
one night (on)

Angelo Reis is an omega who is destroyed by a decision without his alpha's consent. Now sitting in a bar downtown, Angelo reflects on the day's events as he sips his delicious but very strong fruit drink. ps: story of my authorship translated. oh...um....its is the contemporâny romance

Rhuam_Bomfin · Urban
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4 Chs

capther 1

- Give me a fruit drink, please! - I speak to the waiter on the other side of the counter and while he makes the drink, I bow my head and play with my feet, waiting for it to be made.

After a few minutes, I look up and scan the whole place. Currently in a bar, downtown, a very famous place frequented by many alphas and betas, rarely omegas like me. Today the bar is half empty, the white cedar tables and chairs covered with black leather scattered around the place are still glowing in reflection the neon lights revealing that they have not yet been used.

Seconds of contemplation, I feel someone calling me, without even realizing I was facing the counter. Adjusting myself back on the stool and I see it was the bartender calling me. He deposits a glass of tutti frutti smelling liquid in front of me and with a smile says goodbye and goes to meet another customer on the other side of the counter. The counter was shaped like a '0', it was in the middle of the bar, with a table in all directions.

Grabbing the glass from the counter after delighting myself with the smell, I gently take a sip of the liquid. My face turned red and my eyes watered, not from sadness, but due to the self alcohol content, about 46.75%. I have always been weak to drink, he took care of me and always asked me not to go around drinking like a drunkard. But today he will not be here, so I will "take" the opportunity.

After a few more sips, I feel dizzy. My vision blurs and a slight headache comes on after a few minutes. Not being able to take it anymore, I put the glass back on the counter. My head and eyes hurt, I close my eyes and try to organize my mind, dizziness and nausea are also present, who could imagine that with a few sips I would be in this depressing state? My thoughts again fly to a certain person and towards a few hours earlier this day....


- I said no Angelo! Damn it, will you at least listen to me before you make decisions on this level? - the big guy was irritated, looking authoritatively at Angelo, waiting for an explanation for all this.

- I-I think about how busy you were and I really didn't want to bother you! - Angelo tried to argue even though he knew what he did was wrong, his hands were nervously gripping the towel around his body that was slightly wetting the couple's bed. Angelo had agreed to go on a week-long trip with his friends and hadn't even told his boyfriend, now he was visibly sorry, trying to make things right. He lowered his head, unable to look at the older man's frown and inquisitive look.

- Have you forgotten what we said about moving in together? - under his gaze, Angelo nodded and stepped back, his face flushed with embarrassment - "never hide anything from each other and always discuss when you are going to make some high-level decisions. Always have the consent of both and the most important thing." And what did you do? You simply threw our promise in the trash like it was nothing! - In his unbridled rage he carelessly punched the wall behind him and formed a small crater due to his excessive force. But he was still very angry. He, Caio, arrived home tired, asked his boyfriend if something happened, but he said a very clear: no. Caio, indifferent to the abnormal reaction in his boyfriend's tone, just ignored it. In the afternoon, both had lunch, a snack, and in the evening they watched a few movies. At a certain time during the first movie, Angelo said he was feeling dirty and went to take a shower, while Caio relaxed more on the sofa, almost lying down on it, leaning with his elbow on the arm of the sofa while his legs rested on the other arm. The minutes passed and while the omega was bathing, his cell phone beeped. Caio was about to turn off the sound and the cell phone, when his eyes hit the notification: "grupo viagem" that was appearing in first place among the notifications and kept making the cell phone shake, arriving lots and lots of messages, curious Caio pressed the screen and was sent to the application, opening the messages. After reading the content of the messages, caio's face became somber. He stood up, paused the movie and went towards their bedroom and waited for Angelo to finish bathing. And that's what's happening now.

- I-I know, D-I'm sorry..... Angelo again stares at the floor, his mind unable to tell him what to do or say in this situation. Before he could say anything, Caio snorted and left the room, slamming the door shut. Its sound echoed throughout the house and startled the smaller man.

In the living room, Caio stared with folded arms and an expression of pure anger at the television, whose movie from earlier was paused. Caio dialogues with himself about his own actions, admitting that he has been exaggerated and lacking in patience, but his alpha male pride won't let him give in. After calming his anger, he decides to go in the bedroom to have a better talk with the omega. As he gets up from the couch the bedroom door opens, revealing a neatly dressed Angelo wearing a black jeans jacket, a white v-neck shirt, dark green sweatpants along with white sneakers and dark blue socks. He was also wearing square black and gray glasses, matching perfectly with his round face, his graded black hair, and light brown eyes.

Gaius was stunned for a few seconds by the beautiful sight in front of him before he came back to reality. He hardened his expression again and said in an authoritarian and dominating way: "Where are you going? - his eyes fixed on the omega's as he puffed up his chest, releasing some dominating hormones into the air.