
Omniversal Nerd Will Dominate The Girls of all who would bully him.

PLEASE READ NEW SYNOPSIS!!! This is the story of Henrik Constance. A prince of a fictional Kingdom called the United Kingdom of the North. Young Henrik was always bullied in school and at home by he's slutty twin sister Anastasia. After sleeping with he's personal attendant Isabella, whose a Goddess in disguise, he unlocks the most over powered system ever. Join him as he fights through bullies, school, having to become king before he's ready and soon as he traverses the never ending omniverse filled with worlds we all know and love. Want to see him enter Hogwarts, own a TARDIS blow up some Daleks? Come and join the adventure and witness what happens when an overpowered nerd enters all the worlds he loves. Dark themes involved. You've been warned. Release times UK. 10am. 4pm. 10pm depending on the time I get the chapter done. Monday-Friday. Weekends only 1 or 2 chapters. Really good from Vol 2 but Vol 1 has all the backstory to undestanding many events of vol 2. 50 Power stones: 1 bonus chapter 100 Power stones: 2 bonus chapters 150 Power stones: 4 bonus chapters Bonus chapters release on the same day as goal is reached or next day if target is matched after 9pm.

Omni_God2000 · แฟนตาซี
67 Chs

Anna's fate.

When Julius arrived at the tree where the orc was tied up he grab her by the throat and dragged her over to Anna.

"Anna, this woman here is the leader of the orcs who forced themselves on you. I leave it to you to decide her fate and if it's within my power then it will be done."

As Julius said this the woman started praying to her patron God, Orc God of murder Lazzzar, to come and destroy these people. In return she offered her body to see them dead and Lazzzar accepted.

The clouds turned dark and thunder clapped throughout the world. In the sky the form of an orc the size of a mountain appeared and looked down upon the 3 standing on the ground.

"HAHAHAHAHA little one I shall answer your call and in return your body shall forever be mine to toy with woman. Now who shall I kill?"

The orc woman pointed to Julius and Anna and begged to see them dead. Anna was hiding behind Julius grabbing onto he's back in fear of the intimiating sight before her. Julius however just looked at Lazzzar unimpressed at he's behaviour before remembering he never showed he's face to the God's so it made sense Lazzzar would think so little of him.

"Guess this is my fault Lazzzar. Since I'm to blame I won't punish you for threatening to kill me but I won't let you hurt Anna."

As Julius was mumbling this under he's voice Lazzzar gathered a bolt of lighting before throwing it at Julius and Anna who was now crying thinking she was about to die.

"Mana magic. Negate spell." And the lighting disappeared into thin air which made Lazzzar surprised. The orc woman was now even more terrified of Julius after he just stopped the attack of a God.

Not blaming Lazzzar Julius decided it would be better if the 'Great One' stopped him. Using he's telapathic link with the archangels he ordered Gabriel to decend and stop Lazzzar and also to punish the orc woman. Gabriel was the only one who ever personally spoke to Julius even the other archangels communicated through their elde brother so naturally as beings above the God's they would listen to Gabriel. It's even believed by the angels and God's beneath them only Gabriel has ever witnessed he's Julius' true form which was true. He also knew Julius was actually the one they called 'Great One.'

Above Lazzzar a single light appeared and decended to meet the God's level. It was a beautiful creature that looked like a wise old man with 5 pairs of wings and a halo above he's head. When Lazzzar saw the archangel it instantly bowed as did the orc woman and Anna on instinct and Julius to play along.

"My lord Gabriel, I'm honoured by your great presence. Is the Great One displeased with me? If so please inform me how I can pay for my crimes. I'd never wish to displease HIM knowingly."

Even though these words might sound sarcastic the God was actually being truthful. With the possible exception of Balzar and Jae'harie there was no one who loved and obeyed Julius then Lazzzar. Everyone knew this. That if he asked Lazzzar would take he's own life in an instant. Giving a comforting smile Gabriel informed Lazzzar.

"Fear not Lazzzar. Our creator is not displeased with you at all. He simply sensed a great injustice on innocent children and has decided to take pity on them. He who reigns at the pinnacle has told me to inform you of the truth and give you a mission to ensure he's divine will. The woman who summoned you. She is the one to blame. She has offered innocent children to a man who wished them harm and the Great One has had enough of it. You are to make this woman suffer for all eternity. Ask the human child, the girl, how she wants her punished and see it done. This is the will of the Great One. Until next time old friend."

