
One Piece: Emperor of the Seas

DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters depicted in this story nor the images used as cover arts. All rights reserved to their respective creators. ---------- Ace D. Goldstein was an avid fan of One Piece before dying because of an unnamed disease. Given another chance at life, he was transported into the body of a character he knew and loved. How would the son of the King of the Pirates change and develop if he suddenly woke up with memories of a different future? Would he do things differently? Would he become even stronger before setting out on his life changing journey? What will his goal be? Follow the story of Gol D. Ace in his journey to become someone that surpasses them all! A pirate whose name is widely known and feared! To become the most notorious man in the world! Follow the rise of the Emperor of the Seas!

Ehnvy · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
121 Chs

Chapter 58

It was around noon when Ace returned to Birka Library carrying giant cloth sacks containing gold.

Before Tanya went off with Enel to do their little parade around Skypiea, Ace had Enel accompany him in looting gold.

Enel had the strange ability to make gold malleable with his power. Through Enel's ability, heaps upon heaps of gold coins were made. They started with the gold used in the Ark Maxim.

Then, Ace, Enel, and Tanya traveled to the Lost City of Shandora to loot more gold. Unlike in the canon, Shandora was not yet stripped of its golden glory.

Ace and Tanya – who doesn't value gold as much – were in awe at the sight of Shandora. Its glistening splendor was still a sight to behold despite its people being dead for centuries.

Not wanting Shandora to lose too much of its beauty, Ace made sure not to take away the gold coating the ancient buildings.

Instead, there were many alternatives. Furniture inside the buildings was made of gold as well. Utensils and cutlery like knives, spoons, forks, and plates were all made of gold as well.

It wasn't just gold they were able to collect. As they looted the houses, they were also able to collect heaps of jewelry. Golden rings, circlets, and amulets with big precious rocks to adorn them.

In the end, Ace collected enough gold to make even him feel that he was carrying something very heavy.

After that, Tanya and Enel went ahead to parade around the fact that Enel was defeated. They would meet up as soon as Tanya felt that she won the favor of the sky people.

Ace returned to Birka Library alone. The giant sacks he was carrying over his shoulder were so heavy that flying with them felt like he was training.

When he returned to Birka Library, his crew plus Haredan were waiting for him outside.

"I'm back!" Ace greeted them after landing on the beach.

"Ace! Please, have you seen Tanya?" Haredan asked. There was a slight worry in his voice.

"Don't worry, she's fine. We just had a little adventure," Ace chuckled. "She'll be back in a few hours, I think."

"That is good to hear." Haredan sighed in relief.

Ace set down the giant sacks of gold he was carrying. The Royal Aces glanced curiously at the giant sacks Ace set down on the beach.

"What's all that, Ace?" Terzo asked.

"Take a look!"

Ace opened one of the sacks wide enough for everyone to see what was inside. The Royal Aces widened their eyes at the sight of so much gold.

"Are they all gold?" Soma asked, pointing at the sacks Ace carried.

"HAHAHAHA! Yup! All of them!"

"Look, Kotatsu! We're rich!"


Eri and Kotatsu jumped around the giant sacks of gold in celebration.

"Where'd you get all that?" Mihar asked.

"You guys familiar with 'Noland the Liar'?"

The Royal Aces shrugged. None of them were born in the North Blue, as far as Ace could tell. They didn't know the story.

So, Ace narrated it in short form to them.

"It's a famous story in the North Blue. It says there that a man named Noland claimed to have seen a City of Gold. But, after going to the place where he said he saw the city, no one found such a city."

"Don't tell me-!"

"That's right! HAHAHAHA! I think I found it!" Ace beamed with pride.

"What an irresponsible captain, leaving his crew behind," Augur shook his head, but he had a small smile on his face.

"What the hell, Ace?" Terzo looked pissed. "You went off on an adventure on your own?"

"Hey, it's not like I planned it!" Ace raised his hands to look innocent. "I just went along with Tanya!"

"Well, I can't have that!" Terzo said before turning to the rest of the Royal Aces. "I'm going to find the City of Gold too! Who's coming with me?"

"Me! Me! Me!"


Eri and Kotatsu excitedly raised their hands. Terzo nodded to them, and they went to stand beside him.

"I suppose I should come too," Mihar said after seeing Eri so decidedly wanting to go.

"I think I'll join you guys," Soma said. "I want to map the sky islands."

