
One Piece: Cursed and From Another World

Imagine going to bed only to thrown into your favorite Anime World. Well, this is what happened to this unfortunate young man. He was tasked to help a certain someone become the Pirate King if he wanted to return home.

Drive_Night326 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
69 Chs


(Starrk's POV)

I made my way to Shakky's bar alone. I told the others, especially Teach, not to attract too much attention while I was gone.

I mean, I don't expect people not to notice a Yonko ship docked at their island. I hope whatever Rayleigh has to tell me is quick so we can leave before something happens. I got a bad feeling that I can't shake off.

Whitebeard told me that Rayleigh had made contact with Jinbei and asked for a favor. The old man sent me here to hear what this favor is about.

Something tells me that whatever he tells me, it's going to be linked to whatever is going on in the country Jinbei is at.

I walked up the stairs to the bar and opened the door. As the door slowly creaked open, I could feel an immense aura coming from within the building. I can't be surprised by that due to the guy who's waiting for me.

I saw a beautiful woman with short hair standing behind a counter, cleaning some glasses. This was none other than Shakky.

I walked inside, "Hello."

She looked at me and gave me a slight smile, "Well, hello there, stranger." She said, "Who must you be?"

"I'm-" I was about to say before being cut off

"Starrk." I turned to see Rayleigh sitting on a chair, "The Black Wolf of the Whitebeard Pirates."

He was drinking booze from a bottle with a smile on his face.

"Oh!" Shakky said, "This stud of a man is the newbie Newgate recruited?"

I didn't say anything, was just stunned for some reason.

"This newbie is the 2nd Division Commander, Shakky." Rayleigh said, "Come, Starrk! Sit, sit with me. Let's have a drink!"

"Uhm, Okay," I said as I took Ice out of the strap, leaned it against the wall and walked over to his table, and sat down

"How is Newgate?" Rayleigh asked, "Is he well?"

I nodded, "As lively as the old bastard can be." I said, "He told me you got something to discuss?"

Before he said anything, Shakky sat next to me and set a bottle of whisky in front of me, and passed some cups to Rayleigh and me.

"Quite the Sword you got." She said nodding at Ice, "I swear it looks familiar."

Rayleigh chuckled, "Excuse Shakky, she can be quite rude at times."

I shook my head, "No, it's fine." I said, "I mean, it's an honor to be in the presence of a former Kuja Empress."

Shakky raised her eyebrow, "How do you know that?"

"This is Starrk, The Man Who Knows The Future." Rayleigh said, "You can't be surprised if he knows the information we don't."

"So he knows the future, that doesn't say anything about the past, Ray-san." Shakky said, "But it doesn't matter. Funny you mention the Kuja because it's what we want to discuss with you."

I frowned, "What do you mean?"

"I reached out to Jinbei to see if he can contact Newgate for me." Rayleigh said, "If the government finds out I try to contact him directly, they'd be on high alert. Especially since the whole incident at sea, you had with The Dragon Knight."

I nodded, "Smart. Jinbei says that something at an island he's at will happen." I said, "Must be serious if a Warlord needs to ask us for help."

Rayleigh said, "It is." He said, "The island he's at is home of a Warrior Country. It is called the Redmane Nation. They are one of the few nations of the world that are known for their fierce warriors, Elbaf being the most famous for their warrior giants."

I nodded, "I see." I said, "And this festival the king will throw..."

"It is a combat festival." Rayleigh said, "The King of Redmane is a pretty famous warrior from my time. I have to admit, He used to sail the seas on his own ship and clash with Pirates."

I raised my eyebrow, "Don't tell me.."

Rayleigh nodded, "Yes." He said, "He had clashed a couple of times with us."

This King of Redmane threw down with the Roger Pirates? That's fucking crazy.

"Nothing too crazy, though." Shakky spoke up, "The King is nowhere near Roger at his prime. Therefore he's not as strong as Ray-san."

"Hehe, you don't give him enough credit, Shakky." Rayleigh chuckled, "He's quite formidable, even at his old age."

"So you mention this festival is a combat one, what does that have to do with Jinbei asking for help?" I asked

Rayleigh cleared his throat, "It is a festival that invites powerful participants across the world to take part in it. He promised riches and gold for the winners of the festival." He said, "Anyone can join, pirates and marines even."

"But I doubt he extended the invitation to the Yonko." I said, "I didn't hear of this."

Shakky chuckled, "If you're going to Redmane, then that means you'll take part in it." She said, "Jinbei probably asked for help because the Government is preventing him from taking part in it. They also are keeping the marines from even looking in Redmane's direction."

"I guess that they sent Cipher Pol's agents to investigate what is going to happen in there," Rayleigh said

"I don't understand." I said, "Why is the Government doing all of that and why is Jinbei worried that something will go down?"

Rayleigh looked at me with a slight smile, "Where do you think that weapon you got on your ship came from?" He said

I widened my eyes. What the hell? How does he know about that? Did the old man tell him?

I got that weapon a while ago at a random island. I found it buried deep within a cave half-destroyed and it took us a while to get it repaired and operational again. It didn't take geniuses to figure it out.

Shakky chuckled, "You get it now?" She said, "The Redmane Kingdom has some crazy weaponry that the Government is wary of. They keep it tight-lipped because the King doesn't flaunt it. Up until now, he never waved it around in a flashy manner."

Rayleigh nodded, "Now." He said, "He intends to award one of the winners of his festival with a piece of that arsenal. Think about that for a second, Starrk."

"No need to." I said, "That will attract the attention of many big-shots to look to Redmane. I can think of a couple of assholes that will make their way there. Also, I have a feeling that the Government is keeping Jinbei on standby because they'll use the others to come in later."

Rayleigh nodded again, "Indeed." He said, "After they investigate the matter, they will probably send in the Warlords to attack Redmane and seize the weapons."

"That will probably also require the Navy," I said

"Maybe." He told me

"Speaking of Warlords." Shakky said, "Let's get to what we want to discuss with you."

I looked at her, "yea?"

"I received word of one of my people at Amazon Lily." She said, "The current Empress is currently losing her mind."

"Hancock?" I asked

She nodded, "Yes."


"Well the thing is." She said,

"Her sister has been kidnapped by a member of The Redmane Royal Family."