
Omnipotence: Beloved Child of Chaos.

In a new world with a new life. This is the beginning of discoveries that lie in the dark. A darkness Théoden has never had to face. There is little hope, but all he can do is push forward, for his survival, comes first. What happens when just surviving isn’t enough? Théoden is thrown into a new world with no idea of how he left his previous one or how he got to the current one. As if Fate hated him, he finds himself in the worst situation. He is in the middle of a massacred battlefield, and he was the only survivor. The reason for his survival makes sense with his Omnipotence System as aid. Just as things get better and he has plans to gain a foothold in this new world which is both mysterious and beautiful, he is faced with despair. The first living thing he meets is a demon. One that threatens his life. How will he make it out alive? What are the plans Fate has for Théoden? Things are covered with secrets and mystery and it is up to him to unravel them. Time is running out as the wheels of fate started spinning as soon as he first got to the new wondrous world. Authors note:// I hope you like it. I have high hopes for this book, but it all lies in the audience, doesn't it?

Innovation_Inu · แฟนตาซี
30 Chs

Chapter 27: The palace garden

The dance hall was left for dance partners to claim one more. A magnitude of nobles filled the ball hall since it was only held once most nobles of high rank and low lank attended it. For that reason, those who wished to debut timed it around this time of year. A perk of it was that it was held in the royal palace's grand hall.

It was a ball fancy beyond measure.

Théoden and Helen arrived at the innermost place of the palace behind the main palace hall building. There was a huge garden surrounded by glass. A crystal clear greenhouse-like barrier around the entire field.

The night sky shone with the brilliance of countless stars and the double moon special to the current planet Théoden learned was called Xelarvis. A name befitting its wonder.

The garden was not like most would expect. It didn't have many flowers rather, it had trees. Beautiful tall green trees like a forest evenly arranged in a pattern with passageways spiraling like a maze. There was a huge pond at the center. In the middle of the pond, was a large fountain made entirely of silver. It shone against the moonlight perfectly bringing light to the surrounding. There were fireflies which gave more light in the night.

It was not like the garden lacked flowers, however. Just that the flower here were exotic plants that Théoden had not seen anywhere else. A few he could identify from the mansion he was currently staying at. There were countless flowers of the such which were tenderly taken care of. The whole garden was on another level than what could be called a simple garden. It was like an exhibition greenhouse.

Helen took the lead as she explained the flowers which she cherished. They arrived at a secluded place with a very enchanting glow. Under a redwood round pergola with willow vines falling off its sides. It was such a huge interior with a rock and pebble design. It was pin-drop silent. It made it seem like they were the only ones who existed in the world.

Such a feeling.

"I loved this garden. I loved coming here in the night." Helen said as she sat on a floral swing chair. Théoden sat beside her.

"I understand. This place is beautiful. Don't you love the garden now?"

Théoden asked since she spoke in the past tense. Her expression grew solemn but she still replied.

"No…Not anymore. I came to hate the palace, the garden included. I still took care of some plants though."

Théoden held Helen's free hand.

"I see." Théoden glimmered a bit but soon that glint in his eyes disappeared. "You must know a lot about plants."

"Mother loved them. She was the one in charge of the garden and made it this grand. She had…exotic take in plants." A warm expression appeared on her face as she stared at the view.

"You can have a garden if you like. My mother loves gardens. She wouldn't mind leaving it in your care." Théoden said still looking at her.

"..." She turned and met his gaze which gave him the answer.

She was happy about the idea but she wouldn't say it. He would give her everything she asked is the look he gave her made it hard to take advantage of his generosity.

"Theo…I have trouble trusting people. Much more when they give things undeserving to me. I always feel like there is a plot behind their kindness…Before I came to meet you I was betrayed. My nanny who raised me from infancy plotted behind my back. I come out unscathed since I never showed her my cards but…I sometimes think. What if I had told her everything? Would the outcome be different? The time I have spent with her would be happy memories of the palace if she didn't covet my life." Helen talked as she stared at the moon her hand tightly grasped at Théoden's.

She remained silent for a long while as the breeze made it less awkward.

"But I trust you. I don't know why. My heart trusts you. It is such irony to the fact that I don't, anyone else. Maybe it is because you are her son but you give me a sense of comfort and home. I feel like we are family. One I never had."

"..." Theoden was unsure what to say to such words. Their relationship was based on trust as the foundation.

