
one night (on)

Angelo Reis is an omega who is destroyed by a decision without his alpha's consent. Now sitting in a bar downtown, Angelo reflects on the day's events as he sips his delicious but very strong fruit drink. ps: story of my authorship translated. oh...um....its is the contemporâny romance

Rhuam_Bomfin · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs

capther 2

- I'm going out to clear my mind," says Angelo, looking at the alpha with watery eyes. The hormones of an alpha can make both a beta and an omega submit, otherwise they would suffer terrible pain. Angelo was trying to hold himself steady, so a few tears of pain were falling.

- clarify your mind? Where do you want to go? Didn't I already tell you that you are forbidden to go out at night? If you go out and are attacked by an Alpha and I'm not there to save you, what would happen? You won't! - Caius, seeing the smaller man resisting his hormones, ignites his anger again. He grabs Angelo's arm and squeezes hard. They both stare at each other and Angelo struggles to get free of Gaius, but he squeezes his hand even tighter. His eyes are clouded with anger and he doesn't realize that he is hurting his omega. He only comes back to reality when he hears a groan, blinks, and his eyes, which return to the same blue color as the sky at dawn. When he realizes the situation he is startled, lets go of Angelo's hand and pulls away from him. With both hands on his head, Caio disappears through the kitchen door into the backyard, where sounds of fisticuffs and swearing can soon be heard. Angelo, still quite afraid that Gaius will come and again try to stop him, leaves the house nervously and rushes out. His wrist on his left hand hurts. The area is red, a great contrast to his skin.

Leaving the house, Angelo goes to the garage. He opens it and gets into his white automatic car [Hyundai HB20 1.6 Vision AT]. He opens the electric gate and gives the r to leave the house. Angelo sees Caio's shadow cast by the television light, since the garage light was off. After leaving the garage, he closes the gate and speeds toward the center of town.

Walking through more and more streets, Angelo arrives at well-paved and well-lit streets, with many people walking on both sides. Signs and more signs bathed in strong neon colors indicate their specialties: brothel. Hotel, nightclub, shopping .... All this blurs the vision of Angelo, who rarely leaves the house. The reason? Gaius. Because he is very possessive and paranoid, Caio ended up "imprisoning" Angelo at home, persuading him with true and false events. One of them can be noticed in the fight earlier in the day when Gaius says about alphas attacking omegas, which is not wrong but also not right, because in the old days, due to the great mass of similar cases occurring, people with great power were pressured to make decisions. And they ended up with a law called "red" that consists of arresting and punishing any alpha/beta who dares in public and/or private to physically/emotionally abuse an omega.

Stunned by so many bright lights, Angelo decides to stop in front of a "simple" bar. On its facade a large glass cup-shaped structure filled with beer was hanging and was toasting with a glass of liquor. The structure exuded neon, the colors were: green, yellow, pink, red and brown. At its entrance a dark blue curtain and glass doors differentiated it from other places. The structure itself was rectangular in shape. At the entrance a small line full of people waited anxiously to enter, while they handed their documents to a big brown bull dressed in a black jacket, tie, dark glasses and a headset on his left ear, as well as the other two bull security guards, who were in the same way.

Angelo gets out of the car and heads toward the entrance, standing behind a couple of horses. Walking down the line Angelo's eyes sparkle as he sees everyone coexisting so peacefully. People playing on benches and earning their money, girls and boys standing at street corners and traffic lights making obscene movements at drivers and pedestrians. People sitting on chairs around a table on the sidewalks chatting while waiters circulated taking and bringing orders.

More and more people joined the line, but most of them were thrown out for using false identities or being on the place's black list. Lost in thought, Angelo doesn't realize that the line has gotten so long that it's his turn. He comes back to reality after hearing people complaining behind him, he is stunned for a few seconds before walking forward and handing his wallet containing his ID to the security guard.

The bull slowly scanned the ID for forgeries. His beautiful, penetrating light brown eyes were focused on the photo in front of him, then he lifted his gaze and visualized Angelo in a strange way. He returned the identity and a brief but powerful voice echoed - approved. The voice chilled Angelo, which did not go unnoticed by the bull.

(Back to the bar)

After a few minutes I'm back to normal. I open my eyes and although my vision is a little dizzy, I can see things better now. I take small sips and manage to get used to the alcohol content. I feel someone sit next to me and nudge me lightly. I look to the side and see a large, sturdy white-haired bear. He is wearing a dark blue jacket (I couldn't identify the color sorry) blue-black striped tie, a white dress shirt, and dress shoes. His bright yellow eyes catch mine.

- Good evening - his voice is calm but deep. Capturing me once again for himself.

- B-good night... - I say nervously because of how close he is to me.

- waiter, bring me a daisy with 21% -- his gaze returns to me, more specifically to my glass. - and another fruit drink for my fine little friends here! - The same waiter who served me earlier prepares everything quickly and hands us the drinks. When he hands me mine he winks and leaves again to serve other customers. Confused by that treatment I turn my gaze to the bear and it looks at me expectantly.