
Omniversal Trade Center

Death isn't the end of everything as Karna thought, as after his sudden death he gets offered a second chance at life. It chance doesn't come for free though, as now he has to manage a shop that connects to the vast Multiverse.

Student_Of_Culture · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
18 Chs

First Customer

After Cero left, I started walking towards the door to my bedroom. I wanted to see how bad it was.

As I opened the door and looked inside, I could only grimace. It was a small room with the same white walls, floor and ceiling. There was a small wooden bed fit for one person only. And a decent sized closet that was empty.

Walking over to my new bed, I sat down to test my bed. And it turned out to be as shit as it looked. Not only was it small, it wasn't that comfortable. Though it couldn't be called uncomfortable as well. It was so-so.

I was already starting to miss my old bed. Even though I was poor, I saved enough money to buy a pretty comfortable matress. I might be poor, but my comfort still matters. I would definitely upgrade this new bed as well. Maybe a waterbed would be good. They look comfortable.

Leaving the room I went over to the counter to inspect it. I would spend most of my time here from now on, so I should know everything about it.

The counter was pretty simple, made out of wood and brown in colour. It had a few drawers, which I checked to see if anything was there. Except for one, that was full of golden keys, the others were empty. Those keys were probably the one's that gave access to the store.

There was also a chair behind the counter, that looked like an office chair. It was mostly black with just a bit of red mixed with it. The chair looked pretty comfortable to me, so I decided to check it out.

I slowly sat down on it only to let out a small groan of satisfaction. This chair was so comfortable, it felt like I was melting into it. My whole body felt more relaxed after sitting down on my chair than I have ever felt in my whole life.

Oh, thank Cero for giving me this chair. It seems my work time would be quite satisfying. Maybe I can buy a bed made up of the same material as well. I wonder what the price would be.

Deciding to check the price, I called out to my merchant power and instantly a Red Glass like panel appeared in front of me. It looked like the panels of Gamers System or any other kind of system. So my merchant Power is just a System? Or is it like this just for convince?

Deciding to think about it later, I focused on the panel.

On the top of the panel there was a search bar. On it's right side there was a Golden Coin with OT written on top of it and beside it was the number 1000. It probably was my current balance.

On the right side was 3 small bars which probably indicated more options. This panel looked like a generic app home page, which isn't bad as it is pretty convenient.

Below was a list of various items that had a image of the item, with a small description and price written on it. On the right side of those items was a fire symbol, probably indicating that these items were selling a lot right now. And the best selling items right now was a healing potion made by some guy named Merjoy. The health potion was apparantly B Grade and could heal 50% Health of a B Class Being.

Seeing this made me a little confused. B Grade Health potion? B class Being? What's that? Was that a ranking system? If it is, how strong am I?

Probably something like F rank. I am a base human afterall.

Anyways, maybe the shop has something that will help me understand this ranking system a little bit.

Thinking that I searched for Class and Grade. And it turned out the shop did have something to help with that. A book called 'What are Class and Grade? Know now! '. The price was 1 OT, so I bought it without much hesitation.

And suddenly a Red book appeared in front of me. Picking it up, I started to skim through it. After a few minutes, I was finally done. It was a pretty small book so it didn't take long to read. But it was worth it as I now knew more about this ranking system.

As I had thought, The B thing was a Ranking system. Apparently everything is ranked in these Classes and Grades. Class being for living beings and Grade for everything else. This ranks start from F rank and goes on with, E, D, C, B, A, S, SS, SSS, X, EX.

F Normal Humans

E Weak Supernatural/Wild Animals

D Low

C Medium

B High

A Ultimate

S World

SS Solar

SSS Galaxy

EX Universe

And on top of that these are + and - ranks.

So F- is the lowest rank and EX+ is the highest rank.

Everything is ranked, from Items, to Living beings to planets. Even races are ranked.

And as I had guessed, I am F rank right now as most humans are F rank at base. Humans and most other species are F rank at base and also have a low limit potential. And hence we are classified as a F rank race.

There are other Races that are born at higher ranks and have higher growth potential. Their race gets classified as a higher ranking race

But since I have [BLANK], I have no worries. I can grow stronger than the strongest of Race out there. It would just take time.

The book also mentioned that the OTC(Omniversal Trade Centre) sells pills that allows the consumer to see their own stats, as that would help them understand what rank of items they should buy.

But before buying that I decided to check the other function of [MERCHANT] that allows me to get info about the target. Maybe I could use it on myself and I would not need to buy the pill for 10 OT.

I started at my hands and tried to get information about it when suddenly a panel popped up in front of me.

