
One Piece: Bloodmoon's Conquest

In the treacherous world of One Piece, where pirates roam the seas in search of untold treasures and ultimate power, a new darkness emerges. Odin Bloodmoon, born with an innate understanding of the world's plot, wields a sinister system that rewards him for every plot character he slays. As he carves a path of destruction and domination, his legend grows, casting a shadow over the very essence of evil. Will anyone dare to stand against the tyrant who seeks to rewrite the very fabric of fate?

Ethan_Storm · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Black Hand Zephyr

As Redbeard observed Zephyr, engulfed in his searing magma pit, a triumphant smirk crept across his face. "It's over for you," he declared, his voice dripping with malice as he prepared to deliver the finishing blow.

Across the battlefield, Tsuru's fury ignited at the sight of her comrade in peril. "You bastards!" she shouted, her voice ringing out with righteous indignation. "I will not let you harm him!"

But before she could intervene, Bill, with a sinister grin plastered across his face, intercepted her path. "Where are you going, girl?" he taunted, his voice laced with sadistic amusement. "Let's have a little fun first."

As the clash between Tsuru and Bill reached its crescendo, a sudden interruption rocked the battlefield. Karp, with a thunderous roar, unleashed his devastating technique, "Galaxy Impact," sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

But Redbeard, not one to be caught off guard, met Karp's attack head-on. With a surge of haki-infused power, he unleashed a devastating counterattack, his fist crashing into Karp with bone-shattering force.

The collision between the two titans sent shockwaves reverberating across the battlefield, cracking the very atmosphere with its intensity. Karp and Redbeard were sent hurtling away from each other, their bodies propelled by the sheer force of the impact.

As Redbeard soared above the magma pit, the aftermath of the collision still echoing in his ears, he suddenly felt a searing pain lance through his chest. Looking down in disbelief, he saw Zephyr, his arm coated in haki, piercing straight through his heart.

"How is this possible?" Redbeard gasped, his voice filled with incredulity. "Under my fruit, everything melts away..."

But Zephyr, his body charred and battered from his ordeal in the magma lake, simply smirked in response. "I survived," he declared, his voice a defiant rasp. "And now, it's your turn to face the consequences."

With those words, Redbeard's body went limp, lifeless, as the last vestiges of his strength faded away. The battle had taken its toll, and in the end, it was Zephyr who emerged victorious, his indomitable spirit prevailing against all odds.

As Zephyr emerged from the magma pit, his body charred and ravaged by the searing heat, Karp's eyes widened in disbelief. "You did it!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and admiration.

But before they could celebrate their victory, Tsuru sprang into action. With a swift motion, she unleashed her devil fruit power, commanding the water to wash away the molten magma that clung to Zephyr's body.

As the magma was washed away, revealing Zephyr's battered form, the extent of his injuries became painfully clear. His skin was charred and blistered, his flesh exposed to the harsh elements. Even his internal organs were visible through the burnt tissue.

But despite the severity of his injuries, Zephyr refused to yield. With a defiant grin, he staggered forward, his teeth bared in a feral snarl. "I survived," he rasped, his voice hoarse with exertion. "Haha... I survived."

With those words, Zephyr's strength finally gave out, and he collapsed to the ground, his body wracked with pain and exhaustion.

As the battle raged on, Karp found himself facing a formidable opponent in the form of Morgan. With a swift and powerful blow, Morgan sent Karp hurtling down the mountainside, the force of the impact sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

But even as Karp struggled to regain his footing, the fight continued unabated. Meanwhile, Odin appeared on the scene, swiftly moving to retrieve Zephyr and carry him to safety aboard their ship. Tsuru, ever vigilant, intercepted Bill's attack, providing cover for Odin as he made his escape with their fallen comrade.

As Odin ran with Zephyr in his arms, a sinister smile spread across his face, his eyes gleaming with malice. With a flick of his tentacle, he silently pierced Zephyr's heart, a cruel and calculated betrayal hidden beneath a facade of concern.

"Hehehe... Sorry, Zephyr," Odin chuckled darkly, his voice dripping with deceit as he laid his fallen comrade to rest. Zephyr's lifeless eyes stared up at him, a silent witness to Odin's treachery, as the weight of his betrayal hung heavy in the air.

As Odin rushed aboard the ship with Zephyr in tow, his heart heavy with grief and desperation, he pleaded with the medical staff to save his fallen comrade. But as the nurse assessed Zephyr's condition, her solemn words echoed through the silence, crushing all hope.

"Not good," she murmured, her voice weighted with sorrow. "He is dead."

The news struck Odin like a physical blow, leaving him reeling in shock and disbelief. In a desperate attempt to defy fate, he seized the nurse by the collar, his voice raw with anguish. "Save him, you... you asshole!" he cried, his words choked with emotion.

