in a low voice as if she were whispering a great secret:

Christina: We aren't just an elite. We are a group. We seek to avoid the ruling families' constraints. The ruling families influence the nobles to achieve their glory. 

The Five Elders control them. The major families provide the Elders benefits and power, but get nothing in return. 

They exploit our efforts. We aim to distinguish ourselves from them and achieve a status equal to or greater than theirs.

Ryoko felt excitement building within him. 

He had always wondered about the true powers governing the world. Were they the same as in the story? Or had they changed with his presence? This elite controls the fate of the nobles, the Navy, and the common people. 

They guide them according to their desires. He wanted to be part of it.

Ryoko: "If the Five Elders are the ultimate authority and the heads of families are under their rule, what's your position?"

Christina: We are not under anyone's rule now. We operate in secrecy, and we are still in the early stages, not wanting to remain under the heads of families. Instead, we aim to distinguish ourselves and maintain our independence. The Five Elders, or as some call them, 'the Five Sages,' run everything from behind the scenes. We want them to notice what we're capable of and surpass the families, their heads, and even not be mere servants in the hands of the Elders like them. Have you ever wondered if there is someone who controls them? Are they the highest authority? Isn't there another force protecting interests unknown, beyond secret agents? Perhaps an army or knights who control the situation and safeguard the supreme authority from any threats they can't handle?

She paused briefly as if waiting for Ryoko to digest the information. She knew that what she was sharing was not easy to understand or accept—or so she thought.

Ryoko (inquiring): Who could control them? And who stands above them?

Christina (calmly): That's the point that no one has discovered before, as far as I know. I at least know of an individual who rivals the Five Elders in strength and status and is unknown to many. Ryoko, reality isn't what it seems, and what the public sees is only a small part of the full picture.

Christina raised her hand and pointed to the meeting table, where a map of the world divided into the four seas and the land was drawn. She continued, pointing to different locations on the map:

Christina: The Five Elders are the ones who rule the seas and the world; they are the supreme authority that everyone obeys. Even the Navy, considered the greatest force at sea, is merely a tool in their hands. But what many don't know is that there is someone who can move these Elders from the shadows and that there are those who oppose this government.

Christina began to detail the structure of power and how influence is distributed. 

She showed Ryoko how the Five Nobles work together. They exchange interests and provide financial, scientific, and military support to each other. 

Each of them has their specialty that they excel in, benefiting the rest.

Christina: Imagine your power, wealth, and status. Now, add the strengths and resources of your peers. We strive to support each other in achieving our personal goals, free from family control.

 We want to create an influence that surpasses all others.

Ryoko (deep in thought): And how can I earn a position among them?

Christina: Your position isn't defined by your place but by what you achieve. In the next meeting, you'll meet the other Five Nobles, get to know them, and figure out how each of you can benefit from the others.

Christina added that the meeting would be crucial. 

Ryoko would meet the other group members there. Each has unique power and influence. 

They want to boost their status and avoid becoming pawns of the great families.

Ryoko: But Lady Christina, you've approached the matter as if I'm already part of you. But I haven't agreed to anything yet.

Ryoko regretted uttering those words as soon as they left his mouth. After he said them, the atmosphere in the room changed, and he felt his life was in danger. He sensed bloodshed and an imminent threat from Saint Christina. He saw a vision of Christina drawing her sword and, with an agile movement, slashing his throat. Shocked by the vision, he placed his hand on his neck and found it still attached to his body, realizing it was a warning from his Observation Haki—a glimpse of the future. He quickly retreated, and if he had been a second slower, what he saw would have come true. She was standing where he had been, holding her sword, surprised by his evasion.

Christina: Everything was explained based on the assumption that you are one of us. But you tried to outsmart me, and that's something I don't appreciate. What you heard here—

Ryoko (interrupting): Calm down, Lady Christina. It was just a question. Why did you attack me? Don't I have the right to ask about something you decided on your own? If I hadn't been quick, I would have been dead by your hand now. Is this how allies treat each other?

Christina sheathed her sword and said :That's the minimum a member of our group should possess. If you don't have the strength to dodge a mere ordinary attack, do you deserve to wield power? It seems you've been training well and possess extraordinary abilities that only a few people have. Now that we've agreed, I'll be leaving. Prepare yourself, and get ready to meet the other nobles. This isn't just an organization; it's an alliance of minds and powers to achieve what surpasses imagination.

Christina left Ryoko with many thoughts. The first was that he should be mindful of what he says in front of the powerful; a simple word almost led to a fight. But he gained something from this exchange: he managed to reveal her status screen when she attacked him, and it was as follows:

 Name: Christina Figarland

 Age: 80

 Physical Fitness: Level SS

 Devil Fruit: [XXXXXXXXXX]

 Skills: Rokushiki (Six Powers), Fencing Expert, Moon Sword Style (Tsuki Nokenryu), CQC

 Special Abilities: Armament Haki (Full Mastery), Observation Haki (Intermediate)

There was no better description than "extremely powerful." If a list of the strongest characters were made, she would undoubtedly have a place among them. Perhaps her lack of Conqueror's Haki is what prevents her from being called a legendary character. Ryoko felt relieved when she left and didn't pursue the matter further. He would have been humiliatingly defeated if he had faced her. This made him realize that he needs to gain power on this level and higher if possible, as the upcoming events will require strength and the ability to deal with such legendary characters.

Though this exchange was brief and didn't reveal everything he had, she, too, had merely made a simple gesture. 

As expected from someone with the same name as the Knights' leaders, what is her relation to them?

In summary, today's encounter revealed many things. It shed light on some unknowns and confirmed others. 

Joining this organization could open a world of new opportunities. But, it's controlled by the strongest, who work behind the scenes.


You will find a picture of the world and its division in the comment.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Musoukacreators' thoughts