
One Night Stand with a Stranger

In a dim, noisy, chaotic, and smoky place, Miguel first met a woman who made his heart beat faster. Back then, he was just looking for a companion because all of his friends had someone with them while having fun inside the bar, and he was the only one alone. So, he decided to walk around hoping to find someone. And while he was searching, he saw a woman in a red dress with a dahlia flower in her ear, dancing in the middle with men dancing alongside her. Until their eyes met, and he was captivated. And because of that moment, Miguel felt a strong electric shock and warmth in his body, making him instantly drawn to the woman. He didn't hesitate and quickly ran towards her, fearing she might end up with one of the men surrounding her. He didn't care about bumping into people as he passed by all he could think of was getting closer to the beautiful woman he saw. He successfully approached the stunning woman! But...another man seemed to be catching the attention of the beautiful woman, which made Miguel's blood boil. Seeing the man about to take advantage of the unaware woman, who seemed drunk and disoriented, made Miguel lose his temper. Without further ado, he delivered a solid punch that made the opportunistic man fall to the ground, resulting in a big brawl inside the bar. Luckily, Miguel was known in that bar, so some security guards quickly protected him and he managed to escape. Carrying the beautiful lady, they safely exited the bar. Feeling breathless as he reached his car, the woman he carried fell asleep, so he gently placed her in his luxurious car and left shortly after...

sunjaystories · Urban
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13 Chs



Monica was left speechless after Miguel's unexpected kiss. Tears streamed down her face as Riley found her in that vulnerable moment. Without a word, Riley offered to take her home, sensing her friend's need for comfort. As they walked, Monica remained lost in her thoughts, her tears a silent expression of her inner turmoil. Little did they know, Miguel watched from a distance, regretting his impulsive action.




In the hush of our wait for the shuttle bus, Jeric and I scanned the surroundings for any sign of Monica and the man accompanying her. It was Jeric who first caught sight of them; my mind had been elsewhere. Seeing Monica in such disarray filled me with a deep sense of guilt. She seemed utterly lost, her tears flowing unabated.

Damn it! Perhaps my approach was all wrong. I'd inadvertently heightened her fear with my threats, though that wasn't my intention. Desperation had driven me to take drastic measures, but I never wanted her to feel this way. Maybe if I'd just acted normal, things might have turned out differently.

Argh! Why does it always seem like I lose my head when it comes to Monica? I seem to conjure up the worst ideas whenever she's involved, making it even more challenging to win her back. But I won't give up. I'm determined to reclaim her, along with our children, someday.



Meanwhile, Monica and Riley got into a taxi just as our shuttle arrived.


As we rode in the shuttle, my assistant Jeric started telling me about Monica's supposed husband. He mentioned that he sensed something off about him, saying he had a strange, fishy smell. I couldn't help but furrow my brows in confusion, not quite grasping what Jeric was trying to convey.

"Huh? What the f*ck are you talking about? What smell? Can you just tell me straight? You know I already have a lot on my mind, and now you want me to figure this out too. If I take Georgina back from you, you'll regret it," I threatened, frustrated.

Jeric immediately looked worried and terrified. Georgina was the big bike I had gifted him for his birthday, and he was so fond of it that he named it Georgina, treating it with the same care as one would a girlfriend.

"Boss, please don't. Georgina is mine. I haven't even used her much because I don't want her to wear out," Jeric pleaded.

He quickly explained his discoveries to me.

"Boss, the reason I said he smelled fishy is that Madam Monica's so-called husband is actually...well, a What the f*ck are you talking about? What smell? Can you just be straightforward? You know I already have a lot on my mind, and now you want me to figure out this nonsense too. If I take Georgina back from you, you'll really regret it," I threatened, exasperated.

Jeric immediately looked worried and terrified. Georgina was the big bike I had gifted him for his birthday, and he was so fond of it that he named it Georgina, treating it with the same care as one would a girlfriend.

"Boss, please don't. Georgina is mine. I haven't even used her much because I don't want her to wear out," Jeric pleaded, desperation clear in his voice.

He quickly explained his discoveries to me.

"Boss, the reason I said he smelled fishy is because Madam Monica's so-called husband is actually – a gay!"

I stared at him, trying to process what he was saying. "Are you serious, Jeric? You better not be messing with me."

