
Odyssey Of A Conceptual Card Maker

#NoHarem #Hard Working Protagonist #Anti-Hero #Villain(Gradual) #Earned Power(Kind of) #Superpowers #World Switch #Marvel #Harry Potter #PJO #Others --------------------- Alexander 'Alex' Walters was an ordinary guy, who lived dual lives. Alex by day, he was a honest, shy guy working a desk job. Handsome, but boring and ordinary. Aadi by night, a bad boy supreme with no moral compass in search for thrill. Ending up dead while trying to juggle his dual lives, he did not expect to find what he wanted to all his life in his final moments, and so when he got an offer to live again, he leapt into Life's embrace. How would he chase his dreams while being caught up in a game for beings beyond his comprehension, fighting every step of the way, on multiple fronts to survive? Accompany Alex on his path, as he fights all across the multiverse, scheming and planning his way through multiple worlds and plotting his way to get out of this death game and achieve freedom, all this while using and developing his own unique ability. Wanna know more about this Odyssey? Read to find out!! ------------------------ Support me with comments and stones!!

FateKeeper · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
23 Chs

Time to Get a Race Modification

Waking up in a new body when your mind was not completely accustomed to it can be a disorienting experience, and somewhat destructive when you posses [Superhuman Strength] and exceptional Assassination and Fighting Skills. Waking up in a new environment I was already on guard, and the alarm ringing proved to be the tipping point, and I responded to that stimuli in a violent manner- by destroying it with a punch. After reorienting myself, I remembered the happenings of the previous day, my powers and everything.

I wondered how I could forget something like this, especially when I upgraded my mind as well. It did not take me long to realize that it was so because that there was a certain part of me which actively hoped that it was all a product of my very active imagination, a wild dream; and I would wake up in my bed, with all of this being one interesting dream. Taking a deep breath and calming myself, I busied myself in my morning rituals, and after a hot shower had my breakfast delivered to the living room- I mean, perks of a semi-sentinent house; while dressed in comfortable black hoodie and sweatpants, I watched the news to get an understanding of any variances or issues. Barely had I started eating when the house alerted me of someone trying to enter the house. Checking my minimap, I saw that it was my Uncle trying to get in, possibly after a late night shift on some project he was bound by an NDA with. Suddenly I was made aware that that yesterday I had forgotten to instruct the house to let my Uncle in, and it was truly my luck that he came back directly today otherwise he would have been locked out of the house in spite of having a key.

Getting into the house, with half-lidden eyes, he managed to drag himself into his room before literally collapsing on his bed, completely knocked out. Damn. I mean, this was anticlimactic. I was expecting some interaction, something, so I had even prepared to act like a 12 year old, but he just ignored me. Or rather, it was as if he forgot I existed.

Huh. Irresponsible Adult. But I didn't care, for it benefitted me. But looking at his pathetic state of over-exhaustion, with his exhaustion clouding his mind and body, I got the point I was so desperately searching for.

The base I wanted to cover, which my enemies could exploit was exhaustion. Even if now I had superhuman stamina and superhuman mind, so my mental strength was nothing to scoff at; still zerg tactics could work on me as mental exhaustion could lead for a lapse in concentration, and that could put me in a very dangerous position. Now this may seem farfetched, but when given a second chance in a group in a fictional world, with a free superpower and multiple options and with seemingly no task given other than to survive, the possibility this whole thing was nothing but some form of entertainment, a survival game for existences way beyond our comprehensions became a harsh reality. So, I was leaving nothing to chance because I had complete faith that Murphy's Law would become a reality in my case.

What I needed was something which can keep me safe and functioning even if wrecked with exhaustion, something which will evacuate me to safety while dealing with any tails or threats while keeping my anonymity. So something similar to an unconscious response, like muscle memory. Now, I already had muscle memory of the fighting skills, but the thing is I wanted similar mental response, or precise physical reflexes. Very much willing to tackle this difficulty, I thought hard about the perfect counter for this, and that brought me to the very first thing I considered when I was thinking about my ideal superpower- Bloodlines. The first option of any old-school bloodline fanatic- Saiyan Bloodline. No, I was not considering creating the Saiyan Bloodline to implant in myself, I already had more than enough raw power and the battle-junkie nature would prove detrimental to my base power- Conceptual Card Creation and Manipulation. Instead, I was thinking about the ability Goku gains after severe practice, perseverance and several training montages.

