
Omniversal Merchant: Death note, Devil fruit, Mark armor for sale

Normal Teenager in the day. A fearsome merchant in the night.

Anezaki_Touya_4708 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
4 Chs

2 H3nt41 world: The Ntr'd reincarnator (II)

Omniversal Merchant

— H3nt41 world: The Ntr'd reincarnator


"Now that's what I called a real trade!" Loid said in a loud voice, unbothered by the people who may possibly hear it.

"Now let's go to my store." Loid flicked his fingers and the chains bounding Jun suddenly unshackled making Jun basically free.

"C'mon, follow me!" Loid said, as the portal again appeared in front of them.

The two walked through it, and vanished after that. And later on, at the time of 12 o'clock the time of death penalty of Jun, the whole world will fall in chaos.



Hentai verse...

A few weeks ago...

Surrounded by police, with a dozens of gun pointed at him. The bloodied face of Jun, made a devilish smirk, making the people surrounding him felt a freezing chill.



*Sprrrrr* (A/N: Sound of the rain, just think of it as sound of the rain)

The sudden shower of the rain, made the people on the highway including the Police and Jun, stay in a standstill. The Police surrounding Jun, grip their guns harder, making sure that it doesn't slip, and made a little mistake, giving a little chance for Jun to Escaped.

"... haha... Hahaha... Hahahaha!" Showered by the rain. Jun looked up at the sky, covering his face with his left hand, and started to laugh like a maniac, making the People surrounding him felt their skin crawl, because of his show of insanity.

'Shit! This world... Is a Fucking shit!'

"Hahahaha!" He cursed on his mind while still laughing, remembering the pain, suffering, and torment he experienced here, in his whole life.

A whore as a Mother.

A rapist Father.

A comatose Sister.

Because of the rain, the blood on his body has been slowly cleansed. Revealing his white pale skin that made him look like a vampire.

In his mind, his world before is more of a heaven than this disgusting world, where most of the people living is a huge piece of shit.

"Surrender, Shirogami! You're surrounded. There's no chance for you to escaped!" The Captain of the Police yelled, making Jun stop his maniac like laugh.

He slowly turned his head, and looked at the Captain of the Police coldly, making the latter, felt a bone chilling cold, and trembled in fear at Jun menacing gaze.

"....Haaa..." Jun breathed deeply, looked around him, observing the Police that surrounding him.

He slowly shut his two eyes.

'... Yuna... Don't worry... It will not end here...' He thought, and a figure of a lovely girl appeared on his mind.

'... I'm going to punished those people who did this to you...' He thought, as he grits his teeth, remembering the time he saw Yuna's lifeless body. Lying in the grass naked and bloodied, with signs of abuse everywhere, showing how she struggles before she died.

'They will pay.'


Sometimes ago. Before all of this happened...

A house somewhere in Japan.

Opening his eyes, a seven year old Jun jumps up from his bed while breathing heavily.

Sweats accumulated on his forehead.

Wide eyed, he groaned in pain, while holding his head, as tons of memories surge him.


Breathing heavily, he looks at his side, more specifically the rectangular mirror that is hanging in the wall. Looking at his appearance, with a confused look on his face.

"Wha--- What the--- W-who am I?" He ask to no one particularly, showing that he's greatly confused, because of the memories he received.

He shut his eyes, and focus on his memories.

"Jun. Shirogami Jun.... No, no, no... Jun... Kaizaki Jun. 28 years old..." He thought as he looked at the mirror, where he saw a child looking at him.

He touches his cheeks, and pinch it.

He was surprised, He felt pain.

"I'm... I... I Died!" He mutter, as he held his head with his two small hands, with tears slowly flowing out of his eyes.

He remembered clearly how he lived his past life.

Flooded by debts, with nowhere to sleep.

Abandoned by friends, with no relatives.

He stood on a tower, planning to kill himself. When a lightning hit him, causing him to lose conscious and fall, causing him to die.

He cried silently, saddened by his pityful and miserable life. For a full hour that morning, he just cried ignoring his surroundings of his environment. Then, after that he got out of his room and began to check his surroundings.

There he met his beautiful Mom, his serious Father, and his two years old Sister. A family, which he doesn't have in his past life. He's been abandoned by his parents, and lives in an orphanage.

Also the reason why he doesn't have any relatives.

And because of this. He's long forgotten thirst for parental love rose on him, and he promised on that day that he will live his second life at best as he can, becoming the best son, and brother of his new family. Not for a payment or a replacement for their son, but because he want to have a family this time.