"Augur! You coming?" Terzo asked their usually stoic sniper.

"Hmmm. I think I will. Why not?"

"Great! WHAHAHAHA! Let's go!"

Then, Terzo's stomach audibly growled. It was loud enough for everyone to hear. Eri started giggling.

"Maybe after we eat lunch," Soma said before leading the group back inside Birka Library. "Come on, I'll cook something quick."

"Thanks, Soma!" Terzo said, following Soma.

The rest of the Royal Aces as well as Haredan went back inside Birka Library. Meanwhile, Ace looked at them with a wide grin.

Instead of following them, Ace decided to carry the sacks of gold to where Striker was beached first. After that, he went back inside Birka Library to have lunch.

After eating a delicious meal cooked by Soma, the Royal Aces had enough energy for their next adventure.

They just got outside Birka Library when Ace, Augur, and Mihar saw something in the distance.

"Tanya's back!" Ace shouted. He suspected that the three old men in the library heard him as well.

The Royal Aces went forward to greet Tanya. They were surprised he had someone with him.

Tanya flew down on the beach with Enel. He flew with Tanya's assistance.

"Yo, Tanya!" Ace greeted Tanya as he went forward. "You're back already!"

"Well, it took less effort than I thought," Tanya said. "The Skypieans basically accepted me with open arms. Chief Galwy was working at warming his people up to the fact that I was about to become a new God that will side with them."

"I see. That's great, then!"

Enel went forward and knelt in front of Ace, much to the surprise of everyone.

"I have returned from the task you gave me, Fire God Ace!" Enel spoke with much reverence.

"Fire God? HAHAHAHA!" Ace laughed at the title given to him by Enel. "No need for that, Enel! Just call me Captain!"

"As you wish, Captain Ace!" Enel stood up, but kept his head hung low.

"WHAHAHAHA! Ace got a fanboy!" Terzo was amused at seeing Enel's attitude towards Ace.

"Who is he, Ace?" Soma asked.

"Everyone! Meet Enel!"

"Hello, fellow crewmates!" Enel greeted the Royal Aces. "I am Enel! Captain Ace's number one subordinate!"

Hearing what Enel said, Terzo, Soma, and Augur's eyes glinted dangerously. Their ears perked up at their choice of words.

"Number one subordinate, huh?" Terzo said. "Say, Ace? Can I teach the new kid a lesson?"

"Sure thing." Ace smirked.

"I sense that you're not willing to accept what I said!" Enel raised his fist that crackled with lightning. "YAHAHAHA! Very well! I will show you what I'm capable of!"

"Lightning, huh? Another Logia." Terzo sighed.

Terzo jumped up and raised his leg for an attack. Out of pure confidence, Enel just watched. With his Mantra, he knew what Terzo was about to do and he was sure it would be ineffective.

But, Enel was wrong.

With Vash's assistance and advice during the party after their battle with the Marines, Terzo had the guidance and inspiration he needed to awaken his Armament Haki.

Terzo brought down his leg for an axe kick on Enel's head. At the last second, his foot was coated in a black sheen.

Instead of Terzo's attack passing through like Enel predicted, Terzo's kick landed solidly on Enel.

The overconfidence of Enel was his downfall. To his surprise, he was once again hit with a physical attack. He thought only Ace was capable of doing so.

Terzo's kick made Enel kiss the solid cloud they were standing on. He didn't kick hard enough to really hurt Enel, but it was enough to get his point across.

"Still think you're Number One in this crew?" Terzo smirked at Enel.

With his hands shaking in what could be embarrassment, Enel pushed himself up off the ground and stood face to face with Terzo.

"Th-That was just a lucky hit!"

Terzo answered with another attack. This time, it was an uppercut. At the last moment, his knuckles were coated in a black sheen.

Enel was sent flying from Terzo's punch. He crashed on the clouds a short distance away from the rest of the group.

"Th-This crew is filled with monsters…"

No one heard what Enel whispered under his breath. They weren't even trying to. They paid little attention to him.

Ace was focused on Terzo instead.

"You can use Haki!"

Ace was delighted that another member of his crew was able to use Haki. They needed to get stronger, after all. Their journey will only get more dangerous…

"That's right!" Terzo beamed in pride, but only for a brief moment. "But… just barely. I couldn't have done it without Vash's advice."

"Ahh, so that's why you only use it at the last moment," Ace said. 