Gabriel addressed Lazzzar lie this as even though most angels look down on the God's Gabriel saw them as treasures to be loved and guided since Julius is the one who chose them. It was for this reason when they sensed an angel coming they always prayed it'd be Gabriel.

"Yes lord Gabriel I shall see it done. Until we meet again."

Gabriel then nodded with kindness and flew back up but not before looking at Julius and bowing he's head in secret. Julius sent a message to Gabriel simply saying "Thank You, my friend." And Gabriel replied "It's an honour sir."

Back down on Draconia Lazzzar spoke to Anna. "Dear child, please step forward so we may converse. If it makes you feel more comfort you may bring you friend with you as well."

Anna sensing she had no choice walked out from Julius' shadow to speak to the God but not before holding Julius' hand and bringing him with her.

"My niece (the God's spoke like this to other races after Julius told them their now siblings and parents of their respective races) as ordered by HIM I shall punish this woman for eternity and you alone shall decide the punishment. What shall it be?"

Anna looked at Julius who nodded to her trying to make her confident. She looked at the one who allowed her to be raped and beaten. She wanted to find a man she loved to be her first when she was older but was robbed of that because of this woman. Julius could see fire in her eyes as the little scared girl had gone. Now she lived only to stop what happened to her from happening to anyone else. After taking a minute to think Anna looked at Lazzzar dead in the eyes and said.

"I want her raped. I want her beaten and tortured and to experience the pain me and so many others did because of her. I want her to never experience tender love but only being meat for a guys pleasure. I want her reduced to nothing but screams of mercy knowing it'll never come. I can't do that but you can please sir. Never let her feel joy or pleasure again. Just pain."

Lazzzar smiled as he turned towards the woman. "Ahh a fitting punishment for the crime. And you dont have to say please I'll take great joy in her suffering HAHAHAHAHA."

The woman tried to run but Lazzzar just picked her up with a reach and teleported her to the realm of the God's.

Before leaving Lazzzar turned to Julius before saying "young one. I feel like we've met before. I apologise for not speaking to you sooner but I must ask. Have you had any interactions with me before?"

"No sir. My name is Julius I'm just from a simple village trying to get by. I'm honoured by your presence but I feel bad for claiming you to be incorrect. Please forgive me God Lazzzar."

Lazzzar smiled at Julius. "No no child don't panic it was just a hunch. I must be on my way now. Gotta see to that womans punishment. I hope this isn't the last time we meet young ones. I see great futures for you both." Lazzzar said with a smile. In that moment Julius knew that Lazzzar had figured him out. He didn't want to be exposed so Lazzzar left it but he knew from that smile one of the God's now knew who he really was.

"Me too Lazzzar."

In the realm of the God's where all things came true if a God willed it Lazzzar changed the orc biology and neural pathways so pleasure was now pain and pain was even more intense pain. "Oh and never stop.This one is nothing but a cumdump." Lazzzar said to he's servats he made to torture the woman. Sensing he wasn't alone he turned around and saw he's elder brother.

"Balzar. Can't say I was expecting you but your always welcome. Please sit I guess we have some things to talk about since I returned."

Lazzzar procceded to tell Balzar everything except Julius' real identity. After hearing everything Balzar looked cross at he's brother.

"So a human 10 year old boy completely removed your attack like it was nothing. Intresting. How could someone do that brother?" Balzar asked.

"Well I was preoccupied with sex on my mind. You know how the idea of getting inbetween a girls legs can distract me. Hell even Groga once beat me distracted. Plus we all know magic isn't my specialty. If Jae'harie had been there I think it would have gone very differently. He's a prodigy at magic. I think it's obvious our sister will be he's chosen God." Lazzzar replied hoping to fool Balzar.

"Yes indeed he appears to be. In that case I'll go inform Jae'harie about this potential she should know for the future. See you soon brother." Balzar said not waiting for a reply before leaving.

"So that's where you've been Great One. Interesting."

Back with Julius Anna had a big smile on her face at what just happened and the knowlede she stop more kids from her fate.

"Julius. Can I come with you? It's just I'm guessing by your power that your going to that adventurer thingy in the capital. I only know the basics so is it okay if I tag along with you for awhile?"

