
Chapter 9

The Manor, beside giving Snow the strange unknow feeling, made him feel helpless. All those beautiful things around him, the sculptures and portraits staring into his soul made him feel uneasy. And even the cleanest, floors free of dirt made him step slightly unsteady.

Some time has passed already since they begin walking around the Manor and even though Snow couldn't remember all that well the rooms names, he know enough to make a way out for himself.

He never had the liberty of knowing where he was placed, his cell and the stage being covered in darkness.

The Amartya Manor was so bright.

''Now you must remember to never go anywhere near the Main Kitchen and Master Aeron study.'' Paul said before waving his hand in a panicked gesture ''That doesn't mean you can't go to the other kitchen or the pantry to get food as you wish. You don't need to worry about food anymore child. There is more than enough for everyone.''

Bitting his lip, Snow could feel his stomach clench. The assuring gesture was nice, kind even much like Paul himself, the man being nothing but friendly and accepting of him even with his dirty, disgusting background.

But there was other, actual problem that needed to be voiced. Surprisingly enough, Snow feel the need to talk once more.

''Where is Master?'' 

''He is working.'' Paul answer was immediate and smooth. It was also perfectly practiced but not enough to hide the grimace on his lips when saying it. ''We shouldn't bother him while he is working of course.'' he cleared his throat when Snow frowned

For his part Snow feel lost.

There was no new orders for him, nothing that can make him know what will happen to him. Helios did told him that he wouldn't have costumers anymore and that he was brought so he could heal Master Aeron.

But how could he heal his Master if he couldn't see him or follow any of the man orders?

''But-'' Paul voice made him straighten his back when he didn't even notice his slouching ''-Master Aeron was very clear that your health will be very important from now on. So he ordered me that you should take medicine before every meal you had no matter how many times you eat per day.''

''Medicine...what is that?'' Snow asked confused ''It's healing magic?'' each of his words were whispered, careful so he could hide his real voice

After a few moment of silence where Paul stood frozen with his back at him, the elder clapped his hands and turned at him with a smile.

''I didn't show you the garden yet. Let's go for a short walk.'' 

Nodding, Snow followed the man obediently. He didn't really understand the change of the mood but he was sure that he never heard of medicine before. And nothing beside his previous Master icy magic was ever used on him.

Outside the weather was chill, the seasons changing and Autumn coming to an end. Cracking leafs under his feet made Snow look around marveled. It was, if possible, much better than the Manor. 

''Medicine can look like those tiny pills or some really sweet syrup. It's used to heal or more likely to help the body heal without the toxic force of Healing Magics. Master is worried about your wellbeing, therefor he ordered me to give you medicine to make you feel better.''

''Master orders?'' Snow asked slightly perking up. Orders mean that he did something good, that he will be keep around long enough and not locket in some tight cabinet for the nights.

''Yes.'' Paul nodded ''For the next week you should get your medicine before every meal and try to relax more so your hyper contracted muscles can relax.''

Snow didn't understand the last parts but he didn't need to.

After one order is given, more follows.


or that's how it's suppose to be

Snow thought watching the lively flowers fighting with the weather outside. The wind was beating more harshly then yesterday or two days ago but that didn't stop Snow from getting out of the suffocating Manor.

He was dressed with a similar outfit, a pair of comfortable pants and a loose, soft blouse. On his shoulders rested a dark coat that a hurried Paul throw on him before the man returned at his chores. Taking care of a Manor by himself looked like a tremendous work but somehow the elder made it look easy. He was also really offended when Snow offered his help the day before.

not that surprising though. I never cleaned anything beside myself before 

Snow thoughts where interrupted when Paul waved him to come inside. He had designed meals at the same hours but with different foods. Right now, eating his meals was the biggest happiness in Snow life. Like a blooming flower fighting the Autumn wind.

His lips quirked at the though before shacking his head and getting up from the bench he sit on. 

''I thought I saw a smile.'' Paul laughed with bright eyes before putting his medicine beside his food. ''It means everything is getting better.'' he continued chattering away about this and that.

Snow took the vial that contained his medicine in hand, rolling the slim glass between his fingers. It didn't really have a taste, his medicine that's it. Despite the bright purple color there was nothing that indicated that it was medicine, not like Paul described it.

He just know that the food tasted even better after taking it and that he didn't feel as suffocated in the Manor as before.

At the end of the meal, Snow licked his lips before asking

''When can I see Master?'' 

Paul hands stopped cleaning the table and the man just stared at him for a few seconds. It was a thing that Paul did, Snow figured it out. Sometimes when he mentioned a strange thing from before or asked something obvious, the elder would stop moving before smiling gently and answering him.

''Tomorrow. I'm sure that Master Aeron will be happy to finally meet you Snow.''