"Yeah. Can't hold it up for much longer than that."

"That does not change the fact that you can already use Armament Haki," Augur said. "Impressive, I must say. I'm barely scratching the surface of Observation."

"You must have trained a lot, Terzo," Mihar added.

"Well, I have a pride to defend as the third member of the crew," Terzo said as he scratched the back of his head in embarrassment, a trait similar to Ace's.

"What's all this Haki you're talking about?" Tanya asked. Her eyes were lit in curiosity after seeing a group of pirates converse about something she doesn't know.

"Sorry, Tanya-chan." Eri chimed in. "It's a crew secret. We can't tell outsiders."

"Mrow." Kotatsu supported Eri.

"Don't worry, guys! Tanya will also be a part of our crew!" Ace announced.


The Royal Aces turned to the source of the shocked voice to see Haredan gaping at Tanya.

"Tanya, is that true?"

Tanya froze for a few moments under Haredan's scrutinizing gaze. They were technically the same rank, but he was still one of Tanya's teachers and guardians.

"Yes, Haredan-sensei," Tanya answered. "I'm sorry I didn't-"

"Finally! This is cause for celebration!"

Much to their surprise, Haredan looked delighted at the news of Tanya leaving.

"You're… not mad at me?" Tanya tentatively asked.

"Of course not, Tanya!" Haredan quickly answered. "Why would I be mad? None of us would be!"

"But… you guys took care of me like a daughter!" Tanya said. "Don't you want me to stay and do my job as a Weather Master?"

"It's your life, Tanya," Haredan said. "I speak for the three of us when I say that we are happy with whatever you decide to do with your life."

"Then… all those years-"

"Was just us granting what you wished. We didn't make you study to become a Weather Master. That was your request, remember?"

"So… you're really fine with me leaving?"

"If that is your wish, then yes. Unlike the three of us, you're still very young!" Haredan said. "We had our own journeys when we were young. It won't be fair if you don't have yours!"

Tanya seemed touched by Haredan's words. Ace remembered what she told him. Tanya doesn't forget kindness.

"Thank you, Sensei!"

Tanya bowed deeply to pay respect to Haredan. In a way, the three old Weather Masters of Birka Library were more than just her teachers. They were family.

"I'm sure Bora and Zeff would be delighted to hear the news!" Haredan said. "I'll go and tell them so we can celebrate later. In the meantime, why don't you accompany the Royal Aces?"

"Where are they going?" Tanya asked.

"They want to see Skypiea. They were rather dismayed that their captain didn't take them on your recent adventure."

"Yeah! Honestly, you could have just woke us up!" Terzo said to Ace.

"HAHAHAHA! Sorry, sorry! Won't happen again!"

The wind suddenly picked up around them. The Royal Aces knew it was Tanya. They suddenly started floating up. Ace and Enel were the only ones left on the ground.

"I assume you're not coming?" Tanya asked Ace.

"I go where Captain Ace goes!" Enel said, but both Ace and Tanya ignored him.

"I'll stay here," Ace said. "You guys go have fun!"

"We will!" Terzo seemed very excited. "We won't come back until we find the City of Gold!"

"Ahh, you want to see Shandora?" Tanya asked. "Then let me take you the-"

"No!" Terzo stopped Tanya. "We want to find it on our own!"

"...suit yourself."

"We'll bring back more gold, Captain!" Eri saluted Ace while kicking her legs as if she was swimming in mid-air.

"HAHAHAHA! You're truly becoming a pirate now, Eri!" Ace said. "Good luck!"

With those parting words, the Royal Aces flew in the direction of Birka. They followed the Milky Road like Ace and Tanya did.

"What will we do now, Captain?" Enel asked.

"You'll be helping me with training," Ace said. "I'm not as adept with my Devil Fruit as you are with yours."

"Nonsense, Captain! You're Fire God!"

"...I see."

Ace was still slightly weirded out by Enel's sudden shift in personality.

'Well… at least he feels genuinely loyal.'

"Still, you can help me. I thought of a few new moves after watching your battle with Tanya," Ace said.

"Then, it would be my pleasure to help!" Enel slightly bowed.

Aaaaaaaaand... I'm back! Finally!

I missed writing so much. My fingers just flew along my keyboard LMAO

Anyway, this arc only has two more chapters. Thank you for reading!

Ehnvycreators' thoughts