
on my way

A girl who was living like a princess but fate made her go through the worst path were her whole life turned upside-down how will it end?

secrt · วัยรุ่น
23 Chs

Episode 18

i was going to another hospital but suddenly I felt dizzy i sat on the floor as i couldn't find any bench or chair there. In seconds i started to feel like my consciousness is losing soon my mind went blank

Time Skips

I woke up and found myself in an unknown room. It looks like a hospital room. 'Am i in hospital? What happened to me ? Why did i faint?'

Soon i found a nurse coming in

"You woke up miss? How do you feel?" Nurse asked

"I am ok. What happened to me?" I asked

She smiled and told me " congratulations miss you are pregnant "

"What?" I looked at her

This word ' pregnant' hitted me like a thunderstorm i was too shocked to react i don't even know what to say . My eyes has became teary. My mind has gone blank

Nurse: Miss....?

I looked at her. she is looking at me with a confused face

"Can i abort this child " i said in one go with full of tears in eyes

"Miss?" She is now looking at with more confused face

"Yaa. I want to abort the child" i said

"Miss do you know what you are saying?" Nurse said

" ye...yes i.....i want an ab...ortion" my voice is cracking

"I will inform the doctor " that nurse left after saying this

I touched my belly. 'I am pregnant? I am sorry baby' tears started to flow like a streamflow

Doctor came while i was in a deep thought she slightly hitted me on my shoulder to make me come back from my thoughts and then she said " Miss i am Dr. Ava can you tell me your name "

"Oh i am...park lisa" i replied

"Ok Miss park....so you are.. 3 weeks pregnant " doctor said

"What? T... two weeks?" I can't believe i am already 2 week pregnant

"Yes. And she said you want an abortion. You want an abortion ?" She asked me

"YES" i replied without thinking

i think she is a little shocked by my sudden reply she told me to follow her and then she went out from the room. i followed her and she stopped in front of an another room. she took me in and told me to lie on the bed so i lied on the bed


i heard a sound i looked at doctor and asked" what's the sound "

"its your child's heart beat " she replied

'what my child already has a heartbeat?' i thought

Doctor continued " Miss park you have to think carefully if you abort this child then its equal to you killing a person and moreover you have to discuss this matter with your husband...can you come with your husband next time?" she stopped

"i...him...i...we.." i don't know what to tell her

"are you divorced " she asked me

As i don't have anything to say i just nodded

"I don't what's your problem with your husband but don't drag your child to you and your husband's problem ok?...and your child also has the right to come to this world so i am strongly telling you to think twice before you make decision " she stopped there and smiled at me "you may go Miss park this are the reports " doctor said

i left the hospital and went to the house i stayed yesterday. all way home i was completely absent minded i don't know what to do. Now i just want to hug my mom