It was none other than [Ultra Instinct].

The ultimate technique that separates the consciousness from the body, allowing it to move and fight independent of a martial artist's thoughts and emotions. Something which Goku could not use freely, I intended to make it my own, as a sort of a switch, something of a contingency if I lose consciousness or affects my mind. I used {Copy} on my Nervous System, creating a [Quick Response] card. Then I used {Copy} on the power grid running through the city, creating a [Instant Transmission] card. I continued using {Copy} to create [Instinctive Response], [Superior Instincts], [Parallel Thinking], [Quick Thinking] and [Rational Deduction]. Then, you know the drill-

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Using my cheat, I finally got what I wanted- [Ultra Instinct]<Mythic> level

//[Ultra Instinct]<Mythic> level

-Your instincts are enhanced to an impossible degree

-Your body responds instinctively without any conscious thought in the exact way you would have consciously

-Even if your mind shuts down, your body will keep going and protect you from harm

-You can avoid any threat\\

Looking at this card, I can't say that I was satisfied. There was no issue with the card per se, but it did not fully cover the loophole I intended to deal with. It would protect me, no doubt but it could not help with the evacuation. Plus I would be easily tracked, I mean dealing with tails would obviously leave a mess, possibly broken infrastructure which was decorated with their entrails. So I needed something like an alternate form, something which can easily hide and escape, something which is Marvel-based for better aesthetic, and like why not. So, I decided to bring one of my future projects to the present, and bring to life a power/creature, a hero who was more of an anti-hero, who was related to Spiderman, and who I was very impressed with.

Yup, you guessed it right. I'm going to get my own fucking Symbiote.

Taking a [Slime] from Video Games as a base, I used {Copy} very liberally on fantasy monsters and creating cards like [Assimilate], [Gene Record], [Parasitize], [Bond], [Switch Form], [Create Progeny], [Divinity Nemesis], [Corruption], [Divinity Plunder], [Weapon Creation], [Emotion Sustenance] and [Bio-Mass Manipulation]. I also added [All-Metal] for good measure, intending to deal with the weakness as well. Next, I did my usual grind-

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Finally after so many efforts, I held my latest creation- [All-Metal Klyntar]<Mythic> level.

//[All-Metal Klyntar]<Mythic> level

-You are the Human-Klyntar Hybrid, thus have abilities of both species but none of their weakness

-You can switch between your [Human Form] and [Symbiote Form]

-You can use all your abilities in both forms, as well as form all kinds of weapons, armors, clothes and structures made of [All-Metal] as long as you have enough biomass

-You can assimilate with anything, organic or inorganic

-You can parasitize any individual, taking control over their body and taking on their identity

-You can bond with a host and provide an ability boost while providing an all-encompassing improvement

-You can imprint the unique abilities and powers into yourself by interfacing the genomes and physiology of your host

-You can create progeny by asexually reproducing, and the created progeny are loyal and devoted to you

-You are the Anti-Thesis to All and Any forms of Divinity, with you being able to resist Divine Pressure and fighting against Divine Beings on even grounds

-You can Plunder Divine Essence from your enemies and use them for your own purpose

-You can Corrupt all beings by amplifying their negative emotions, experiences, senses and responses by being in contact with them even without parasitizing them

-You can survive and grow, gaining sustenance from emotions of your host or your surrounding people, thereby increasing your biomass\\

With this finally completing my preparations, I used {Replicate} on both [Ultra Instinct] and [All-Metal Klyntar], making and storing the spare while simultaneously using the original cards on myself. With this, my mind and body erupted into a cacophony of pain, and the pain was so overwhelming that I actually preferred dying for a moment than experiencing such horrible pain, but I stopped such dangerous thoughts and reconfirmed my will, concentrating on surviving through this, but to no avail as the intensity of pain kept increasing. Despite my strengthened mind and body, I lost consciousness as I blacked out due to pure, unadulterated, all-consuming pain.

1626 Words!!

Another day, another chapter! Keep the reviews and stones coming. For being constant readers and giving a lot of comments and stones respectively, Akisu and Davd_Catalyst get to name a character each. Originally I wanted to give a Cameo, but later decided to give them an option to choose the name.

So yeah, keep reading!

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