
One piece: Dominion


Kaushik_15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs


John "Hey Mom, it's me, John."

Rouge "Oh John, it's so good to hear from you. How are you doing?"

John "I'm doing alright. I have some news though. I left the Marines."

Rouge "What? Why did you leave?"

John "I couldn't stay with them any longer. I saw some things that I couldn't ignore. I've decided to train under Rayleigh and learn Haki."

Rouge "Haki? That's a powerful thing. Are you sure about this?"

John "Yeah, I'm sure. I need to become stronger and Haki is the way to do it. Plus, Rayleigh is a great teacher."

Rouge "Well, I trust your judgment. Just promise me you'll be safe."

John: "I will, don't worry. And I want you to help me with something. Can you train Ace and teach him some martial arts?"

Author: "Did you all think she was just a regular woman? No, she knows how to fight."

Rouge: "Of course, I'd be happy to. And what about Luffy?"

John: "I was hoping you could help with him too. He's still young, but I want him to start training as well."

Rouge: "Okay, I'll do my best. Just make sure you come to visit us when your training is over, okay?"

John: "I will, Mom. I miss you guys. Take care."

currently, it is the year 1505.

----------------<Timeskip 2 years>-----------------

As John continued to train under Rayleigh, he made significant progress in mastering Haki. His armament Haki had reached the internal destruction stage, allowing him to harden his body and weapons to a remarkable degree and directly ignore enemy's defenses and injure them internally. He had also developed his observation Haki to the point where he could see up to 5 seconds into the future, giving him a huge advantage in battle.

One day, while sparring with Rayleigh, John pulled out the manual that Oden had given him and began reading it. "This is incredible," he said, "I had no idea that there were so many different types of swordsmanship."

Rayleigh smiled. "Yes, Oden was a master swordsman, and he wrote that manual himself. It's a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone who wants to improve their swordsmanship."

John nodded, his eyes still fixed on the manual. "I've been working on my swordsmanship a lot lately, and I feel like I've hit a bit of a plateau. I think this could really help me take my skills to the next level."

Rayleigh put a hand on John's shoulder. "I have no doubt that you will, my boy. Just remember, the most important thing is to keep training and never give up on yourself."

Over the next two years, John trained tirelessly under Rayleigh's guidance, mastering the various forms of swordsmanship outlined in the manual and further honing his Haki abilities. He became one of the strongest fighters in the world, and his reputation as a fierce warrior would begin to spread throughout the Grand Line.

Rayleigh" lets have a spar to see how much you improved John."

Rayleigh and John stepped onto the ground, both swords clad in their Haki. The air around them crackled with energy as they stared each other down. Rayleigh was a master of all three types of Haki, and John had learned from him diligently for the past two years. This would be the ultimate test of his progress.

Without a word, Rayleigh charged forward, his sword held high. John braced himself, knowing that he was facing a formidable opponent. He raised his own sword, ready to block the incoming attack.

Their swords clashed in a shower of sparks, and John could feel the force of Rayleigh's strike reverberating through his entire body. He pushed back, his muscles straining with the effort, and managed to deflect Rayleigh's blade.

But Rayleigh was not deterred. He continued to press forward, his movements fluid and graceful. John was forced to retreat, using his Haki to dodge and parry each of Rayleigh's attacks.

Their swords flashed back and forth, creating a mesmerizing dance. John was completely focused on the fight, his mind attuned to every movement of his opponent. He felt a sense of clarity that he had never experienced before.

Rayleigh suddenly shifted his attack, switching from swordplay to Haki. He unleashed a powerful blast of Conqueror's Haki, the shockwave knocking John off his feet.

John scrambled to his feet, panting heavily. He could feel his own Haki resonating with Rayleigh's, the energy surging through his body like a wave.

They continued to trade blows, each one more fierce than the last. John's swordsmanship was improving with each passing moment, and he was able to deflect more and more of Rayleigh's attacks.

But Rayleigh was still the master, and he landed a devastating blow that sent John flying across the training ground. He crashed into a tree, his body aching from the impact.

As John struggled to stand up, Rayleigh walked over to him, a small smile on his face. "You've come a long way, John," he said. "But there's still more to learn."

John grinned, his face covered in sweat and dirt. "I'm ready for it," he said, his voice filled with determination.

