

Rusty POV

While out on patrol and gazing up at the stars as I drove, I couldn't help but think.

Am I doing all that I could?

I have most of Cybertron's history and knowledge in my head, I've been around since the 13 primes for Primus's sake.

You'd think with my old age I'd actually have some bloody wisdom.

Knowledge is a tool for power but wisdom is needed to guide that power.

But then again sometimes it's best to 'wing it' and hope for a good outcome.

This universe's Megatron can control the undead and the quantity of his resources is unknown to me.

I don't know if his ideals line up with the deceased  Megatron in my own universe nor do I know this universe's Prime well enough.

This Prime seems so... weak.

I highly doubt they will win this war, they all act like sparklings yet I still wish to help them maybe I can alter the course of their war.

I've already agreed to help them I just need them to trust me.

Another thing to worry about is my body, in my memories, I don't believe I've ever needed energon.

Maybe that's why I've survived so long. Did Primus bless me oh so long ago?

I don't remember much of my beginning which is odd.

I should just put that to the side for now, I'm sure it might be the greatest discovery I've ever made but for now, it's just a blessing of infinite energy and possibilities...

I hope it doesn't come with a price.

Maybe this universe has a shockwave as well?

I'm sure we could come to an agreement as we have in the past.

He could introduce me to all the technology of this universe and help me expand my knowledge and understanding.

I should write a list of what I should do.

One, gain more information on the Decepticons.

Two, fix my space bridge and possibly integrate the same functions of a ground bridge.

Three, find a lab partner and equipment. Ratchet may not be adequate.

Four, collect a sample of dark energon.

Five, survive.

This should do for now, this should be acceptable and achievable.

I began to head back to the base and thought about all the steps it was going to take to achieve my goals.

As I drove into the base I noticed it was only Ratchet alone in the main room.

I transformed and walked over to him and looked over the schematics he was looking at on the terminal. "What is this?"

He glanced at me before studying the schematics again." This is the engineering specs for a space bridge acquired from the Decepticons."

I was slightly shocked by this because that means the Deceptions have a space bridge and the resources to create one of this size are baffling.

"Does that mean Megatron plans to revive Cybertron?" I asked but it was obvious that he planned to bring back an army of the dead.

Ratchet turned to look at me solemnly. "Yes and if he achieves bringing the dead to earth we are doomed."

"Have you figured out where he has it?"

"No, nor do we know if he has already built the space bridge or not but we are searching." Ratchet answered and I turned to leave.

"Ep ep ep, where are you going? I wish to give you another check-up. A bot of your age may end up suffering a number of health complications." Ratchet looked at me seriously while I couldn't help but chuckle at him.

"Ratchet I'm old, not defective. I'm perfectly healthy but if you are up for it I wouldn't mind if you'd take a look at my space bridge, you might just be able to help." I ripped off my arm and handed it to Ratchet, he freaked out and threw away my arm while I laughed at him though it did hurt a bit but not too much.

He ended up scolding me for a bit before we began work on my space bridge.

"Rusty, how are you still active? This space bridge uses an astronomical amount of energon!" Ratchet stated in extreme panic while grabbing tools.

"It must be removed immediately! Even while not active this device can still pose a threat to you, we must prep for surgery." Ratchet said as he was setting up the birth with a multitude of tools.

I grabbed my arm and other parts of me that we had taken apart and reattached them before walking up to Ratchet and placing my hand on his shoulder.

"Stop, this is completely unnecessary. I have activated the bridge enough times to know that I can handle it." I said before he turned round to face me with a furious expression.

"YOU WHAT!? Are you completely mad!?" Ratchet started to freak out and began ranting for a bit before I decided to interrupt him.

"ENOUGH. I am my own bot, and I say it stays. I have large energon stores compared to your average Cybertronian and as you can see I am in perfect health and my energon levels are at maximum. It stays." After I finished I began to walk away to explore the base again as Ratchet sighed behind me.

"I hope you do not regret this decision, Rusty."