"Anna I'd love you too but it'll be too dangerous for you. My village needs money and I'm gonna take high paying jobs to get it. And higher paying jobs usually mean more dangerous. I can't put you in that danger. You've suffered enough I won't be the reason you get hurt again." At this Anna seemed sad on the verge of crying. Julius remembered a story one of the adventurers told him and thought of a solution.

"Don't cry I've got an idea. When they came to my village the adventurers told me of a school. One that teaches people the basics of adventuring and helps them in the future. There isn't a high ranked member who didn't go to this school it's said to be the best in the world and it's in the capital were I'm going. Why don't you attend and when you graduate we can team up and work together?"

Anna smiled as brightly as the sun as stars seemed to appear in he eyes. But it didn't last long as she remembered something.

"Except a school like that would be expensive. 2 gold a year at least. If I graduate at 18 that's 14 gold in total. There's no way I can afford that I have nothing."

Julius just smiled as he already thought about this.

"Got that covered. Hey one of you guys give me the purse would you." As he instructed a hand of one of the spirits that dragged Edgar down appeared with he's coin pouch handing it to Julius.

"40...41... and 42 gold. That'll be more than enough and can give you a very comfortable life there. If I remember correctly for the best things in the academy. Accomadation, books that aren't available anywhere else, extra tutors and time practising, access to facilities exlusive to the rank SSS students all together will cost a total of 22 gold as a 1 time payment until your 18 leaving you with 20. With that you can buy all the best clothes and whatever you want. You could even buy a weapon but don't worry about that. I'll give you something when we get there. You spend the money on things you like."

During all this Anna found herself tingling on the inside as she started to fall for this handsome and kind guy.

"Julius you can't give it all to me. You saved my life from even a God you should take the money."

"Not a chance. My mother always taught me is you have to choose between helping someone or getting a quick buck you help and don't even think about it. You wanna be an adventurer with me and I'd love to have you with me. As a teammate of course." Julius said getting embarrassed while Anna fell for him even more.

"My point is don't consider this charity. Your my teammate and we gotta look out for each other. Plus after what you've been through you deserve this. Now take it and let's go we need to get to the capital and if I'm right I can get us there today." Julius smiled as he shoved the money into her hands and dragged her to the path he was walking on.

"HAHA I knew it. A horse. Now how will it get us there today you ask? Watch this. Wind Magic. Flying enchantment." As Julius finished the spell the horse started to levitiate getting ready to take off.

"WOAH." Anna said at the sight.

With that they mounted the horse and flew full speed towards the capital. Anna often held out her hands and screamed "WOOOO" having the time of her life.

They saw the capital and managed to make it there by 4pm thanks to a little time magic.

"Woah this place is incredible. There's so many buildings." Both Julius and Anna were amazed at just how big the city was. Julius tamed the horse and sent it to Lauriel with a note that said "Incase of another attack this will help."

"Julius how will be find the school?"

"Good question." As if on cue the adventurer who told Julius about the school walked right up to them. She was a beautiful fairy who preferred to use her human form over her fairy one. She still had her wings showing though as pink beautiful sparkly objects came from her back. She had black wavy long hair and wore fine clothes at all times that made you think she was rich. Her green eyes could make a man's legs shake in fear as her very existence emitted an aura of sex and lust but it didn't effect Julius as he was too strong and he already had feelings for another woman.

"Hey little Julius I was wondering if I'd see you soon. Your getting cuter everyday aren't you young one?" Julius just looked embarrassed as he thought to himself 'I'm older than this whole world.'

"Oh and it seems you have a new friend. Is this gonna be another one of your wives. A guy as goodlooking as you needs a harem of women begging for he's..."

"Okay I get it and no this isn't. This is Anna we met on the road. She's going to join the school you told me about. But thing is we don't know where it is. Any chance you could help us?" Anna looked a bit disappointed as Julius dismissed the idea of them so quickly but strengthened her resolve wanting to become he's one day.

"Oh sure I was actually headed that way too so let's go."

On the way there the fairy, Lillith, asked on the exacts of how they met but Julius just avoided the subject. Anna on the other hand wanted to speak with a woman about it so blurtted out every little detail.