Helen's eyes trembled as she didn't receive any answer. She wanted to keep talking but she had nothing to say. Her words took her whole courage to say. She didn't quite know Théoden, but she still felt the urge to say the words. It felt right.

Tears she had never shed since the passing of her mother threatened to fall. Théoden did something else. He took Helen into his embrace. He held her tight but made sure not to hurt her fragile body.

"...I will be your family."

Those words broke the last wall completely. She let her tears fall and started silently sobbing with muffled cries now and then. She held Théoden as she wet his shoulder with her sharp nails clinging tightly for assurance as they dug into his clothes.

Helen was now like a child. Her mask which she always had completely fell off. Her dignity and grace crumbled as well. She felt accepted. She was happy. Now she could say goodbye to the cold palace for good with no attachment. She after all had family elsewhere.

They stayed like that for a long while until Helen calmed down and took the initiative to part.

Theoden looked at her. Even in her ragged appearance after crying she still looked beautiful.

'Is this a trait all beautiful women possess?'

Théoden stared at her until he felt her avoiding his gaze. Though she still looked fine, Helen felt the need to do a bit more freshening up. To cover her eye swelling.


"Yes, master." Mary didn't need orders to understand her master's will.

Mary came from his shadow enveloped Helen and Théoden and soon disappeared back into his shadow. The puffiness of Helen's eyes was cleared while the tear stains and crumbled clothes were smoothened.

"Do you still keep her around?" She asked.

"Yes. She is my shadow."


Helen felt a bit embarrassed since she had asked Mary twice now. She looked jealous. She was jealous but hell would freeze over before she admitted such a thing. An awkward silence fell again.

"Shall we head back to the ball?"

"Yes….Darling." Helen mumbled almost a whisper as her words trailed off soundlessly.


Helen walked forward in a different direction than they had previously come from. Théoden followed while dazed while wondering if his ears played tricks on him.

"Hurry up, Theo."

'I guess I heard wrong.'

They came to the end of the tree pathed garden and arrived at an open garden that seemed to lead back to the palace building. There were countless flowers in full bloom swaying in the night wind as they stood tall with beauty.

As they silently walked down the path Helen stopped and looked back. Her eyes didn't expose anything she was thinking about but she looked satisfied. More at ease.

"Theo, Even though I knew nothing of you I always wanted to meet you. I knew for a long time…I would marry her child so I tried to imagine how you would be. Even when I was about to be sent to another kingdom, I was waiting for you. I thought I should hope to find someone to trust, but that thought was flawed with my concept of men and my recent betrayal so I apologize. I-it turned out to be the best thing to have happened."

Helen said as she curtsied holding her dress while giving a slight head bow.

"I am happy to dedicate my life, body, and heart to you, my Duke." Helen sounded happy as she smiled radiantly.

"..." Théoden was speechless.

'What have even done to deserve that…but is that really important.'

"You don't need to answer." A soft voice left her small lips sounding a bit disheartened. Her eyes didn't lose the previous glow. She seemed to be ready to wait.

"I then will dedicate my trust in you. I will let you be the ruler of my heart and only you." Theoden inched closer with each word his eyes looking into hers. "I can't promise to love you, Helen, but I promise to cherish you. As you are my Duchess, my equal, and my wife."

Théoden took her hand and slid a ring into her ring finger which fit perfectly. A ring he had previously bought that was made by elves' ancient magic as a protective item. It felt right to give it to someone he cherished and Helen became that person.

Helen smiled more freely as her hair fluttered in the wind. Her mystic eyes grinned in clear delight and joy. She let the ring shimmer in the night light as she looked at it with adoration. Like something precious.

"That is enough." She said her voice much sweeter and softer as well.

Théoden was influenced by her smile and let out a small smile.

'I am happy I married you, Helen. You have no idea.'

Théoden stared at her like a portrait from afar. Her eyes shone under the glow of the moon making it seem like a lonely sight under the countless stars in the sky. Her hair danced with the wind free and beautiful. Amid countless flowers, she was the most beautiful.

Théoden took her into his embrace. She was startled but she found her composure to hug him back. After a long while standing like that they parted ways and shared a kiss. Like their minds were in sync in thought, they wanted this memory to remain.

Their tongues danced and explored while they held each other tight in their embrace. The moon shined above them making it seem like two shadow silhouettes in the middle of the palace gardens. The far-off music made it a beautiful moment.

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