And so... Three years had past. Using his past knowledge, and his thirst to learn. Jun became a genius kid, that praise and envied by parents and kids his age. And of course, his parents are very proud of this. Your son getting rank the highest among the other kids of his age, who wouldn't get happy about it.

Jun also managed to... Well he thinks he doesn't need friends because he has family, so he's' kind of a loner.

"Jun! You're late... Again." But, not totally.

A ten year old girl, brown haired that reaches his neck, wearing a uniform suddenly appeared out of nowhere and asks Jun, who's approaching the door to his classroom.

"Yuka... Well, I'm busy studying for tomorrow's test." He stated, scratching the back of his head, as he walked to an empty table.

"Yeah, yeah. No! Regardless if you study or not, you always end up in first place anyways. So help me on this project." She stated, as she put out a scrap book and a ton of items, such as ruler, pen, and coloring materials out of her bag to an empty table.

"Then, where are the others?" Jun asks looking around.

"Already done. You're the only one who didn't contribute on making this scrapbook so I'm giving you chance." She stated, as she look at Jun with displeasure.

Jun seeing her, gulp unconsciously, seeing the death stare she gave.

Jun look at the scrapbook on the table.

"You know you don't need to do this, right? As in, it's not like you will fail, neither I, just because I didn't do this thing." He said, picking some pens, writing here and there on the scrapbook.

"I know. It's just that... This is a group project, for us to make us more socialize... Then here you are... Alone." She said, with a hint of pity and sadness on her tone.

Jun turned his head and looks at her. He saw the gloom on her face.

'She's quite matured for kids of her age.' He thought.

"Why are you like that? Why do you care about me?" He asks, turning around continuing his work.

She remained silent for a while. 'Yeah! Why care for him? She's just a friend in the past. First friend actually, who played with me when I first arrive here after I lose Mom. Yeah, why cared for him?!' She tought, thinking carefully why cared about this Guy, who's seemingly really different than the first time she met him.

The former happy and playful child, turning into a serious, loner genius. Who's an outcast like her before he met him.

"I don't know. But, I can't stand seeing you like this. You're my friend, even if it's already in the past for you. And even though you're a genius, I know it's painful to be left alone. So..." She didn't finish her words, and left it as it is. But Jun already understand what she is saying.

'So that's why she's always bugging me. Annoying and teasing me always. She wants to befriend me.' He thought, looking at her straight on her eyes.

'Well, she's kind' he thought as he smiled to her kindly.


Later on, she became his best friend and became more close, resulting on them getting tease as a couple. Jun doesn't mind that, he have a mentality of an adult, and know what is wrong and right. But unknown to him, he still doesn't see the true face of the world he lives in.

3 Years later...

Jun became more and more popular around his school, and even in some part of Japan as a talented kid. He also started cultivating his own body. Joining some sports clubs and playing in some competitions.

Causing for more people to become more and more jealous of him.

And, Yuka... They became more, and more closer towards each other, developing a good relationship. But not romantically. Just like bestfriends. But unknown to him, something is blooming inside him towards her, and it's not because of puberty, or something.

He also has people now who he can call a friends, and his life is becoming more and more good, that he fear that one day, Life will comeback and throw a ton of problems to him. But it's just a thought, either way he's thankful to God who shot him a thunder, killing him, and reincarnating him that day.

As in, what's more he can wish for on this life of his.

A peaceful life, in a peaceful world.

Power, in a world with no chaos.

What's more, he can wish on this Utopian world of him.

But, the world is finished on this peaceful facade.

It's time to show it's true face, and start his life of tragedies.

Starting with his Mother.


///Jun POV///

I just got home from school. There's a sudden incident that happened that's why we've been dismissed early.

I just hope no one got hurt on whatever incident that happened. The school sure will have a problem if there is, and I'm sure that there will be an investigation that will happen, and it may ruined our schedule.

"Sheeeshh! The competition will start next month. We need to practice or we will be out of shape the moment it star--"

"Ahh!... Stop!! You're... Uhm! Being too rough!!!"

'Who? who is that?' I ask on my mind, as I heard a loud lustful moan somewhere in the house.

"Want me to... Uhm! Finish quickly? Huh?!" A young voice of a male, asks. While I search the rooms on the first floor.

"Then let me cum inside!"

"No!!! I'll get pregnant!!!"

I was stunned when I heard that, when I realized the owner of the voice.
