
One Piece: Emperor of the Seas

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story nor the images used as cover arts. All rights reserved to their respective creators. ---------- Ace D. Goldstein was an avid fan of One Piece before dying because of an unnamed disease. Given another chance at life, he was transported into the body of a character he knew and loved. How would the son of the King of the Pirates change and develop if he suddenly woke up with memories of a different future? Would he do things differently? Would he become even stronger before setting out on his life changing journey? What will his goal be? Follow the story of Gol D. Ace in his journey to become someone that surpasses them all! A pirate whose name is widely known and feared! To become the most notorious man in the world! Follow the rise of the Emperor of the Seas!

Ehnvy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
121 Chs

Chapter 85

A/N: To those who'd rather not read about sexual violence and trauma towards children, DO NOT READ the second part of this chapter until Chapter 88. Go straight to reading Chapter 89 instead.

You have been warned.


Needless to say, the Royal Aces were victorious in the sudden naval skirmish they found themselves in. All four ships from Espa Kingdom were burnt and sunk down to the deep vast ocean of the Grand Line.

Of course, being pirates, the Royal Aces looted what they could first before completely sinking the ships. Ace made the right call by leaving the biggest ship from Espa Kingdom as the last one to be dealt with. As he suspected, that ship carried the highest ranking official among the Espa Kingdom envoys as well as the most valuable treasures.

Currently, the Royal Aces held the Espa Kingdom diplomat captive. They were interrogating him on the deck. The diplomat was kneeling on all fours in front of the Royal Aces. Ace was using the rotund old man's back as a chair.

"Th-This is humiliating!" the diplomat said through teeth gritted in frustration. "To be treated like this… by mere pirates!"

"Oi, oi! I asked you a question, old man," Ace said before spanking the old man's butt with a flaming hand. The old diplomat yelped in pain at the burning sensation. "You're from Espa, right?"

"I don't speak to criminals, you lowly pirates!"

"Lowly, huh?" Ace was amused by the old diplomat's retort. "From up here, it sure seems you're the lowly one, old man!"

"D-Damn you! Just wait until our Queen hears about this!" the old diplomat said.

"Queen?" Ace raised an eyebrow at the information the diplomat let slip. "So, this Espa Kingdom is ruled by a Queen, huh?"

"Are you doubting the capabilities of our ruler just because she is a woman?" the diplomat asked with a sneer. "As expected of a pirate! Dumb and bigoted!"

"Don't think too much," Ace said with a small chuckle, returning his focus to the old man he was sitting on. "I was only amused at how you're more cooperative than you think."

Ace's words made the diplomat realize that he gave information to pirates. It was just trivial information in the grand scheme of things, but it didn't change the fact that he still shared information about their kingdom to a bunch of criminals.

"Y-You won't get anything out of me!" the diplomat said. "I'm no traitor! I live to serve my kingdom!"

"Don't worry, I won't be asking you for sensitive information," Ace said before his face broke into a sneer. "Not yet, anyway."

Ace got up from sitting on the old diplomat's back. The old diplomat instantly retreated and sat against the Ashen Dragon's main mast to prevent Ace from sitting on his back again. Ace just walked towards the old diplomat and squatted in front of him so they were speaking at the same eye level.

"Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way," Ace said before raising a hand that immediately caught on fire, much to the old diplomat's horror. "So, what's your choice?"

The old diplomat broke out into a sweat as he watched Ace's hand burn hot and bright. Ace wasn't holding up his hand close to the old diplomat's face, but the old diplomat could still feel the heat of Ace's fire. Ace grinned at the reaction he was seeing from the old diplomat.

"You're afraid," Ace said with a devilish grin as he put his burning hand closer to the old diplomat's face. Ace's burning hand was close enough to singe the old old diplomat's graying mustache. "That's good. Feeling afraid is normal."

"Y-Y-You won't make me talk," the old diplomat said defiantly. But, his quaking voice and shaking body wasn't making him look convincing.

