
One Piece: Freedom's Song

Ending up dead as a simple laboratory rat, now he has a second chance in a world of infinite possibilities with his only desire, to explore the seas starting with a land full of samurai. -------------------- Neither One piece or the art shown in the book is mine. This is my first book that im writing as an experiment, I haven't written anything before and my first language isn't English so there might be a few grammatical errors. If you see any mistakes or you want to help me improve, please leave a comment or review For some scenes I'll leave some links to music to try to improve immersion.

LoftyT15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
35 Chs

Monthly trip


I was supposed to write during these two weekends but the world had something to say about it and I got in a round 2 against the covid again for the rest of the weekend.

This weekend I managed to write but not nearly enough, I also met someone on sunday I we both spend the day just talking so I lost track of time.

I apologize for this and will try to make it up, until then the least I can do is upload this chapter.


Behind the Kozuki Castle, two figures were fighting against each other, the tallest of the two was wielding a sword in each hand constantly showering his opponent with attacks, forcing him into the defensive. Even though the other was only defending himself, no attack landed on his figure.

The shorter figure, a teenager of nearly 1,80cm with white long hair that ended past his shoulders, completely white eyes that almost blended with his sclera, and feminine facial features, was blocking with the utmost grace against all of his opponent's attacks.

With a downward slash coming against him, the white haired samurai clashed his own katana against his opponent's with great force breaking his stance which allowed him to slash at his neck.

With the sword stopping just about to cut the neck of his opponent, the katana stops just before drawing blood.

"You've gotten pretty good, Yasu!" His opponent congratulated him with a smile for getting that decisive move, but still...

"But still not good enough to beat you, Kin-san" Kin'emon's second sword was poking at his stomach making the duel end in a draw. Both of them sheathed their swords with a smile on their faces, having enjoyed the little spar.

"Would you like to have another try?" Kin'emon suggested, the day was still young and it helped them both practice.

"Can't do, today is my monthly visit to the capital"

Before Kin'emon could answer something crashed against Yasu's leg at great speed.

"Yasu!" A little green haired girl wearing a kimono was hugging one of his legs as if the world depended on it.

"Hiyori!" Looking at the girl hugging him he couldn't help but chuckle, grabbing the little girl into his arms and placing her on his shoulders making the kid laugh.

Placing her hands on Yasu's head and looking down at him, Hiyori smiled with all the enthusiasm of a little kid "When are we continuing the shamisen lessons?" Hiyori asked, her eyes shining with excitement.

Turning his head in Kin'emon's direction and nodding, Yasu walked toward the castle with Hiyori on his shoulders "I got to go to the capital for a few days so we won't be able to play the shamisen for some time" 

The excitement in Hiyori's eyes dissapears instantly hearing Yasu's words being replaced with her puffing her cheeks. "But...maybe after I come back I can teach you a new song"

A little sparkle shines in her eyes when Yasu mentions teaching her a new song but still, she keeps puffing her cheeks "You promise?" She tries to sound as if she's irritated but the thrill in her voice betrays her.

"I promise" Yasu smiles while looking up at Hiyori.

"Yay!"Hiyori can't contain her excitement and throws her arms in the air in victory "It's a promise then!"

"Yes Yes" Yasu's smile grows feeling the little kid celebrating on his shoulders.

Entering the castle, Yasu gently grabs Hiyori from his shoulders letting her on the ground, they both start walking with Hiyori hopping around in excitement until they find Toki with Momonosuke in the main hall.

"Mom! Yasu is going to teach me a new song!" As she did with Yasu, Hiyori throws herself at her mother, hugging her mercilessly while rambling on in her enthusiasm.

"Wait! Why does Yasu teach you instead of me!?!" Momonosuke jumps in between his mother and sister.

"Because you don't play any instrument!" Hiyori and Momonosuke start a normal bickering between siblings, Toki gently laughs before walking up to Yasu.

"You're going again today right?" Yasu nods at the question and Toki slowly lifts her hand cupping Yasu's cheek "Then be careful, ok?" Toki speaks in a soft motherly tone while smiling, a light blush creeps on Yasu's face, and with a smile of his own, he nods again.

Since the incident of the kidnapping almost 5 years ago, Yasu's relationships with the rest of the household strengthened, and his relationship with Toki also bloomed over the years.

There were no romantic feelings, the thought of Toki as a woman never crossed Yasu's mind but over time he found himself spending more time with her and less time with the sword, he started helping her with some of her daily activities, from sewing to helping her with paperwork, Oden may be the Daimyō of Kuri but Toki also played an important role over Kuri, he even found himself liking sewing after some time helping her mend some clothes. 

"You aren't going to say goodbye, are you?" After visiting the capital for a few days every month it became a staple for them, every time he went away he would never say goodbye to the kids or the other samurais, it felt wrong, it felt as if he was gone and nothing of him remained there.

"Then have a safe trip" Taking her hand off Yasu's cheek, before she could turn around to make her kids stop arguing, Yasu quickly hugged her for a moment before disappearing from the room.


On the Flower Capital, a light melody danced in the air, the notes intertwined with the falling cherry blossom leaves creating a beautiful scenery, those people whose ears the melody reached felt their hearts dance along to the song, those drinking sake felt the taste improve and those tired few felt their spirits rejuvenate.

Walking down the streets, Yasu whistled one of his favorite songs without a care in the world, the song was called Moonlight Princess, it was taught to him by Kyomi, the geisha that along with his father took care of him before going to Kuri, it quickly became on if his favorites which he also taught to Hiyori when she started playing the shamisen.

When traveling long distances he would always play some music himself with or without his shamisen, wherever he went music followed him, but music had to come to an end eventually.

Standing in front of a tea house, Yasu stopped whistling, taking a deep breath he went for the door of the establishment, here in the capital, this tea house became like a second house to him.

Against his father's wishes when he was a kid, he came here very often spending his time with the geishas inside, learning to play the shamisen and also some high class manners from watching the geishas interact with customers.

The geishas quickly took a liking for the little effiminate kid, some would after seeing his abilities with instruments, and others just after witnessing his supposed cuteness as a child. They were like a sort of family, caring for him.

Captured by his more feminine looks some of the geishas would often put makeup on him and dress him as a geisha and when he grew older and came to visit from kuri they would sometimes act as one of them helping in the establishment luring in customers and often entertaining them.

Although he wasn't fond of it, he would always help them when they needed it, it was the least he could do, it also helped that geishas didn't sell themselves for sex and they were only entertainers.

Opening the door to the tea house, he is received by a crowd of nervous geishas going around with a sense of nervousness and urgency. No one pays attention to the the seventeen yeard old boy that just entered the building.

'What is going on?' Confused, Yasu starts discreetly moving around trying to find someone who could explain what was happening without getting in the way of the geishas.

In the middle of all the hustle, Kyomi was ordering around some of the geishas, instead of interrupting, Yasu patiently waited for her to finish before announcing his presence.

It doesn't take long for Kyomi to notice the white haired boy, when her eyes land on him, they greatly open in surprise before she quickly makes her way over to him and hugs him.

"Yasu! Right on time!" Her tone is full of relief and a smile creeps into her face, looking at her smile, a shiver runs down Yasu's spine sensing incoming danger.

"What's going on, why is everyone so nervous?" trying to ignore that feeling Yasu asks about what's happening.

With a worried expression on her face, Kyomi answers "The shogun has called us last minute for a supposed 'extremely important banquet' and being the request so sudden we haven't had time to prepare ourselves" clasping Yasu's hand into hers she continues "We need your help!"

It takes Yasu a a few seconds to understand what she's asking of him "...No! I refuse, everything but the shogun!"