
One Night Stand with a Stranger

In a dim, noisy, chaotic, and smoky place, Miguel first met a woman who made his heart beat faster. Back then, he was just looking for a companion because all of his friends had someone with them while having fun inside the bar, and he was the only one alone. So, he decided to walk around hoping to find someone. And while he was searching, he saw a woman in a red dress with a dahlia flower in her ear, dancing in the middle with men dancing alongside her. Until their eyes met, and he was captivated. And because of that moment, Miguel felt a strong electric shock and warmth in his body, making him instantly drawn to the woman. He didn't hesitate and quickly ran towards her, fearing she might end up with one of the men surrounding her. He didn't care about bumping into people as he passed by all he could think of was getting closer to the beautiful woman he saw. He successfully approached the stunning woman! But...another man seemed to be catching the attention of the beautiful woman, which made Miguel's blood boil. Seeing the man about to take advantage of the unaware woman, who seemed drunk and disoriented, made Miguel lose his temper. Without further ado, he delivered a solid punch that made the opportunistic man fall to the ground, resulting in a big brawl inside the bar. Luckily, Miguel was known in that bar, so some security guards quickly protected him and he managed to escape. Carrying the beautiful lady, they safely exited the bar. Feeling breathless as he reached his car, the woman he carried fell asleep, so he gently placed her in his luxurious car and left shortly after...

sunjaystories · สมัยใหม่
13 Chs



Miguel was on the verge of tears, unable to believe what he was seeing. After searching for so long, he had finally found the woman he had been desperately looking for. Unbeknownst to him, it was on this very mission that he would find her. However, despite the long-awaited reunion, Miguel couldn't bring himself to feel joy.

His heart sank further when he learned that the woman he loved was already married. Dr. Charles had broken the news, and Miguel found it hard to accept. Stunned and lost in thought, Miguel couldn't simply let go. He was convinced that the woman who had driven him mad with love wasn't telling the truth.




Finally, our shift ended as our replacements arrived. We were given an early dismissal because, according to Dr. Blaire, we would be on the morning shift again tomorrow. He also mentioned that more relief goods and volunteers would be arriving, which was very exciting. So many people were helping us, and we were incredibly grateful.

There was also good news from home: the floodwaters had receded, as my mother, whom I was currently speaking to on the phone, informed me. They were now cleaning the house, with help from our neighbors.

"Yes, dear, the neighbors are here, so don't worry about your Mama getting too tired. I'll pay them afterward and we'll have snacks together," she said with a smile in her voice.

Riley and I got excited about going home. But before we left, I thought it would be best to inform Kuya, so we went to his booth.

Riley and I held hands, continuing to pretend that we were a couple. Initially, we were grossed out by each other, but now we were getting used to it, so there was no more awkwardness between us.

When we reached the booth, Kuya wasn't there; we were told he had gone to the restroom. So, we decided to wait for him in the booth.

Since they had finished distributing supplies, it was just Riley and me inside. As we waited, we looked around, admiring their modern medical equipment. We were both amazed by the advanced technology.

While we were inspecting the booth, Riley accidentally knocked over some items, causing them to scatter. We quickly picked them up.

"Girl, be careful. We might get caught," I said worriedly as I helped her gather everything. Luckily, no one else was around, or we would have been in big trouble.

Among the fallen items were papers and IDs, so we handled them with extra care. Suddenly, Riley tapped me on the shoulder.

"Hey, look at this!" she said, staring intently at an ID she was holding. I approached her, placing the papers I had picked up on the table.

"What's so urgent?" I asked, my brow furrowed.

I was shocked when she showed me the ID of a familiar-looking man. My eyes widened further when I read the name.

"Dr. Lorenzo Miguel Samaniego, Neurosurgeon?" I read aloud. Riley and I exchanged astonished looks.

Oh my god! Could this be real? The photo on the ID matched him perfectly—fair skin, slightly pink lips, and those blue eyes! It was definitely Miguel.

Just then, a man appeared and caught us holding Miguel's ID.

"Excuse me? Who are you, and why are you holding my boss's ID?" he asked, frowning as he took the ID from my hand.