But the nurse, her expression grave, shook her head somberly. "It can't happen," she explained softly. "His heart has stopped beating."

With a heavy heart, Odin released his grip on the nurse, his tears flowing freely as the weight of Zephyr's loss settled upon him like a suffocating shroud. Unable to bear the agony of his failure, he stumbled out of the ship, his sobs echoing through the air.

Outside, Tsuru's concerned gaze met Odin's tear-streaked face, and she approached him with trepidation. "What happened? Is Zephyr okay?" she inquired, her voice trembling with fear.

But Odin's response was choked with sorrow. "He... he's gone," he whispered hoarsely, his words barely audible over the sound of his grief. "His heart stopped beating... he's no more."

Tsuru's heart clenched with sorrow at the news, tears welling in her eyes as she grappled with the magnitude of their loss. But before she could fully process her emotions, Bill's callous laughter shattered the silence, his cruel words twisting the knife of their grief even further.

"That's what he gets," Bill sneered, his voice dripping with contempt as he reveled in their pain.

Enraged by his callous disregard for their fallen comrade, Tsuru's sorrow turned to fury. "You... I will kill you, Bill!" she vowed, her voice trembling with righteous indignation as she prepared to mete out justice for Zephyr's untimely demise.


[- Mutated Adamantium Evil Serum]


Odin's eyes gleamed with anticipation as he beheld the reward offered by the system. The Mutated Adamantium Evil Serum held the promise of unimaginable power, a chance to transcend the limitations of mortal flesh and ascend to a new realm of invincibility.

With a sinister grin, Odin accepted the serum, relishing the prospect of what lay ahead. "So evil," the system remarked, a hint of admiration in its digital voice. "Your body will merge with adamantium, becoming virtually indestructible. Every aspect of your being will be fortified, from your blood to your cells and hormones."

Odin nodded in satisfaction, his mind already racing with the possibilities that awaited him. "Good," he muttered, his excitement palpable. But a nagging doubt lingered in the back of his mind. "This won't cause any pain, will it?" he inquired, a hint of apprehension tingeing his voice.

The system reassured him with a comforting reply. "No, host, it won't," it stated emphatically. "The first time may have caused discomfort, but this time, as part of the lottery, everything will be perfect."

With his fears allayed, Odin wasted no time in consuming the serum, his body suffused with a surge of dark energy as the transformation began. As the adamantium infused every fiber of his being, Odin felt a profound sense of power coursing through him, his essence forever altered by the malevolent influence of the serum.

Odin's enhanced senses tingled with the crackling energy of his newfound power as he surveyed the chaos unfolding before him. Tsuru, locked in a fierce battle against the malevolent Bill, struggled to maintain her footing against his relentless onslaught.

"Tsuru, do you need any help?" Odin called out, his voice cutting through the din of battle as he watched her falter under Bill's relentless assault. But Tsuru, her focus consumed by the desperate struggle before her, seemed oblivious to his offer of aid.

As Odin moved to intervene, a sudden, vicious attack from Bill sent Tsuru reeling backward, her defenses shattered by the venomous onslaught. With a lethal precision born of malice, Bill formed a deadly spear from the toxic substance coursing through his veins, launching it toward Tsuru with deadly intent.

Tsuru, her senses reeling and her strength waning, felt a surge of panic grip her heart as the deadly projectile hurtled toward her with unstoppable momentum. In that harrowing moment, she felt as though her very life hung in the balance, her breath catching in her throat as the spear closed in with lethal precision.

But just as all hope seemed lost, a shadow fell over Tsuru, shielding her from the deadly blow. With a thunderous crash, Odin intercepted the venomous spear, his augmented form bristling with newfound power as he deflected the attack with ease.

As Odin intercepted the venomous spear with a resolute defiance, Tsuru's cry of anguish echoed through the chaos, her heart rending at the sight of Odin placing himself in harm's way for her sake. But even as her despair threatened to consume her, a flicker of hope ignited within her chest, spurred on by the miraculous display of Odin's newfound resilience.

Bill, his face contorted with disbelief, stared in utter astonishment at the scene unfolding before him. "How is this possible?" he muttered, his voice tinged with a mixture of shock and outrage. "That poison spear is my strongest attack. And yet, this boy... he took it without a hint of haki. His skin remains unscathed, impervious to my deadliest weapon."

As the realization dawned upon him, a cold shiver of fear slithered down Bill's spine. In Odin, he faced an adversary unlike any he had encountered before, a force of nature unto himself, his very body a fortress of indomitable strength.

With a sinister grin spreading across his lips, Odin turned to face Bill, his eyes gleaming with an eerie intensity. "You think your poison can harm me?" he taunted, his voice dripping with contempt. "You underestimate the power coursing through my veins, Bill. Your reign of terror ends here and now."