
One piece: Dominion


Kaushik_15 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs


John returned from his vacation with a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that if he wanted to be a top-tier Marine, he had to master the Rokushiki techniques. And so, he began his training with Garp once again.

The training was intense. Garp pushed John to his limits, and sometimes beyond. But John was determined to master the Rokushiki techniques, and he worked tirelessly to do so. He spent hours every day practicing his moves, honing his speed and agility, and perfecting his technique.

After six months of intense training, John had finally mastered all of the Rokushiki techniques, including Rokugan and Life Return. He felt like a new man, filled with confidence and energy.

But even as he celebrated his achievement, he knew that there was still much more to learn. He was eager to take on new challenges, face stronger opponents, and become the best Marine he could be.

Then Garp says to John that he Would work as an aide for vice admiral Kazan and he is sent to his ship.

John boarded the ship where he met Vice Admiral Kuzan and his crew. He was introduced to everyone and was assigned to assist Kuzan in his daily tasks. John found himself impressed with Kuzan's calm and collected demeanor.

On his first day on the ship, John tried to be helpful by organizing Kuzan's desk. However, he ended up mixing up all the papers and files, leaving Kuzan in a bit of a mess. John apologized profusely, but Kuzan simply smiled and told him not to worry, assuring him that it was not a big deal.

As the days went by, John learned a lot from Kuzan and his crew. He helped them with various tasks, such as navigation and communications. He also assisted in training sessions, and Kuzan was pleased to see how much progress John had made in his training.

One day, while Kuzan was taking a nap, John noticed that the ship's cook was struggling to prepare a meal due to the rough sea. He decided to help and started cooking himself. However, John was not a great cook, and he ended up making a completely unappetizing dish. Kuzan, who was woken up by the smell, came to the kitchen and found John covered in sauce and surrounded by a mess of food.

Kuzan couldn't help but laugh at the sight, but John was mortified. He apologized again, but Kuzan assured him that it was all right and that they all had to learn somehow. From that day on, John made it his mission to improve his cooking skills.

Despite the mishaps, John enjoyed his time on Kuzan's ship and learned a lot about being a Marine. He was grateful for the opportunity and knew that he would be better prepared for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Like that 3 months passed.

John entered Kuzan's cabin and saw a nervous Vice-Admiral.

John "Kuzan-san what is it that is making you nervous."

Kuzan" John have you heard of an island named Ohara the Higher-ups ordered a buster call on it."

" so it's time." John thought to himself.

Kuzan listens to Sengoku in the transponder snail and then turns to John, "We have to leave now, prepare yourself." John nods and quickly gets ready for the mission.

As they arrive at Ohara, Kuzan briefs John about the mission. "We are here to execute a buster call on this island. Our goal is to capture and eliminate any archeologists who are studying the poneglyphs."

John nods, "Understood, sir."

As they make their way toward the island, John couldn't help but feel uneasy about what was going to happen. He knew that innocent lives were going to be lost, and it weighed heavily on his conscience.

As they reach the shore, John sees the devastation caused by the buster call. He sees the buildings burning, and the people running for their lives. He sees the fear in their eyes and feels a pang of guilt in his heart.

Kuzan notices John's unease and puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "This is the reality of our world, John. It's not always pretty, but it's necessary."

John nods, "Yes, sir. I understand."

As they make their way deeper into the island, John sees the archeologists and their families hiding in fear. He couldn't bear to see them suffer, and he knew he had to do something.

Without a second thought, John runs toward the archeologists and yells at them to follow him. They hesitate at first, but seeing the determination in his eyes, they follow him.

As they run towards the shore, Kuzan notices what's happening and runs after them. "John, what are you doing?"

"I can't let innocent people die, sir. I have to do something," John replies.

Kuzan nods and follows John and the archeologists toward the shore. As they reach the shore, they see the Marines waiting for them. Kuzan steps forward and orders the Marines to stand down.

"Sir, what are you doing?" one of the Marines asks.

"These people are innocent. They have nothing to do with the poneglyphs. We can't harm them," Kuzan replies sternly.

The Marines reluctantly stand down, and John heaves a sigh of relief. He knew that he had made the right decision.