"You sure about that?"

Ace cranked up the heat of his burning hand. He made sure that the old diplomat felt it without even touching him.

"Y-Y-You won't do it!"

"...what the hell made you think I won't?"

Ace grabbed the old diplomat's big round gut with his burning hand and pinched it hard. Soon, the old diplomat was screaming and crying in pain. Still, Ace didn't let go. The Royal Aces watched the old diplomat squirm. Mihar tried to hide Eri behind him, but Eri still peeked out to watch Ace torture an old man.

"I'll talk! I'll talk! I'll talk!"

Hearing the old diplomat's words, Ace let go. He let the old diplomat take a moment to cry and adjust to the pain.

"Let's start with something basic," Ace said. "Where is this Espa Kingdom?"

"In the New World," the old diplomat said between wheezes. "On an island named Eternal Springs."

Ace took a moment to glance up and look at his crew. He was surprised to see Soma's face seemingly overshadowed by an emotion he never saw on their cook's face. Dread.

Fueled by curiosity at Soma's strange reaction, Ace pressed on with his interrogation.

"What's the name of Espa's queen?" Ace asked. He raised a burning hand to force the old diplomat to spit out the answer he was looking for. "Her full name."

"...her majesty's name is Cauldrons D. Malty."



"Soma! Soma! Wake up!"

A five year old Soma was suddenly woken by a sweet voice calling out to him. He looked at whoever woke him up to see who it was.

"What is it, Freia? You're so noisy!" Soma said before burying his face into the pillows of his soft bed.

"Geez! You sleep any longer, even mama will get mad!"

Hearing what his elder sister said, Soma instantly sat up wide awake. He hurriedly ran towards his bedroom door, but he was stopped by Freia.

"What? No good morning kiss for your sister?" Freia asked Soma, her cheeks pouting in annoyance.

"Th-That's embarrassing!" Soma said, his face flushed red. "I'm a big boy now!"

"But you kiss mama! Why can't you kiss me?" Freia asked, shuffling closer towards Soma.

Despite being three years older than Soma, Freia looked annoyed at how Soma was already as tall as her. She had to hunch lower as she hugged Soma's waist to try and look adorable.

Soma blushed so hard that his face looked as red as a ripe tomato. He looked down at his chest where Freia's face was looking up at him with big teary eyes.

"F-Fine!" Soma said, relenting to his elder sister's request. "J-Just a peck!"

"Yay!" Freia beamed in joy. She then puckered up her lips at Soma. "I'm ready!"

"Wh-Wh-Wh-What are you doing?" Soma asked.

"Waiting for my kiss!" Freia said with one eye open to glance at Soma.

"Th-There's no way I would kiss you there!"

"Ehhh? Fine!"

Freia turned her head to the side, showing her cheek to Soma. Seeing his sister so eager to receive a kiss from him, Soma gulped down in nervousness. Then, he went closer. Just as his lips were about to touch Freia's cheek…

"Ara! I'm so glad to see you two are still so close!"

A warm and comforting voice shook Soma and Freia awake and aware of their surroundings. They looked towards Soma's open bedroom door to see their mother, Malty.

"Mom! You interrupted Soma's kiss!" Freia said to her mom, pouting in annoyance.

"Fufu! I knew it!" Malty said. "My mama senses tingled! Don't you remember our rule? Wake up kisses go to mama first of all!"

Malty walked towards Soma and knelt down in front of him.

"Good morning, Soma!"

Soma's blush didn't leave his face. He knew what his mother wanted. Trying to not give it to her wasn't worth the trouble. So, Soma went ahead and kissed his mother on her cheek.

"Good morning, mama," Soma said, whispering the words out of embarrassment.

"Ara! I'm so blessed to have such a cute son!" Malty said before kissing Soma's forehead. "Now, go and eat up what I prepared for you."

"Y-Yes, mama!" Soma said. But, as he was about to exit his bedroom, he was stopped again.

