
Chapter Forty-Seven: Take the Lead

Chapter Forty-Seven: Take the Lead


POV: *Jude*


Murin steadied himself as I circled around him. I needed my body between him and that weapon. Something he desperately was trying to avoid.

Every step I took he took another closing in the space between us. Neither of us getting close enough to ensure the upper hand. He was getting impatient.

Mid-step he lunged at me. He dipped down to tackle me low. A sharp pain exploded in my hip as his shoulder connected with the bone.

He tried to climb on top of me and I landed a kick to his thigh and another to his gut. The strain of my exhaustion pulled at my muscles with every movement. This was going to be a long fight.

Taking advantage of the situation, I pinned him down to the ground. He struggled under my grip but even at my worst he was no match for me. I could see it in his face, that he knew it too.

“You haven’t lost your touch,” he said between gasping breaths.