Name : Karna

Age : 17

Rank : F Class

Race : Human

Origin : From Universe#783569. Born on a planet named Earth, on the year...(Expand to read more)

Abilities : [MERCHANT], [THE DEAL], [BLANK]

Price : 4,069,000 OT

Damn! I am expensive as hell. 4 million? Why am I soo freaking expensive?

Probably because of the 3 Powers I have. Cero definitely invested a lot in me. Let's not disappoint him. He seemed nice till now, but I don't know what he will do if I disappoint him too much. If he can casually give me such Overpowered abilities, how strong is he himself?

Shoving the thought aside, I decided to go back to what I was doing before. I used my Info ability, which I will call OBSERVE from now on, on my chair.

Name : Kratoic Comfort Chair

Rank : C Grade

Item : Chair

Origin : Originated from Universe#8699408. Invented by Kratoic Krozek Clovin, it is a chair made from Trakenen Leather and stuffed with Drase Cotton. It is one of the most comfortable chairs in existence. It was made through...(Expand to read more)

Abilities : {Relaxation}, {Massage}, {Sustain}, {Indestructible}

Price : 1500 OT

After seeing the name of the material used to make the chair, I searched for a bed made from the same material, ignoring the price of the chair and hoping the bed would be cheap. It only resulted in me getting disappointed as even a single bed made from this stuff is 2000 OT. And I liked my double bed too much to settle for a single bed now. I can't buy this now, but I will buy it one day for sure.

Deciding to buy the bed in the future, I closed the OTC panel and focused on the Chair info. I decided to see the explanation of the abilities of the chair.

{Relaxation} : Makes the one sitting on it extremely relaxed. Sucks away tension from their body.

{Massage} : Can give massages that makes the one sitting on the chair feel pleasure and takes away any soreness in their body

{Sustain} : The one sitting on it doesn't need food and water for 10 times longer than normal. Allows them to work for longer. Also reduces tiredness allowing them to go on longer without sleep

{Indestructible} : Any attack below C Rank doesn't damage the Chair.

This Chair sure is useful. So many amazing abilities. Most people from my world would die to have this chair. And I got it for free. Hahahaha...

I also died for it though... So it isn't that free...

While I was busy laughing all alone like a madman, I heard the sound of a door opening. And low and behold, my first customer appeared in front of me.

Looking at my customer, a look of recognition appeared on my face. This person was someone I knew.

A tall young man with a handsome face, black hair and violet eyes. Very scrawny and thin, having very little muscles. But that didn't effect his attractiveness even a little. Despite his scrawny body, he was very popular with the girls in his school, and even more popular amongst people of my old world.

But it wasn't merely his attractiveness that made him so popular. No, it was his intelligence. One of the most intelligent people I know. A teenager that lead a small group of rebels to victory against a trained army that had superior numbers as well as better equipment.

And that was his first battle. He later goes on to fight against even more superior opponents and gain multiple victories thanks to his superior wits. Until he finally manages to defeat his ultimate opponent, his father, the Emperor of the strongest Empire of his World.

"Lelouch Vi Britannia, the 11th prince of Britannia, I welcome you to My Humble Shop. What would you like to buy? " I greeted my new customer with a smile.

Hearing me Lelouch frowned and looked around with confusion. " Who are you and How do you know my identity? And how did I get in here? I was entering a classroom, not an empty shop." Asked Lelouch.

Smiling at his questions, I stood up and spread my arms, trying to be dramatic like Lelouch, and said, "This little room you are in right now is a shop that connects to the vast multiverse. And in this shop little shop of mine, I sell everything. You name it and the thing can be bought. And you are my first customer. So welcome to my shop, dear customer. What would you like to buy? "

Lelouch looked even more confused, "What's this Multiverse you are talking about? And selling everything in existence... Isn't that a little too much boasting? Your so called shop has nothing except for the counter and chair, and you are talking about selling anything I want? Are you okay in the head?"

Hearing Lelouch's final question made a bit embarrassed. One of your favourite anime characters asking if your are mentally okay is a bit too much.

So I tried to explain to him what I meant. "I am okay! And yeah, I can sell anything you want, it's my special ability. And for the multiverse, I don't know if your world has anything called the multiverse theory, but there's a theory that there are more than one universe out there. You live in a planet that's part of a solar system. And this solar system is part of bigger thing called a galaxy which consists of multiple solar systems and stars. And even this galaxy is a part of a bigger existence, the Universe. There are hundreds upon thousands of Galaxies in an Universe. Before people thought that the Universe consisted of all of existence, but it's not true. The Universe you live in or I used to live in is just a small marble that's part of a Huge sack of marbles. It's called the Omniverse, which is the name given to the whole of existence. Now many Universe are similar, and many are different. The Universe I came from didn't have advanced weapons like the Knightmare Frames you guys have. It was though to be a technology of hundreds of years in the future. But in your world these advanced weapons are as easily available as potatoes in a vegetable market. And there are Universes out there where weapons and people capable of destroying planets are everywhere. You understand what I am saying dude?"

