
Chapter 184

A month has already passed, and nothing exciting has happened. Louise was really stuck up in the beginning, but for better or worse, that has allowed her to see Robin's demon side, which made her start acting like a normal kid and not a Celestial Dragon. Even Ken shudders when he thinks back to the look on Robin's face.

"Ey Kuzan, what do you think will happen tonight?" asked Tani as he and Kuzan were standing on a balcony overlooking the sea.

"Nothing fun if I follow you guys, so I'll be enjoying the Fire Festival with some lovely ladies."

"I should have expected that from you. But do you want to make a bet with me?"


"Yeah, whoever takes down Kaido first wins."

"No thank you, I'd like to keep my head on my shoulders. Fighting him 1 vs. 1 a death sentence. Unless we're getting back-up, I don't want to be anywhere near him. And Captain said that none of us will even be fighting him since he is Luffy's opponent. We will only be there to enjoy the show."

"Do you think that Luffy is stronger than you?"

"You might not have noticed it because you were too busy training Sanji, but Luffy has become really strong. I wouldn't be surprised if I'd lose in a fair battle, but that fool is too trusty, so he won't be hard to beat if I just use my head. ."

"Well, he is the monster trio's little brother, so it's to be expected. However, if he fails, our bet is on, right?"

"Sigh, if you get in my way, I'll freeze both of you and Kaido," said Kuzan with a small smile

"Haha, that's more like it! The winner can decide what the loser has to do."

"Fine, we'll see whether or not you have the capabilities."

"What are you two standing around here for? We're about to leave," said Perona.

"We'll be there in a second," said Tani.

Perona nodded and disappeared into a wall.

"I guess it's time, bro," said Tani as he held out his fist.

"Yeah, let's show them what we can do," said Kuzan as he gave Tani a fistbump.

They left the balcony and started walking through the palace towards the throne room. After they arrived in the throne room, they found everyone who is going to Wano waiting for them and a Shadow Portal under their feet. They won't be using the ships since this will be an undercover mission. Robert has already been to Wano for a couple of minutes, so he can take everyone there whenever he wants.

"Listen up, guys. This will be the last time I say this. Don't engage with the enemy or show your identity. If everything goes as planned, we won't have to fight anyone, but if anything unexpected happens, contact me first. Just go to the Fire Festival and enjoy it. I heard that it's pretty fun, so don't hold back."

"But what if there is no other choice but to fight?" asked Brook.

"Then you can do whatever you want, but if Kaido finds out, you're dead."

"But I'm already dead."

"Fair point. I guess you're the only one who can do whatever he wants."

"Lucky bastard," said Ace.

"You're calling me lucky for being dead? Would you also like to join me then?"

"Very funny Brook, I'd almost think that you're saying that you want to kill me."

"Where did you get that idea from?"

"Alright, shut up, everyone. Robert, are you ready?"

"On your order, Captain."

Ken, Sabo, Ace, Laffitte, Robert, Brook, Jinbe, Tani, Kuzan, Perona, and Mura are the ones that will be going to Wano. The rest are staying behind to protect the island.

"Let's go to Wano!"


In front of a raging ocean are standing 9 people dressed like samurais. They're looking at the raging waves with tears in their eyes while they're screaming into the emptiness.

(I ended up at the episode where Oden got stranded on the island where he met his future wife. So take whatever I write after this will, for the most part, probably be not canon, but this is a fanfic, so I'm in luck. ;) )


It has already been half an hour since the Azure Pirates arrived at Wano. Ken, Kuzan, and Laffitte have chosen to tour Wano on their own, and the rest are at the Flower Capital, enjoying the Festival in some disguises. Everyone looked like they belonged in Wano.

"Damn, the food here is delicious! We should have come here sooner," said Ace as he was stuffing his face with whatever food he could find.

"Calm down, you idiot. It's not going to run away from you," said Sabo.

"Are you sure?" Ace pointed at someone eating an octopus that was still moving.

"Fair point, but you wouldn't eat that, right?"

"Nope, but it does make your argument invalid."

"Fine! If you're going to play like that, I'll just eat all of the food here before you can get to it!"

"Are you challenging me or something?"

"And what if I am?"

"You'll regret it," said Ace.

Sabo grabbed the food from Ace's hands and ate all of it with one bite. "Damn, that really was delicious. Do you have any more of that?" asked Sabo with a smile.

Ace grabbed a raw fish from one of the stands and smacked Sabo's face with it.

"Here you go. Doesn't that taste just as amazing?"

"I'll show you what tastes even more amazing!"

Before anyone could stop them, they started smacking each other with fish. Their crewmates immediately started walking away, not wanting to be associated with them.

"They really don't know how to behave themselves," said Perona.

"Haha, as long as they don't go overboard, it should be fine. The citizens look to be enjoying it, and the guards also don't seem to really care. So let's just leave them be."

"Yeah, I saw this really cool shop which we should check out," said Robert.

"Does it have cute stuff?" asked Perona.

"No, but the shop next to it has,"

"Let's go then!" Perona grabbed his wrist and ran off with him, leaving Brook, Jinbe, Tani, and Mura behind.

"Sigh, should we look for a restaurant where we can enjoy the festival?" asked Tani.

"Sounds good to me," said Jinbe. Brook and Mura also nodded, but Mura looked troubled.

"Don't worry too much about Captain. He told us that he would stay out of trouble, so let's just trust him," said Tani.

"I know, but I can't help but worry that he does something not smart again."

"Hahaha, then you'll just have to go there and save him if he does something stupid. But nothing has happened yet, so just enjoy this festival as Captain intended for you to do," said Jinbe.

"You're right; I'll just trust in Captain and my own ability."

"That's more like it, now let's go and find that restaurant," said Jinbe.


(I'll try to watch the 11 episodes I'm behind on, and try to make the events kind of right. Or if you guys don't want me to start spoiling a lot of things, I can also say, "Fuck canon, I'll do it my way." Whatever you guys prefer.)

Cat Facts:

- Cats walk like camels and giraffes

- Isaac Newton invented the cat door

- Ancient Egyptians would shave off their eyebrows when their cats died

- The record for the loudest purr is 67.8db

- A house cat can reach speeds of up to 30mph