
Obsessed with alpha Bryan

Bryan, an elegant man with the body of a god held my cheeks, with his hazel eyes staring into my soul, his breathe made me shiver, my heart beating out of my chest, I was breathless, who could this man be..

Blueiveey · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 5

"Thank you" Elsa said sincerely. Her voice soft as she looked up at Alpha Bryan. 

"I appreciate your help." Alpha Bryan nodded, his gaze meeting hers. 

"You are welcome" he replied gruffly, though there was a hint of warmth in his tone.

 Elsa nodded gratefully, touched by his gesture of kindness. "Thank you," she said again, meaning it with all of her heart. 

With a nod of farewell, Alpha Bryan and his companions disappeared into the woods, leaving Elsa alone once more. 

She watched them go. Despite their rocky start, Elsa couldn't deny the strange connection she felt with Alpha Bryan unlike Alex. 

Elsa's POV

"What is wrong with me" I shouldn't be having feeling for just any guy I come across. Is that how lonely I am. 

As I wonder through the thick woods I heard some footsteps closing in on me. It seemed to be coming from different angles.

I didn't want surprises so I immediately took to my heels . The last thing I wanted was to be captured by my pack.

I know I shouldn't trust anyone not alpha bryan not even Alex. I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Jumping and swerving. Sharp woods piercing through my skin but that didn't stop me. I was running for my freedom. 

My throat began to itch. It was sooo dry I was beginning to run out of breathe. But I kept on pushing towards the wood hoping to sight a road. 

For how long. I couldn't tell but I ran and ran until my chest began to hurt and throb and then I hit a tree trunk and fell to ground. A total blackout.

Elsa's POV

I opened my eyes and I found myself in a lit room. I jerked up immediately. It didn't seem familiar to me in any form. I quickly searched for a weapon as soon as I heard footsteps.

"Damn it" I broke a vase, anything could serve as a weapon right now I thought to myself.

I went for the vase beside the mirror and waited behind the door as the sound of the footsteps grew louder as they neared the door.

Immediately she opened the door, I seized her by the throat.

"Who are you" my voicem firm as she struggled.

"Speak" I commanded.

"I'm… I'm… I'm just a servant. The alpha brought you in"

"Please don't hurt me" she pleaded. in deed she was dressed as a servant. With a harsh tone I asked.

"Where am I" the broken vase still pinned to her throat before I heard his tone.

"Let her go" he said walking majestically into the room.

"Is that how you treat someone who took care of you since 5 days?"

"5 days" I was shocked and confused. Have I been unconscious for 5 days.

"Let her go Elsa" this time his voice was commanding. I let go of the lady and she ran out of the room hyperventilating. Imight have cut her a little, but I was in no mood to play game.

"Where am I and how did I get here?" I asked keeping my distance away from this green eye Prince charming. Gosh! He was gorgeous. 

What would he be like in bed. What would those lips feel like when kissed. No you're not supposed to be thinking that way elsa. Focus!!

"Stay away from me" I threatened

"Relax princess, I'm not here to hurt you" he assured me and somehow I believe him. What has this guy done to me. Why am I feeling this way around him. 

I want to run but at the same time I don't want to run. I want to be touched so badly by this man. I dropped to the floor trying to wave off those thoughts. 

Shutting my ears. My inner thoughts was going wild and it shouldn't, not now. This wasn't the time. I felt my head begin to spin and in a split second I was gone. 


Alpha bryan pov

"Hello princess, glad you're awake" I smiled offering her a hand.

As she sat up on the bed. This time she was calm. 

"Water?? I asked holding out a glass of water to her face.

"No thanks"

"Relax, you passed out again" she coughed and I kindly offered her drinking water again, but this time she didn't reject it.

"Where am I"