"Oh you poor sweet girl. Come here." She said as she hugged Anna. She then let go and looked angrily at Julius "AND YOU. YOU LET THEM DIE. HOW STUPID ARE MEN THEY DESERVED MUCH MUCH WORSE. IF YOU EVER CATCH RAPISTS AGAIN AND SIMPLY KILL THEM I'LL LET YOU JOIN THEM." She shouted which despite he's power scared Julius. He could face down dragons and God's but an angry woman. That scared even him.

Eventually, the 3 of them got to the school and signed Anna up. Julius and Anna went to a private space to say goodbye while Lillith stayed talking to the woman at the desk.

"Julius I. I." Anna couldn't get her words out but instead just leaned over to Julius and kissed him. Once it was over both of them instantly turned super red.

"Anna I. I'll see you in a few years. I don't know if I'm allowed to visit but if I can I'll do so as much as possible. Then one day we'll go see the world together and maybe maybe." Anna just leaned over and kiss him again before saying "Yes we'll be together. Always." Making her turn in embarrassment until Julius pecked her on the cheek and replied "always and forever."

Lillith then walked over with 2 badges.

"Okay kids here you go both of you have the top level of things available. Diamond tier I believe it's called now. Was gold tier when I came here. Anyway here."

Julius looked at her confused and he said "What do you mean 2? I'm not coming I'll be an adventurer this week. Plus we can't even afford it for both of us."

Lillith once again looked angry as she chased Julius around the room screaming. "LISTEN HERE DIMWIT. THIS GIRL HAS NO ONE BUT YOU. IF YOU THINK FOR 1 SECOND YOUR LEAVING FOR 7 YEARS THEN COMING BACK I'LL KILL YOU NOW COME HERE AND DIE." Lillith finally caught him and started punching him in the face for a few seconds until she let him go.

"Plus don't worry about the money. I've already paid for both of you till your 18 so that also means Anna will get another year. I once had a friend I needed as much as Anna needs you and he died on he's first mission. I refuse to let that happen to Anna."

Anna came up to Lillith and hugged tighly before saying through tears "Thank you. Thank you so much." Lillth just smiled and returned the hug until Anna pulled away.

"Also I'm paying for the both of you so here's the money back. That's 30 for Anna and 12 for Julius for being such an idiot. Also Julius listen up because your not sending that much money to your village. From now on every month I'm gonna check your grades and progress and for every A I see I'll send 3 gold to your village. You'll have 10 classes so that's a possible 30 gold a month plus 5 if you put in good effort. Use that money for yourself you deserve it you idiot."

Julius was almost crying as he tried to hug Lillith but was met with a fist and more screaming.

"YOU THINK YOU CAN HUG ANOTHER WOMAN IN FRONT OF YOUR FUTURE WIFE YOU DISGUSTING BASTARD. I'LL KILL YOU COME HERE." She once again started to punch Julius as he repeatedly apologised both to Lillith and Anna which made them giggle.

"Also I'll send you both 5 gold a month. 1 gold piece is about what a family makes in 2 years so you better not waste that kind of money on candy and sweets or else." Lillith said with a friendly smile.

"Lillith I don't mean to be rude but how can you afford all this?" Anna asked curious.

"Perhaps I can explan that." The woman from the desk who was now standing next to the kids.

"You see Miss Lillith here is the greatest adventurer in the world. She's often been asked to become the guild master but refused citing she wants the thrill of the job. There are those who believe she's equal to even a God in combat. She's so good the guild had to make a new rank for her. SSS ranked adventurer Lillith the harbinger of death."

Julius and Anna both looked amazed at this and asked her it's true but she just smiled and left.

Julius and Anna were both guided to a shared room that they'd stay in for the next 8 years. "Normally men and women would be separated but since this was a request from Miss Lillith to make Miss Anna feel more comfortable after her ordeal we've decided to make an exception."

Julius was okay with this as long as Anna was but she told him she asked Lillith for this herself since she felt safer with Julius than anyone else which made them both blush.

"Okay better get some sleep classes start tomorrow and we need rest." Julius said as they got in bed and went to sleep.

Julius woke up in the midde of the night to find that Anna had crawled into he's bed and was holding onto him. He gentlely kissed her head and went back to sleep.

Hi. Omni_God2000 here. Tomorrows 3 chapters will be about the academy with a time skip inbetween each one. I might do more on their time in the academy as bonus chapters and if you want that grant me stones of power to help me type them. Hope you enjoyed reading. Thanks.

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