
Odyssey Of A Conceptual Card Maker

#NoHarem #Hard Working Protagonist #Anti-Hero #Villain(Gradual) #Earned Power(Kind of) #Superpowers #World Switch #Marvel #Harry Potter #PJO #Others --------------------- Alexander 'Alex' Walters was an ordinary guy, who lived dual lives. Alex by day, he was a honest, shy guy working a desk job. Handsome, but boring and ordinary. Aadi by night, a bad boy supreme with no moral compass in search for thrill. Ending up dead while trying to juggle his dual lives, he did not expect to find what he wanted to all his life in his final moments, and so when he got an offer to live again, he leapt into Life's embrace. How would he chase his dreams while being caught up in a game for beings beyond his comprehension, fighting every step of the way, on multiple fronts to survive? Accompany Alex on his path, as he fights all across the multiverse, scheming and planning his way through multiple worlds and plotting his way to get out of this death game and achieve freedom, all this while using and developing his own unique ability. Wanna know more about this Odyssey? Read to find out!! ------------------------ Support me with comments and stones!!

FateKeeper · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
23 Chs

The Time I Woke Up as a Slime

After an indefinite amount of time, I woke up absent-mindedly while trying to rub the grogginess out of my eyes. Keyword being: Tried. Kind of hard to do so when you were a blob of inorganic, amorphous slime with no visible or discernable organs or limbs.

While I would love to say that it was hard, with me spending approximately a training montage or two before mastering my new form, but reality is often unfair. It was all instinctual, as if I had been doing it since birth, just like how one knows how to breathe and how to walk, in the same manner I knew how to switch forms, move around as a Symbiote, as well as take on a form similar to Venom, with a slight change in the color scheme, with my color palate leaning more towards shades of Green. I was basically Palm Green with Neon Green veins covering my back, but that's where the similarities ended- for I was as proficient as Riot in making weapons, and I tested that as well. Switching forms, creating weapons and all to actually allow my Assassination and Shooting Skills to unleash their potential, I practiced moving around as a mass of slime the most, for that was the main reason I made this ability. And damn, this ability was a hit. Now all that is left in [Ultra Instinct], but since it is supposed to activate in a tense situation where I was over-exhausted, mentally drained, mentally absent and in a risk of danger or bodily harm; I decided that it was something I'll test later when I have less important things to do.

Checking the house, I relaxed after seeing that not enough time had passed, barely a few hours since breakfast, thus my Uncle was away at work leaving me free to keep working for means of survival. That's when I was pinged by the house about multiple entries requested by some creatures. Looking out of the window, I was a bit surprised to see that it was the wolves I had sent had returned with prey. I guess it's time to feed my daughter and help her grow.

Rapidly switching forms, I turned into a hulking, monstrous humanoid with three pairs of tentacles extending from my back before I jumped through the wall of my house, literally phasing through the walls as I moved between molecules, for even if I was a hybrid, I could turn into pure biomass making this possible. Then I landed near my daughter, switching back into my human form, wearing a black hoodie and sweatpants which looked normal but were formed by me in one smooth transition.

Walking near the gate, I let the wolves enter the house, while observing the prey they had brought back. The first one was a tall man, well built and dressed in fine clothes, possibly a suit but had now pretty much turned into rags, soiled with blood and grime and mangled flesh. He was knocked out, probably from the abduction, but that didn't stop the moans of pain from escaping his mouth from all the movement he was forced through. Approaching the groaning man, I extended my arm while exercising my [Parasitize] ability, while willing his arm to transform into five writhing spikes, which extended forth and drilled through the man's head, absorbing his knowledge and memories while enriching my own while devouring his brain. I won't lie, it's not pretty. But, it gets things done.

Huh! This one's a fucking psychopath! Named Mark Steins, was a serial killer, who was also a part of Hydra. He as a cover was a practicing surgeon who worked at a Hydra-affiliated hospital, while experimenting on the patients to recreating the Super Soldier Serum. Not only that, but he also used those specimens, which were mostly faulty or failed, to experiment his own niche- Biological Warfare. He was more involved in researching and creating new diseases and viruses, and often personally kidnapped his victims while infecting them with his experiment and releasing them in a controlled environment shared by their family and loved ones, recording the results of research while enjoying their pain and suffering. When the necessary data had been recorded, he himself entered the testing area and put down his specimens with his own hands. And during all this, he continuously informed his specimens what he planned to do to them and their loved ones for he enjoyed the expressions of terror and despair on their faces. So, devouring his brain unwittingly gave me access to all his research and trials of diseases and viruses. Not that I had samples, but I could easily recreate them if needed.

I mean good-riddance, any world would be better off without such people among the living.

Second was a short brunette women, and absorbing her brain left me with her fair share of memories and bad taste in my mouth. Named Karen Walter, she was a decorated officer of NYPD, and was currently suspended due to some corruption allegations, and there was an enquiry ongoing regarding the same. That was what was visible on the surface, but in reality she was someone on the Hand's payroll and a mole directly under Madame Gao. Well, that proved that this was not just the MCU, for there was the Hand here, plus the existence of the X-Gene, plus the fact that this Karen was in fact secretly a mutant, and a decently strong one with the power of Age Shifting, helping her with covert operations; made my hypothesis that this was a mixture of MCU and Marvel Comics seem true.

Then there were four more people, men of varied ages and looks but two seemed to be of the same group as could be seen from the matching, now bloodied outfits. Surfing through their memories showed that they were convicts for crimes like contract killings, kidnappings and human-trafficking. However, they had ended up getting arrested after being wrecked by a vigilante while trying to abduct a girl. They had broken out of prion recently, but had the bad-luck of being found by my wolves, and here they were, lobotomized. The remaining two were SHIELD Agents, who were responsible for putting down a lot of criminals. They were expert interrogators and proficient in a lot of torture techniques. Well, sucks to be them.

Sending out my wolves once again, I carried the prey they brought to my daughter using whips emerging from my back using my biomass. Approaching my daughter, I gently called out, "Princess! Time for Lunch! Come eat them quickly for only then will you grow!" while depositing the still alive bodies near the fence. The response was immediate, with her "Yayy! Dada back! With? Lunch?" curios and excited voice bringing a smile on my face. I watched with fascination as long, sinuous vines stretched out from the fence, slithering over the lawn and coiling around the bodies, gently at first but tightening visibly in seconds before they popped out thorns shining with a metallic luster, puncturing the bodies and draining them of all blood in moments. Their rapidly paling, desiccating bodies were not left unattended as those vines after emptying them of their blood pulled those bodies into the fence, and soon a crunching sound ensured, which seemed to echo in an unnatural manner. All this happened in the span of one minute, and the blood and flesh and any remains of the bodies which could have pointed to their existence disappeared as if they never existed, all thanks to my smart house. Feeling the happiness and satisfaction from our bond, I asked my daughter, "Did you like it princess?" And got an immediate joy filled reply "Yes Daddy! I feel Better! I know More! See this Daddy!" and the fence parted, with a clear path in front of me. I obliged, walking forward while looking around curiously at the red flowers which now decorated the fence, before coming face-to-face with a developing bud which was much larger than others, approximately the size of a dog. Surprised but mostly curious I asked, "And what is this my dear?" But she replied with a certain amount of caution and anxiety in her voice, "Daddy, promise me you won't be angry?"

I was like damn, barely a day since my daughter got her intelligence and she is already giving me a heart-attack. No wonder people say parenting is a hard job.

1412 words!!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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