Lelouch looked a little shocked and his face showed disbelief at what I said. " I did understand what you said, but it's a bit too much to believe. You could be trying to trick me. So why don't you tell me the truth."

Saying that he covered his left eye with his right hand. When he uncovered it, it had a pink bird flapping it's wings. He then moved his left hand to point towards me and ordered, "Lelouch Vi Britannia Commands you! Tell me the truth!"

There was a long moment of silence after that, which was suddenly broken by my clapping. "Wow dude, that was so cool. The iconic 'Lelouch Vi Britannia Commands you!' Amazing! Use it again! " I requested cheerfully.

Lelouch's reaction to that was of great shock. For his Trump card to not work at all. Then he started to get worried as he looked back at the door he entered through, probably thinking of retreating.

But I stopped him before he could do anything, by simply moving the position of the door from behind him to the ceiling. And once again Lelouch was surprised to see such an unnatural thing.

Before he got more stressed from the situation, I tried to calm him."Dude, no need to panic. I won't harm you. Like I said, I am a Shop owner, and I sell things. And you are my customer, my first one at that. I won't do anything bad to you. Infact I am here to help you."

I had checked his info with observe, and it showed that he is from the cannon anime series universe. He just faced defeat against Cornelia, so he is a little stressed. So he would obviously panic when his trump card didn't work.

Still, dude is at E+ rank, a whole rank above me, thanks to his high intelligence and Geass ability. If it wasn't for his weak scrawny body, he might even be at D rank.

Lelouch did calm down quickly after hearing me, but he still had doubts about me. "Help me? How will you help me exactly? You don't seem to have anything to sell." He questioned.

Hearing his question, I got a little embarrassed. I was too busy praising my chair that I forgot to buy anything for my shop.

Scratching my head, I said, "Well, I just got this shop. So I didn't have much time to prepare before you came in. But don't worry, I know exactly what I can sell you that will help you tremendously."

Saying that I searched the OTC for all the CD version of Code geass anime. It didn't cost much, just 2 OT.

After buying them, they suddenly appeared on top of the counter.

Seeing that Lelouch got suprised once again, but I ignored him and just searched through the CDs to find the ones I needed.

Finally gathering all the CDs that I was willing to give right now, I motioned for Lelouch to come near and take the particular CDs.

When he took the CDs with a questioning looks, I explained, "You see Lelouch, In this vast multiverse there are Billions, Trillions, Quadrillions, or even more amount of people living and dying every day. But not everyone has a great life. Some are just your average office workers, while others are living in grand castles. Some are trapped in one place their whole life, while others are having great adventurous life in the vast world. And even amongst them, some people have such grand life that people can't help but record their life in history. And you are one such person. These CDs contain the records of the start of your grand Adventure, and the last one even contains a bit of your future. So watch these carefully and bring an even Greater change to the world than you initially intended to."

" My life and even my future? Are you joking?" Lelouch's face was full of doubt. But he accepted it anyway, probably eager to get out of here.

"So what's the price?" He asked.

"The price is zero, Mr. Zero. This is just a gift to make you believe me. After this proves to you my truth, you will come back here without doubt." Those CDs were cheap anyway. This is definitely worth it to hook in my first regular customer.

"As if. I wouldn't want to meet you ever again." Lelouch replied with a scoff.

"Haha, you will want to meet me again, beleive it or not. And the thing I gave you is just a trial. The real things I can provide you are worth way more. Like the truth of your mother's death, maybe more knowledge of your future. Or maybe even a cure to your sister's crippled status. " I said the last line with a smirk, knowing Lelouch will never let go of a chance to cure his sister.

And as expected, Lelouch had a great reaction to what I said." Cure her? If what you said is the truth, I will be eternally grateful to you. But if you are lying, I will make sure your life is miserable. My geass might not work on you, but I will make you suffer any way I can! "Lelouch threatened me. But his threat didn't effect me in the least. Afterall, I had checked the shop to see what a cure for crippled legs and blindness would cost, and it wasn't much. Atleast for a F rank one, which likely will be all she needs.

"Blah blah blah, dude no need to threaten me like that. Like I said, I can sell anything. I can cure your sister, even make her immortal, or super strong, or able to fly. I can give her any ability you want, it's just a matter of how much you are willing to pay for it. So go on now, and watch those CDs first. When you finally get proof of my ability, come back. And here take this key. Just copy the motion of entering the key anywhere and turning it, and a door to my shop will open. Now goodbye! " Saying that I threw a key towards him and then threw him out of the shop before he could even say anything.

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