
Chapter 10

The next day, after finding out that he can finally meet his Mater, Snow opened the wardrobe for the first time. Paul told him that he can use the clothes any time and chose whatever he liked. But he also told him that the clothes were all chosen by Master so meeting him while wearing those clothes will be a must.

Snow never really opened the wardrobe before and beside the time Paul showed it to him and the few sneak peaks when the elder was taking out a pair of clothes for him, he didn't have an interest in them.

Now it was different though.

''Snow?'' Paul voice made him snap out from his search and peek his head out of the wardrobe, making the elder breath in relief ''What are ding there? Did you find something that you like?''

''For meeting with Master.'' Snow said stepping out of the dressing, a small almost unnoticeable sound following him.

They weren't his golden coins or even accessories clicking with each other but rather the blouse zipper hitting on one of the cloth ornaments.

''They are beautiful Snow.'' Paul said a little strained before clearing his throat and pushing the food tray on the table ''Have some breakfast before meeting him. Master Aeron said that he wouldn't want you to be hungry when meeting him.'' with a small tuck the medicine bottle was put on the table as well 

It was a strange request for Snow but in the few days he was here he become used with the strangeness of it.

''Where can I meet Master?'' he asked when Paul was getting himself busy with his own breakfast

''His study will do just fine.'' Paul said smiling jovially ''Do you like that type of clothes better?''

Paul had the knack of making him talk so Snow become used with talking in a quiet enough tone that the man wouldn't notice his monstruous voice. It was actually quite nice.

''I like this better yes.'' Snow said after gulping down the medicine, trusting a hand forward to show how loose the clothes were on him. The blouse he wore was tight on his shoulders and chest but the rest was flowy around him. His pants were much the same by hugging his hips and ass tightly while his ankles were visible at every pass.

''The weather will get colder though...just make sure that you dress better when going into the garden.'' Paul said after some hesitation ''The manor is always running warm because of Master Aeron magic.'

Nodding at Paul words, Snow begin eating. He didn't know when Master wanted to meet him but he couldn't make him wait for the likes of him.


Standing in front of his Master study door wasn't something he was suppose to do.

After finishing his food, Paul walked him to the right corridor and showed him the door, then with great hesitation the elder left him alone but not before wishing him luck. 

Biting his lip, Snow grimaced when his tongue begin aching but before he could think farther about it the door suddenly opened and a looming figure made him stagger back. He didn't look at him, he couldn't, it wasn't right for a slave to look at his Master in the eye.

So with an aching tongue and frozen body, Snow fall roughly on his knees. 

The looming figure didn't move for a few moments but in the end he approached him. Master didn't talk and Snow didn't know, didn't understand what that could mean. Suddenly flaming words formed right before his eyes.


what? Snow thought briefly panicked. He know that he didn't know how to read, he never could decipher the books in his room at night when he couldn't sleep so how could he understand the letters in front of him


And with trembling knees Snow get up on his feet, the flaming words following at his chest level. He still didn't look at Master, keeping his eyes on the letters before him.


The only chair beside his Master's was the one in front of the desk. Snow followed his orders and in almost no time Master exited the study from the front door and violently slammed it shut after him.

With a shuddered breath, Snow looked up, startled when the words disappeared.

not even worth to talk to  Snow thought briefly looking around the study. He wasn't suppose to, well, do anything if Master wasn't there but he was insanely curious about his Master behavior.

it's unusual  he though the shine of crystals catching his eye.

The study was covered in dark colors, in black, burgundy and a few pieces of grey. It was nothing like Snow own room that was made to look just like a sunny day. The desk was drowned in papers and with a brief look Snow nodded to himself.

He couldn't read the letters after all. He didn't magically become able to read.

There were shelfs covering each wall, strange books under one another. A burgundy couch and a table were the only things occupying the large place. 

it's so empty Snow thought briefly right when the door slammed open making him flinch, head snapping behind him

Such a stupid move to make from his part.

Master was tall with board shoulders and large hands. His skin was on the darker side, like the chocolate he tasted on his first dessert and there was no sound when stepping on the ground. With pure black hair, looking similar with shadow wisps, curl were resting just bellow his ears.

In Master hand a covered plate was the only bright color on his person, even his clothes being dark. Uncovering the plate, a fruit cake that smelled absolutely divine stood innocently.


The flamed words appeared again before Snow and with shock he looked from the bright strawberry dessert to his Master.

Master eyes were of pure, unnatural blue.