
on my way

A girl who was living like a princess but fate made her go through the worst path were her whole life turned upside-down how will it end?

secrt · Teen
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23 Chs

chapter 17

Grandma: why? its better than staying here. i am staying alone i don't have anyone with me to spend time with so i thought you will be there with me today. i think i overjoyed 😔 it's ok if you don't want to accompany me. it's normal for me

LISA: Mm? ok ok i will stay with you tonight

is it ok for me to stay with her? is she a nice person? will she be annoyed if i stay in her home? i am little worried

we reached her home its only a few metres from the street i was standing. her house is not that big but it's a nice house with no luxury just a normal house but i like it

she took me in. as she said there is no one in the house. she is living alone at this age? she might be atleast in her 70's by her visuals

LISA: Thank you

Grandma: Haha.... it's ok little girl. what is your name

LISA: i'm He..... Lisa

Grandma: oh how did you end up in street?

i stayed silent for a while. should I tell her? is it ok if i tell? i think it's ok. I told her what happened. i didn't tell her completely like about our identity and all

Grandma: it's ok forget the past and start life a fresh okey? don't let past change you. you should move on

LISA: ok (smile)

Grandma: okey now go and get fresh

LISA: ok Grandma

and then i went to take a shower. I came out after a warm bath wearing my night wear and went to Grandma she was setting food on the dining table so i joined her and helped her to set the table. After setting the table we started to eat the food. i ate so much because the food was so tasty. After eating i went to the room she showed me. i slept so fast as it was so warm and comfortable

Next day i woke up at 9:00 Am . its not that late right? i came out from the room and found her sitting on the couch and reading a book. she looked at me and smiled then she told me to eat after getting fresh. so i did as she said and after eating i went to ger told her that " i am going out to find a job " she agreed and told me to cone back and also that i can stay in her home until i get another one. i nodded as the answer and went out after saying "bye" to her and i also hugged her before leaving

i went to the nearest hospital and asked for a job there but they didn't gave me the job. so went to another hospital they also didn't gave the job as doctor's assistant 😤 i won't give up

i was going to another hospital but suddenly .....
