
Omniversal Show

In the celestial tapestry, adorned with untold cosmic powers, where stars twinkle like ancient storytellers and galaxies dance in a cosmic ballet, a strange power awoke. A boundless energy forming itself as something known to humans as "The System". The roots of the system grew, intertwining countless worlds. But to use that enigmatic cosmic energy capable of bending the very fabric of space and time, a host was needed. --- discord. gg/Ept3v9hMHd Rewritten by Vidbedim (SnowApathie) Original Work: https://b.faloo.com/1096916.html

Vidbedim · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
9 Chs

Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha Vs Momoshiki Otsutsuki (II)

Omniversal Show

Rewritten by Vidbedim (SnowApathie)

[Chapter 9: Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha Vs Momoshiki Otsutsuki (II)]

Original Work: https://b.faloo.com/1096916.html



"Is that the future of Sasuke Uchiha and Naruto Uzumaki?! How did they get featured in this ranking?!" whispered Danzo, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on his mind, his heart became gripped by an unknown fear–the fear of death.

"How did those two get selected?" asked Danzo, an unprecedented fear overwhelming him as he looked at Sasuke's crimson-glowing Sharingan. If Sasuke found out the truth, Danzo knew that even with Izanaki it would be hard to defeat him.

Meanwhile, in the depths of the Akatsuki organization's base, discussions ensued among its members. Each one of them looked at the screen with a bewildered gaze as they realized how strong those two should be.

Nagato, still having nightmares of the fight against Hanzo that killed his friend, whispered in a mysterious voice. "Hanzo may be considered a demi-god, but if those two even approached the level of Clark and Zod, they could, too, become gods…"

Black Zetsu, the one who understood the Otsutsuki's strength the most, shuddered in fear, his mind becoming as scared as he was when saw his mother becoming sealed by her two sons. To be able to fight an Otsutsuki was something that he would never expect from those traitors.

"Is there someone in the future, who will be able to fight the gods of mother's clan?!"

Obito who stood near him didn't notice the fear in his partner's eyes as he too was shocked beyond words. When he saw the ranked tenth battle, he was sure that no one in his world would be able to even appear on this screen.

"The plan needs to start sooner!"

Uchiha Itachi, sitting on one of the corners of the translucent room felt a profound sense of satisfaction. However, he also realized his death as he was what he could only assume to be the legendary eternal mangekyo Sharingan of his little brother.

He looked at the ground, hiding a growing fulfilled smile on his face, 'my efforts weren't in vain.'

"The Seventh Hokage and Uchiha Sasuke?!" Uttered Kisame, a rogue ninja looking like a hybrid between a fish and a human, with a grin forming on his lips. Behind his back, his famous sword Samehada, the chakra devourer.

The members of the Akatsuki organizations all looked at Itachi with a pallet of emotions. Some in surprise while some with intense bloodlust.

"You little brother, who is the only of your clan that you didn't kill, actually becomes strong enough to be featured in this video!" said one member trying to imagine how much money he would get from killing Sasuke.

"Itachi, your little brother's eyes seem to be more intriguing than yours," said one with an androgynous body, licking his lips with his long snake-like tongue.

Even in the farthest reaches of the universe, Otsutsuki Momochiki and his "partner" Kinshiki were taken aback by the revelation. The implication that he, Momoshiki, would fight two lower beings and that they were good enough for it to become classed in those rankings sent shivers of disgust down his spine.

"While I expected to be included on this mysterious screen, I never anticipated being only ranked ninth and with lower-looking beings at that. I wonder if that means that someone on this screen will be stronger than Shibai Otsutsuki" spoke Momoshiki, his arrogant face morphing into a perplexed one. Was godhood the end, he asked himself.

Slowly descending toward Momoshiki's side, Kinshiki spoke. "These two individuals in the image appear no different from those inferior beings creatures called humans in the previous video. It's hard to imagine that they would even be able to graze an Otsutsuki."

As the profound impact of the inventory video settled in throughout the omniverse, the once-unremarkable duo found themselves at the center of attention, their destinies forever altered by the unfathomable power laying dormant within them.

//One Punch Man//

Simultaneously, various discussions were happening throughout the omniverse, almost all about the system.

"Other than their good looks, these two individuals don't seem particularly special. Are they stronger than the Kryptonians or is their fight just more impressive?" asked a B-Rank Hero to another.

"How the fuck would I know. Don't ask someone like me such questions, we both are but B-Ranks." responded the other looking at a large commercial featuring child emperor, the youngest S-Class Hero–though not in looks.

After the impressive video of the fight between Clark and Zod, almost everyone on the Omniverse was excited to see the next one. Even those who weren't interested in fights or such bloody things tried not to miss anything.

Scientists stood in front of whiteboards trying to understand how those people could do things that many consider unnatural, unbeknownst to them, the only thing that would happen would be their shaken beliefs at seeing the laws of physics being broken multiple times.

Martial artists were looking at the next fight with more attention than the previous one, they could feel the refined air of someone practicing martial arts which was something that the two before missed or simply didn't use.

But all of their expectations were shattered by a mighty roar echoing, making their body shudder in fear–even knowing that this wasn't something that could affect them.


publishing this from my phone because of no wifi 😭