"If you're waiting for someone, please wait outside. It's not safe to be in here; things could go missing," he added.

Riley and I stood up and left the booth, my nostrils flaring in frustration. How dare he accuse us of being thieves? This was infuriating!

But my friend, Riley, seemed to go into slow motion as we walked out, glaring at the man who was also standing by the door.

"Yes, sir? Is there a problem? The way you're looking at me, it's like you're picking a fight," Riley said arrogantly. It seemed like a confrontation was brewing as the man stepped closer to Riley.

This is infuriating. Riley should have just walked out calmly instead of escalating things. What now? This is embarrassing, and we might tarnish the reputation of our hospital if things go south.

The two of them were locked in a staring contest... But wait, is Riley blushing? And is there a spark? Interesting. I knew it, Riley probably just wanted an excuse to get closer to this guy.

"What's up, man? Are you looking for trouble?" the man said, his eyes locked on Riley's.

Suddenly, my brother arrived and intervened, pulling them apart. I breathed a sigh of relief. Thank goodness, because that guy looked like he was ready for a fight. He was tall and well-built, ticking all the boxes for Riley's type.

"What happened here? Jeric, what's going on? This is my sister's husband. It's a good thing I came just in time, or else I might have found you two brawling. You scared my sister," my brother scolded the man, who then walked away.

My brother apologized to us for what happened. Luckily, most of the people in the booths were resting, so no one witnessed the near confrontation.

My brother put his arm around Riley, apologizing again. "Sorry about that, man. He's the assistant to our Head Surgeon, so he's very protective of our booth. Are you okay?"

Riley, ever the drama queen, seemed to savor the moment, hugging my brother tightly. I quickly pulled him away, worried he might suddenly reveal his true identity.

"Babe!" I said through gritted teeth, glaring at Riley as I tugged him towards me. Thankfully, he remembered we were supposed to be a couple.

"Haha! Sorry, sorry. You and your brother look so much alike. I thought I was hugging you! How embarrassing. Sorry, bro," Riley said, trying to laugh it off.



Here we go again, experiencing that familiar rush of emotions, just like the first time I laid eyes on Monica at the bar that night. It was a mixture of excitement and longing, all over again. Yet, upon learning about her marriage, a wave of frustration swept over me, but I kept it in check. I couldn't afford any disruptions, so I settled for observing her from a distance, deliberately avoiding any encounters whenever I spotted her with her husband.

But I couldn't remain passive forever. I am Lorenzo Miguel Samaniego, and I refuse to yield. She was mine first, and that fact entitles me to claim her as my own. Their marital status is irrelevant; what matters to me is that she belongs to me.

Moreover, I have a strong conviction that those children are mine. Their resemblance is striking, and their ages align perfectly with the timeline since our last encounter. While Monica may be deceiving her brother, I won't be easily fooled.

"So, Jeric? Any progress? How's it going, what are they up to?"

"Unfortunately, boss, we haven't made any breakthroughs yet. However, it appears that they're preparing to say their goodbyes to Dr. Charles."



Our conversation with my brother lasted almost an hour, and it felt like it wasn't enough because we had so much to catch up on. However, he had to leave as their shuttle bus had arrived, signaling his departure. I found out they were staying at the hotel and would be heading home right after the medical mission the next day, leaving us with no time for further bonding.

Once my brother left, we considered heading home ourselves, but I suggested Riley use the restroom first since I had been needing to go for a while. The path we walked was dimly lit due to some malfunctioning bulbs, giving it a somewhat eerie atmosphere with flickering lights.

We finally reached the bathroom, and since Riley couldn't accompany me inside, I entered alone.

The bathroom was surprisingly spacious, with a large mirror and three cubicles. I wasted no time and went straight to the nearest one, feeling relieved to finally relieve myself. Less than a minute later, I stepped out to wash my hands, humming to myself.


"Ahh! Oh my God!" I screamed as the lights suddenly went out. Panic set in as I groped around in the darkness. Since I had left my bag with Riley outside, I had no source of light. I fumbled my way to the door and grasped the handle.


"Oh, sh*t!" I yelled in shock as a figure appeared in front of me. Just as suddenly, the lights flickered back on, and I got a good look at the person.

