
Obsessed with alpha Bryan

Bryan, an elegant man with the body of a god held my cheeks, with his hazel eyes staring into my soul, his breathe made me shiver, my heart beating out of my chest, I was breathless, who could this man be..

Blueiveey · สมัยใหม่
6 Chs

Chapter 4

Deep into the heart of the forest, Elsa felt a sense of peace wash over her. She spent her days wandering through the trees, hunting for her own food and squeezing under the stars. But one fateful day, as she roamed through a particulate dense bush in the woods, she stumbled upon a hunting party.

They were a group of werewolves led by a formidable figure who exuded power and authority. Elsa, recognizing immediately as Alpha Bryan, a legendary hunter known throughout the region for his killing and prowess.

Instinctively, Elsa tried to retreat, not wanting to draw attention to herself. But in her haste, she stepped on a dry tree, snapping it with a loud crack that echoed through the forest. The hunting party froze, their heads turning in unison towards the source of the noise.

Allpha Bryan's eyes locked onto Elsa, his gaze piercing through the foliage until it landed on her. Without hesitation, he raised his bow and took aim, releasing an arrow in one swift motion.

Elsa's instinct kicked in and she dove to the side, barely avoiding the deadly projectile, but the arrow grazed her shoulder, tearing through her flesh and leaving a deep gash that oozed blood. Faint shots killed Elsa's body, but she gritted her teeth and forced herself to stay calm.

She knew that showing weakness in front of an Alfa could be dangerous, especially one as renowned and formidable as Alfa Brown. You shouldn't have come here, Alfa Brown growled, his voice low and menacing.

This is my territory and I don't take kindly to trespassers. Elsa struggled to get to her feet, her injured shoulder trembling with each movement. I didn't mean to intrude, she replied, her voice steady despite the pain.

I was just passing through. Alpha Brown's eyes narrowed, assessing her with a mix of curiosity and suspicion. You're not from my park, I know.

You're not from any pack, I know, he observed. What are you doing out here alone? I left my pack, Elsa exclaimed, deciding to be honest and give time to myself to be alone with myself and my feelings.

Alpha Bryan's expression softened slightly, though the tension in the air remained palpable. I understand the need for solutions, he admitted, but you picked a dangerous place to wander.

These woods are filled with dangers, both natural and supernatural. Elsa nodded, acquiring the truth in his words.

She had faced many dangers in her time as a lone wolf, from rival packs to rogue hunters to wild beasts, but she had always relied on her instincts and her skills to survive.

I'll be more careful, she promised, taking a step back to show that she meant no harm. Alpha Bryan regarded her for a long moment, his eyes assessing and calculating.

You're injured, he observed, noting the blood seeping from Elsa's wound. It's just a scratch, she replied mischievously, trying to downplay the severity of her injury.

Alpha Bryan shook his head, a hint of concern in his voice. Let me help you, he offered, lowering his bow and gesturing for his companion to do the same.

Elsa hesitated, unsure if she should trust him. But something in Alpha Bryan's demeanor told her that he meant no harm, that he genuinely wanted to assist her.

Reluctantly, Elsa nodded, allowing Alpha Bryan and his hunting party to approach. They examined her wound, applying herbs and bandages to prevent infection.

As they tended to her wounds, Alpha Bryan spoke to Elsa, asking her about her past and her reasons for leaving her past.