And so, the two warriors continued their spar, pushing each other to their limits and beyond. The sound of clashing steel and surging Haki echoed throughout the island, a testament to the power of their training.

John wiped the sweat off his forehead as he stood panting before Rayleigh. It had been an intense spar, with both men pushing their limits and testing their skills to the max. But in the end, it was John who had fallen, his defenses finally crumbling under the relentless assault of Rayleigh's Haki and swordsmanship.

"Good job, kid," Rayleigh said with a grin as he sheathed his sword. "You've come a long way since you first walked through that door."

John smiled back, feeling a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over him. It had been two long years of hard work and dedication, but he had finally reached a level of strength and skill that he could be proud of.

"Thanks, Rayleigh," he said, bowing respectfully. "I couldn't have done it without your guidance and training."

Rayleigh nodded, a twinkle in his eye. "You've got a lot of potential, John. Don't waste it."

"I won't," John promised, feeling a surge of determination course through his veins. "I'll use everything you've taught me to protect the people I care about and become the strongest I can be."

"Good," Rayleigh said, clapping him on the back. "I'll be keeping an eye on you, kid. Make sure you don't disappoint me."

John grinned, feeling a sense of warmth and belonging in Rayleigh's words. He knew that he still had a long way to go on his journey, but with Rayleigh's guidance and support, he felt like anything was possible.

With a final nod of farewell towards Rayleigh and shakky, John turned and left the island, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead with newfound strength and confidence.

Shanks " You have created a monster Rayleigh."

Rayleigh "Such strength at just 12 years old, hahaha Roger we picked up a monster that day."


After bidding farewell to Rayleigh, John decided to visit his family on Dawn Island. As he walked towards his home, he felt a mixture of emotions – excitement, nervousness, and a tinge of guilt for leaving them behind for so long.

When he reached his home, he saw his mother and brothers standing outside, waiting for him. As they saw him, their eyes lit up and they ran towards him, embracing him tightly.

"John, you're finally back!" his mother exclaimed, tears streaming down her face. "We missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, Mom," John replied, hugging her back tightly.

Ace and Luffy, who were now six and three years old respectively, were jumping up and down with excitement. "Big brother John, you're back! Did you bring us any gifts?" Ace asked eagerly.

John chuckled and ruffled Ace's hair. "Of course I did. I have gifts for all of you," he said, as he pulled out a bag of goodies from his backpack.

As they entered the house, John's mother prepared a feast for them. They ate together, sharing stories of their lives and catching up on lost time. It was an emotional reunion, and John couldn't help but feel grateful for having such a loving family.

As the night drew to a close, John hugged his family tightly once again. "I'll come back to visit soon, I promise," he said.

His mother smiled and hugged him back. "We'll be waiting for you, John. Take care of yourself," she said, as she kissed him on the forehead.

John waved goodbye and walked towards the port, ready to embark on his next adventure. He knew that he would always have a home to come back to, and that thought brought him a sense of comfort and belonging.



As John finished explaining his decision to leave the Marines, Garp hung his head in shame. He had always known that the organization he had dedicated his life to wasn't perfect, but he never imagined that it could be capable of such atrocities.

"John... I'm so sorry," Garp said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I should have done more to protect you from what happened on Ohara. I never wanted you to see that side of the Marines."

John put a reassuring hand on his grandfather's shoulder. "It's not your fault, Gramps. You've always been a great mentor and father figure to me. But I just can't ignore what I saw there. The Marines are supposed to protect people, not hurt them."

Garp nodded, his expression pained. "You're right, John. And I'm afraid that what happened on Ohara wasn't an isolated incident. There are others in the higher ranks of the Marines who value absolute justice above all else, even if it means sacrificing innocent lives."

John's eyes widened in disbelief. "How can that be? How can they justify taking innocent lives?"

Garp sighed heavily. "It's a complicated issue, John. I've been trying to change the system from within for years, but it's not easy. I'm proud of you for standing up for what's right, even if it means going against the organization you've always known."

John nodded, his determination unwavering. "I won't let what happened on Ohara go unpunished, Gramps. I'm going to keep fighting for justice, but I'll do it on my own terms."

Garp gave him a small smile, his eyes filled with pride. "I wouldn't expect anything less from a member of the Monkey family. Just promise me one thing, John. Promise me that you'll always fight with honor and integrity."

John nodded, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. "I promise, Gramps. I'll make you proud."