Jeric nodded earnestly. "Yes, boss. I noticed it earlier when I was trying to keep him away from the women's restroom. His mannerisms, the way he looked at me—it all just clicked. He's not just any guy; he's pretending."

I sighed, rubbing my temples. "Great, just what I needed. More complications. Are you absolutely sure about this?"

Jeric shrugged slightly. "Pretty sure, boss. I even followed him on Instagram and friended him on Facebook to keep an eye on him."

And he recounted that even before that happened, he actually encountered another moment with Monica's husband. Because when he caught Monica holding my ID, so he took it from her and escorted them both out.

"And when they were leaving, boss, it was crazy. I even thought she was going to kiss me because we're about the same height. Madam went out first, then the guy followed. It wasn't even crowded at the exit, but when he was about to leave, I really had to step back because he was looking at me straight in the eyes. I couldn't move because I was frozen in my spot," Jeric narrated with a hint of dramatic flair, and I had to stifle my laughter because his storytelling was amusing.

"Then, I challenged him to a fight. And that's when I found out his true colors, boss. When I challenged him because I felt uncomfortable with how he was staring at me, it was like he was flirting, so I approached him and challenged him. Well, the guy resisted, but not in a physical fight," he continued.

"Oh, really? How so?" I replied, struggling to contain my laughter.

"He resisted with a staring contest! It felt like we were in a staring competition, but I was the one who felt uncomfortable because his gaze was so intense, and he even licked his lips!" Jeric couldn't even control his expression as he recounted the story. I burst out laughing at his hilarious tale.

I couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Jeric, you're something else. Alright, keep an eye on him, but be careful. We need to figure this out without causing more trouble."




I was out of my mind, crying nonstop until we finally reached home. Riley was beside himself with worry, feeling guilty for not being able to help me sooner. I had already confided in him about what happened between Miguel and me, including the threats Miguel had made. Out of concern, Riley decided to stay with me at my house.

When I opened the door, the sight of my three children playing greeted me. Their happy faces lit up as they saw me, and I couldn't help but break down in tears. It felt like everything was in slow motion as they ran toward me, their little feet pattering on the floor.

"Mommyyyyy!" they shouted with big smiles, running into my arms.

I hugged them tightly, tears streaming down my face. "Aww, why are you crying, Mom?" Alison asked, looking up at me with a concerned expression that mirrored my own.

Unable to speak, I hugged them even tighter. "I love you so much, my children. Promise me, when you grow up, you won't leave Mommy, okay?"

We all cried together, a poignant mix of joy and sorrow. My mom, who hates hearing anyone cry, especially her grandchildren, came over to us.

"Oh dear, what's all this crying about? The house just dried up, and now you're going to flood it again," she joked, making the three of them laugh.

"You're so funny, Grandma." Addison and Alonzo said laughing while wiping their tears.

"Mommy was crying, so we cried too because we missed her so much," Alisson said, still sniffling.

Mom picked Alisson up to comfort her since she was crying the hardest among the three. I calmed down and reassured my two sons that I was crying because I missed them so much. After our emotional scene, we all sat down to eat together, joined by Riley, Lucy, and of course, Faith.

The meal was filled with laughter, thanks to my lively friend. Riley was teasing Lucy because she apparently had a crush on my brother Charles.

"My god, Lucy, I'm telling you, here's my 500, and take it, just stay away from Charles and me. We're happy together, so please don't cause any trouble," Riley joked, making us all burst into laughter.

"Even if you gave me one thousand, I wouldn't give up Dr. Charles! Excuse me!!" Lucy squealed when nearly choking on her food, so we quickly handed her some water.

"See? It's a sign that Charles is meant for me! The food doesn't agree with you, and you almost choked, Lucy," Riley said jokingly, causing us all to burst into laughter.

Lucy, laughing hard at herself, playfully slapped Riley on the arm.

"Hey, hey, hey! Are you two fighting over him? Sorry, but Dr. Charles is actually mine. Look, we even have a picture together from earlier," Mama chimed in, showing a photo of her and my brother, leaving us all in stitches.

"Oh my gosh! Mama, you win!" I laughed, pounding the table in delight and high-fiving Faith.

"Alright, the crown is yours, Ma. If you're my competition, then by all means, Charles is all yours," Riley said, pretending to place an imaginary crown on Mama's head.

The whole situation was hilarious. My brother had no idea he was the center of our jokes. I laughed so hard I nearly peed myself. It was such a joyful moment that, for a little while, I forgot all my problems.