"Ahh, that's right!" Malty said. "As a little punishment for waking up so late, go and help your sister with chopping some firewood after you're done. Okay, Soma?"

"I will, mama!"

With a pep in his step, the little boy went about with his day. He quickly ate the delicious breakfast his mother cooked for him before going to the shed where their eldest sister should be, chopping wood.

"Ohh, Soma! Good morning, sleepyhead!" Soma's eldest sister, Sero, greeted him when he arrived. He never told her this, but her boyish attitude and cheerful voice were always the best at filling him with energy. "You didn't even brush your hair! Don't let that beautiful red turn ugly!"

Sero brushed Soma's hair with her hands as she lightly scolded her little brother. Soma's two sisters had the same pink hair their dad did. Only Soma was the one that inherited their mother's beautiful red hair.

"It's just hair!" Soma said. "Come on, let me help you!"

"Ha! A pipsqueak like you wants to chop wood?" Sero scoffed, teasing Soma for being small. "You're around ten years early!"

Soma and Sero had a ten year age gap. Unlike Soma, Sero was already a tall and strong young woman. 

"But mama told me to help you!" Soma said.

"Ahh, that should be her punishment for you huh?" Sero asked. "Don't worry! Your awesome big sister is gonna help you out! Just sit there and watch me, HAHAHAHA!"

"...well, if you say so," Soma said.

Soma did what Sero asked him to do. He just sat on a tree stump and watched Sero chop wood. It was a relaxing morning for him. He looked around at their family's estate. Despite the power that his father held in the village that was soon to be recognized as a kingdom, they had a rather humble home. The only thing that said they were rich was the large field that was their estate.

Time passed peacefully, and soon it was lunchtime. Their small family gathered around the dining table, but there was someone missing.

"Mama, where's papa?" Soma asked.

"Your father is busy with work, Soma," Malty said, explaining the situation patiently to Soma. "He's the mayor, after all. And soon, he could even be called king!"

"Then… we'll become royalty?" Soma asked, to which his sisters and mother beamed.

"That's right!"

At that moment, Soma's father, Remedy, arrived. He looked tired and sleepy despite it being just in the middle of the day.

"I'm home," Remedy said.

"Welcome home, dear. How was work at the council?" Malty asked.

"Tiring, but very exciting!" Remedy said. "Developments are happening faster than I thought!"

"That's great!" Malty said, sounding truly delighted. "Will our town really become a kingdom?"

"It will! In the next five years, it sure will be!"

"F-Five years?" Malty asked, her voice slightly strained in what sounded like disbelief. "That's… fast!"

"Hey, dad?" Soma asked. "Have you come up with a name for our soon to be kingdom?"

"Why bother?" Remedy said, dismissing the need to come up with a new name. "The name of our kingdom will be the same as our town! Eterspri Kingdom!"

"HAHAHAHA! That's such a bad name, dad!" Sero said, teasing their father's horrible naming sense.

The family had a laugh and an enjoyable lunch. Deep in his heart, Soma really enjoyed times like these. He didn't really care much if his father became king or not. As long as their family was whole and happy, Soma would never ask for anything more.

Soma expected his life to continue like this. Until that fateful day when he heard something he shouldn't have…

"Who the fuck does he think he is?" Soma froze at the cold voice that came from their parents' bedroom. The only one inside was his mother, but the voice he heard just now was nowhere near the voice of the mother he knew.

"Tell him that he better pay the full amount!" Malty shouted, her voice shrill and enraged. "We're selling slaves, not scraps! That kind of cargo is difficult to acquire! Make sure we're compensated properly! You know how difficult it is to distract that idiot mayor I married?"

Soma felt his blood run cold. That voice wasn't the warm and comforting one he knew. It was cold and intimidating. The voice he was hearing, the things it was saying… that was not his mother, right? 

Not knowing what else to do, Soma ran. He didn't want it to be true. That voice… whatever it was, that wasn't his mother. That was what Soma kept telling himself.

Soma ran from the truth.