
One Piece:Drakon (HIATUS)

TwentyOneNovel · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs



That's all Drakon had felt since he was sold by his slave trader to a young celestial dragon. Everyday tested his mental strength and his physical capabilities. He went through beating, whipping and starving whenever his slaver felt it was appropriate.

"Lift your head up you heathen" screeched the girl as she grabbed Drakon by his dreadlocks and pulled his head up

'How did I get here' thought Drakon as his slaver grabbed her whip and readied it for another session of inhumane torture

'Oh yeah' Drakon thought

'They are dead'

Year 1506x

"Momma!" exclaimed a little Drakon while rushing through the gate of his house towards the woman with a brownskin tone and long wavy hair who was planting some orange trees in her yard

He ran towards the woman and hugged her tightly "Woah little dragon slow down." she said as she laughed happily and hugged her son back

"Momma guess what I saw today?" exclaimed Drakon with a bright smile on his face as he tugged on his mother's dress then said "I saw a marine ship in the distance momma!" Drakon said excitedly.

Marie laughed at her son's excitement She knew he had wanted to be a marine ever since a passing by ship came and visited the island . "Oh really? well I hope they come and visit my baby boy" Marie said as she grabbed and pulled on her son's cheeks stretching them apart

"Momma" said Drakon embarrassedly while looking around to see if anyone had witnessed this scene Marie started laughing loudly at her son's embarrassed face then said "Go get some flowers Drakon, we are going to vist your father today" said Marie as she smiled at her son and patted his head

"Yes ma'am" said Drakon as he ran off through the village "Slow down Drakon!" yelled his mother with a smile on her face then went back to planting her trees and nurturing her plants

Present | Year 1508x

"DIE!" screamed the monster who was in the form of a girl while continuously whipping Drakon's already scarred back. He had whip, burns and all kinds of scars running up and down his body with the expectation of his face fortunately

Even though Drakon was only 7, he didn't do what most kids his age would do. He didn't cry, He didn't beg to be spared he just took his beating with no sound coming out of him at all mostly because he thought that he deserved it.

He deserved that beating for not being able to save his village, for not being able to save the woman who took care of him up until her death , His mother. He was a disappointment to himself and he knew deep in his heart that if his mother was looking at him she would also he disappointed.

"UGH" groaned his torturer as she dropped the whip finally putting an end to my suffering "This is so boring" she said while stomping the ground in a childish rage then she grabbed his dreadlocks and pulled them making him look up at her

"Don't you want to try something new" she asked while staring into Drakon's eyes full of psychotic excitement then she let go of Drakon's hair snd started to walk out of the torture room but then a small voice stopped her making her hear the words she had never had the pleasure of knowing the meaning of


The girl laughed and walked out of the torture room and started giving commands to the guards outside of the room and for the first time in a long time Drakon cried as he asked out in the quiet room blooded room

"When will my suffering end?"

Thank you for reading!

TwentyOneNovelcreators' thoughts