After we finished eating, I went upstairs to put the children to bed. This was one of the moments I missed the most—lying beside them and watching them drift off to sleep. It was a comforting routine that brought me immense joy. Seeing their innocent faces and hearing their gentle breathing reminded me of the challenges I faced during my pregnancies and the indescribable happiness they brought into my life.

As I lay there, memories flooded my mind. The struggles, the fears, the overwhelming sense of responsibility—all those moments when I felt like giving up were eclipsed by the love and joy my children brought me. Each of their smiles made every hardship worthwhile. I could never regret having them; they were my greatest blessings.

Tears welled up in my eyes. I often became emotional when thinking about my children. They were my strength, my reason to keep going. The thought of losing them, of Miguel's threats, sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't bear the idea of being separated from them.


Just as I was about to fall asleep, a gentle knock on the bedroom door startled me. I carefully slipped out of bed, trying not to wake the children, and tiptoed to the door. Opening it, I found Mama Emma and Riley standing there, each holding a cup of coffee.

"Can we come in?" Mama Emma asked softly, a warm smile on her face.

"Of course," I replied, stepping aside to let them in.

We moved to the small sitting area in my room, and I felt a wave of comfort wash over me. The room was bathed in the soft, golden glow of the lamp, creating a cozy atmosphere.

Mama Emma and Riley settled on the couch, and I joined them. They wanted to chat, as neither of them was feeling sleepy. Mama Emma inquired about our recent stay at the hospital, her concern evident.

"It was tough," Riley began. "We couldn't sleep well because of the constant noise and the eerie atmosphere. Hospitals at night can be really creepy."

I nodded in agreement. "Yes, it was a relief to finally come home. Even though the flood hasn't completely subsided, it's much better here."

Riley, who was staying over because her house was still affected by the flood, chimed in, "I'm just glad we're safe. And thank you, Monica, for letting me crash here."

"Anytime, Riley. You're always welcome," I replied warmly.

The conversation soon shifted to more serious topics, particularly about my brother, Charles. Mama Emma's face lit up with curiosity and admiration as she talked about him.

"So, what's the plan now that he's found you? Are you going to live with him?" Mama Emma asked, her tone gentle but her eyes betraying a hint of sadness.

I took a deep breath and sighed. "Mama, just because my brother Charles has found me doesn't mean I'm leaving you. I could never replace you. Besides, it's not safe for me to go back. Remember what Mommy said? She wanted to disown me when she found out I was pregnant. I don't think she'll ever accept me or the kids."

Mama Emma's eyes softened with understanding. "You might be surprised, Monica. Sometimes, parents react harshly out of shock or disappointment, but deep down, they love their children. Once she sees her grandchildren, her heart might soften."

Riley chimed in, "You never know. People change, and maybe your mom has changed too. She might have sprinkled a little kindness along the way."

I couldn't help but laugh at Riley's remark. "A sprinkle? For her, a sprinkle wouldn't be enough. She'd need a whole shower of kindness to make any difference."

Riley burst out laughing and high-fived me. "Exactly! But seriously, we're here for you."

It's a good thing Riley is here because if not, Mama and I might have ended up crying. At least we have someone to balance out our emotions. Suddenly, Riley asked another question, one that neither Mama nor I expected.

"But Ma, I'm just curious. What if one day, you found out that Faith is pregnant? What would you do?" Riley asked seriously, taking a sip of her hot coffee.

Mama's expression immediately changed, and Riley seemed to sense a bit of fear from her reaction, almost choking on her coffee. "Whoa, that look, Ma! It's just a question. And don't worry, Faith is a good girl. I know she'll finish school before doing anything like that, right? And you know, Ma, we've got her covered, right sis?" Riley said, pulling me into the conversation.

Then Mama finally responded to Riley's question.

"Well, of course, I'd want her to finish school first because life is tough. But, knocks on wood, if that day ever comes and she does get pregnant, of course, I'd be angry as her mother. But, just like what I told Monica, that reaction is only natural for any parent. It's not easy being a mother, so I'd remind her and teach her the things she needs to know. Just like how I guided Monica when she became a first-time mom." Mama explained.

We hugged her after she said that. Faith is really lucky to have a mother with such a wide understanding. Sigh... It makes you wish everyone had a mom like her...