"What? It's you?!"

The only solution that crossed my mind was to confine her along with me, ensuring she had no way out. This would provide me with the opportunity to convey everything I needed to say to her.

With the help of my assistant Jeric, we successfully executed the plan. He patiently waited outside for almost an hour, signaling to me once Monica was on her way. I carefully orchestrated this move, ensuring that only Monica would make her way here. I even arranged for our shuttle driver to pick up the volunteers early to make sure Monica wouldn't be disturbed. Jeric immediately relayed the news to me, and I quickly prepared, hiding inside the women's restroom. It was my instinct to predict that Monica would use the restroom before leaving, so I waited patiently until the appointed time.

I rehearsed this scenario several times to ensure it would go off without a hitch. When she emerged from the cubicle, I waited for the opportune moment to turn off the lights and lock the door. The plan succeeded—I had you trapped now, Monica Jimenez.


"Let me go, Miguel. You know I can sue you for what you're doing here," Monica threatened me. But I remained unfazed; I had a purpose for her tonight, and that was to confess that she was lying and that our three children were indeed mine.

"Wait, why do you seem like you're in such a hurry to leave? Don't you miss me?" I couldn't help but reach for her hand, but she quickly pulled away.

"What are you talking about? Please let me go. Have mercy, I still have work tomorrow," she pleaded, but I steeled myself, refusing to show her any sympathy because I knew this was my only chance to be with her and ask all the questions swirling in my mind.

And with Jeric holding the key outside, I was confident that Monica wouldn't be able to open the door easily as she continued to twist the doorknob in hopes of escaping.

"You know, your attempts to escape are futile. Accept that we're locked in here and let's just sit down and talk," I said with a smile as I sat near the sink.

She seemed to weaken at my words, but I could feel her intense anger toward me through her terrifying gaze.

"Come on, Monica, relax. It's just me. Why do you seem so afraid of me? I'm not doing anything wrong to you. Unless, are you? Maybe you've done something or haven't told me?" I hinted, smiling at her. She continued to struggle with the doorknob.

I tried to get her to speak, but she remained silent. Time was running out, and we couldn't stay long, or else someone might hear her banging on the door. So I approached her, grasped her shoulders, and turned her to face me.

But I didn't expect our faces to be so close. I found myself staring into her eyes, and I felt like I was melting under her gaze. It seemed like she was breaking through the tough exterior I was showing her.

"Monica? Those looks..." I started to say before she pushed me away.

I couldn't help but tear up because I couldn't believe she was standing in front of me now—the woman I had longed for. The woman who had stirred up these emotions in me...

"I love you so much, Monica," I hugged her suddenly, unable to control my emotions.

"I've searched for you tirelessly. I nearly lost my mind hunting for you, yet I never abandoned the hope of our reunion. Please forgive me for my actions now. My desperation stems from my love for you, Monica. It's overwhelming," I confessed, tears streaming down my face as I held her close.

I felt her struggle as she finally pushed me away.

"But, Miguel, it's not possible anymore. Because I have a family, and I'm happy with them. So please, whatever you're planning, stop it. I'm happy with my children and my husband."

"Are you really happy, Monica? Look, do you think I'll believe the lie you told your brother that he's the father of your children? I'm not blind or stupid, Monica, to believe that. I can see from the children's faces that they're mine too."

"Miguel, they've never been yours because they're not your children. So stop it!" Monica said angrily, tears welling up in her eyes. She continued to bang on the door.

"You know, Monica, if I wanted to, I could easily get a DNA test for the children to prove everything to you. So if I were you, tell me the truth now, and don't wait until we're facing each other in court, and I fight for my rights to my children. I'll give you time to think about when you'll tell me the truth, and when I prove they're mine, you'll have to marry me, whether you want it or not," I said seriously, giving her a playful grin.

And then I received a slap from Monica, and I could see the fear in her eyes. So I kissed her on the lips and whispered before I left.

"I miss these sweet lips of yours, and I love your scent, sweetie," I said with a grin before opening the door and leaving.

I saw her staring blankly at me after stealing that kiss.