As they make their way back to the ship, Kuzan turns to John, "You did well, John. You showed compassion, and that's a rare trait in our line of work."

John smiles, "Thank you, sir. I just did what I felt was right."

Kuzan nods, "I'm proud of you, John. Keep up the good work."

John nods, feeling a sense of accomplishment. He knew that he had made a small difference in someone's life, and that was all that mattered to him.

But Kuzan has something else planned in his mind.

Kuzan tells the Marines in secret that they have to follow them and capture the archaeologists without John knowing. He knows that John is a righteous marine and won't tolerate such a cruel act. The Marines agree to Kuzan's plan and they set out to catch them.

John who then was walking around saw child Robin crying to herself so he steels his heart and approaches her.

Robin" Please don't kill me."

John" Here take this face mask it will help you hide anywhere by concealing your identity I will now transport you to the nearest island I know."

Robin then nods and John then runs to the shore where there was no marine presence and teleports her to an island far away from there.

Kuzan was hiding while watching John help Robin he couldn't bring himself to kill a child.

He wondered how John got all his stuff and dismissed thinking about it thinking that he stole the mask from Garp he didn't know about the teleportation scroll.

John then once again started running across the island while looking for other survivors.

As John was running around the island he heard screams and turned to a see ship that was being sunk by Sakazki, he couldn't believe his eyes. He knew from the anime that Sakazuki does this but looking at this with his own eyes he couldn't bare it and broke down in tears.

John is extremely shaken by the marine acts and decides to leave them. he could not stay with these monsters and so he brought an instant teleport scroll from Decim and teleported away to Shakky's bar as he remembered that it was there according to the anime.

As John teleported away from the marine ship, he felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was relieved to be away from the Marines and their cruel intentions. But on the other hand, he felt a deep sadness that the organization he once believed in and dedicated his life to could be capable of such heinous acts.

As he arrived at Shakky's bar, tears welled up in his eyes. He felt lost and alone, unsure of what to do next. Shakky, who had seen a kid with a marine uniform breaking down in tears, noticed his distress and approached him.

"Hey there, kiddo. What's the matter?" she asked with concern.

John hesitated for a moment before pouring out his heart to Shakky. He told her about the buster call on Ohara and the secret orders to capture the innocent civilians. He couldn't believe that the marines he had once respected could be capable of such evil.

Shakky listened intently and offered her support. She knew that John was a good person at heart and that he was struggling with the betrayal of his beliefs. She told him that it was okay to feel lost and confused and that sometimes it takes a difficult experience to find one's true path in life.

With Shakky's words of encouragement, John slowly began to regain his composure. He knew that he couldn't go back to the Marines, but he also didn't want to give up on his dreams of making the world a better place. He decided to travel the seas as a freelance fighter, using his skills to help those in need and fight against injustice.

Rayleigh and John have a warm reunion at Shakky's bar. Rayleigh is surprised to see John after so many years, and they spend hours catching up on old times. John tells Rayleigh about his time with the Marines and how he couldn't take their corrupt ways anymore. Rayleigh sympathizes with him and tells him that he had a similar experience with them.

Rayleigh" So John, I heard from Shakky that you're in need of some training."

" Yes, I am. I need to become stronger if I want to protect the people I care about." John says with some determination in his eyes.

Rayleigh" That's a noble goal. I can teach you a powerful martial art called Haki. It requires strong willpower to master."

John" Haki? I've heard about it, but I don't know much." even though he knew.

Rayleigh" Haki is divided into three types: Observation Haki, Armament Haki, and Conqueror's Haki. Observation Haki allows you to sense the presence of others and predict their moves. Armament Haki allows you to create a protective coating over your body or weapons. Conqueror's Haki allows you to overwhelm others with your sheer presence."

John "That sounds amazing. How do I learn it?"

Rayleigh" First, you need to have strong willpower. You already have that. Then, you need to train your mind and body to be able to use Haki. I can teach you the basics and help you develop your unique style."

John " Thank you, Rayleigh. I won't let you down."

Rayleigh "Good. Let's get started then."

John" Okay Rayleigh-san, before that can I have a transponder snail to call my mom and tell her about this."

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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