
Oath Of Blood

Raining water is the source of life, isn't it? Every drop that pours on the ground from the sky revitalizes the planet, falling from above. Drip, drip, drip... Isn't this the cycle of life? Every drop that evaporates from the water source laid on the ground, the upper layer of the water in the form of tiny droplets of life, rises, evaporating into the clouds. There they squeeze and move, adjusting to their place inside one of the millions of clouds, until not too long after, the organization of droplets abandons some of the lower droplets, throwing them down. Is going through this relentless process, rising to heights, worth it? When the only thing that is supposed to happen is to fall, are these droplets at the top of the clouds being arrogant? Are they mocking the pouring droplets because they are falling while they are still up? Can't they see that the cloud will soon take in more droplets and if they become weaker and come down their position they will also be pushed down, abandoned, thrown, forgotten? Can't they see the only fate they have is to rise only to fall? But what happens to the droplets that are beneath the water source? Why not find out?

RI_Lore · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Chapter 20: Convincing Kishima

In Kishima's selling area, the atmosphere was vibrant with the shimmering glow of polished weapons and the imposing presence of ornate armor. Shiny and flashy weapons adorned the walls, catching the light with their pristine edges and intricate designs. The armors, though familiar in their construction to those of the Akatsuki clan, stood out with their vivid colors and detailed embellishments.

Rows of armor stood proudly on display, each piece meticulously crafted and adorned with unique patterns and symbols. Despite their similarity to the clan's standard-issue armor for trainee seekers, guards, and soldiers, these armors exuded an aura of elegance and refinement that set them apart. The base design remained faithful to the Akatsuki clan's signature katabami armor, but the addition of vibrant hues and intricate detailing elevated them to a new level of artistry.

The armors, arranged neatly along the right-hand side of the selling area, seemed to beckon to potential buyers with their allure

On the left side of the selling area, an impressive array of weapons gleamed under the soft glow of the workshop lights. Spears, tanto, katana, tachi, odachi, and even whips with blade ends were meticulously arranged, each weapon poised for display. Their polished surfaces caught the light, casting reflections that danced across the walls.

Reyoma's eyes scanned the impressive collection, taking note of the variety of weapons on display.

His thoughts echoed with skepticism as he mulled over the discrepancy. 'As beautiful and majestic as these armors and weapons may look,' Reyoma thought to himself, 'they can't be used in practical combat. I haven't even seen a single normal and functional armor here.'

Reyoma didn't want flashy armor that would only make him stand out and restrict his movement. What use would such armor be if it made him visible from far away? Wouldn't he just be giving away his own location to his opponents? The moment Ayaka chose her direction to Kishima's smithery, he understood what kind of shopping his mother was talking about. But why Kishima's store? He wasn't even a seeker?

As Kishima led them further into the selling area, they approached a door that stood slightly ajar, hinting at the secrets it held beyond. Kishima pushed the door open with a gentle push, revealing a room reserved for only the most esteemed customers.

Reyoma followed closely behind Ayaka as they entered the room, taking in the sight of the low table situated in the center of the tatami mat-covered floor.

As they settled onto the tatami mat, Reyoma stole a glance at Ayaka, noting the lingering chill in her demeanor. Despite the warmth of the room, her expression remained cool and composed, betraying none of the emotions that churned beneath the surface.

Kishima, on the other hand, maintained a polite smile as he joined them, though Reyoma couldn't help but detect a hint of apprehension in his demeanor. After all the guests sat before the host could even say anything or could sit himself, but instead of protesting, he said with enthusiasm. "Greetings to my lady and young master. What do I, uh, have the honor?" He stumbled over his wording as it was not his usual manner of speaking politely and instead had a rough tongue.

Without uttering a word, Ayaka took out a scroll from her left sleeve and tossed it in front of Kishima on the low table. Kishima, coming to some sort of realization, picked it up with shaky hands as if he already knew what was written there. Opening it anticipation and hesitation, his pupils shrunk a little, as if his worst nightmare had come true.

'Why? Did it have to happen to me? No, I can't accept this, or I will be a dead meat. I have to deny this. What will happen to my wife? My children? No, I can't let this happen,' Kishima's mind raced as he wanted to come up with appropriate words to defend himself, as drops of sweat dripped from his forehead.

Trying his hardest to maintain his composure, he speaks, "My lady, what is this about? I don't understand."

"Isn't it obvious?" Ayaka speaks for the first time, her tone cold, with intimidating eyes seeing right through Kishima. Not elaborating further, she continued to stare.

Feeling intimidated by her aura, he instinctively lowers his eyes and lowers the scroll on the table.

Curious, Reyoma, witnessing all of this as a bystander, glances at what was written on the scroll.

[My lady Elder Ayaka, I Hound report to you that there has been illegal soul weapons smuggling in the merchant district. My sources say that the person who is selling this is a commoner but still has quite a talent in craftsmanship of souls weapons.]

Seeing this, everything became clear to Reyoma.

'Hmm...' Curling up his lips inwardly, Reyoma started speaking with a bit of pity.

"Pity, it SIGH.. is such a pity. After you're gone, who will take care of this smithy?" Reyoma says with pity, sighing, and acting sad.

"Young master, where will I go? Wait, you don't think I am the imposter, do you? I am but a commoner," desperate Kishima mistakes his words.

"Indeed! A commoner with skills to make soul weapons," Ayaka says as she moves her eyes, looking at the dagger that was hung on the wall.

"My la..." desperately, Kishima turns to Ayaka.

"What is there to speak? A traitor's destiny is nothing but death," Ayaka speaks indifferently.

"But there is no proof of it, my lady, and there are many people here who can make soul weapons as commoners. I can even name them. Please reconsider your judgment."

"Of..." Before Reyoma could speak, Ayaka puts her hand on his, understanding his mother's intentions. Reyoma stops speaking.

"*Snort* What is there to reconsider? The proof has already been sent to Getsu-ku, or should I say the proof was dragged to Getsu-ku."

Hearing this, the last bit of hope Kishima broke down. Just minutes ago, he was supervising his employees, thinking about all the new weapons he could make.

"Do you even know who you were dealing with? They were Imperials. You were selling weapons to our enemies."

Listening to this, Kishima got shocked. He was selling weapons to a guy he knew for at least 4 years. Although the young man always brought him at least 2 soul chunks per month, that was insane. A normal commoner family could live a very good life for a year with just one soul stone, but this young man bought 2 soul chunks for him every month, which was two time more refined then souls stone.

He had told Kishima that he was a novice, but even so that amount was still suspicious. But Kishima, blinded by his desire for his craftsmanship, was unable to see the suspicion.

Now, he regretted it. He regretted every time the young man brought him those 2 soul chunks. He regretted crafting soul weapons and armor for the young man from one soul chunk and keeping the other soul chunk to craft whatever he wanted. He regretted keeping those soul armor and weapons he displayed, created by the young man's soul chunk.

"Do you even understand how big of a crisis you have brought upon your family? Not only will they be ostracized by society, they will be rejected by them. Your wife will have to sell herself to feed your children, but she might not even get a job as a prostitute. They might be sold as slaves." As Ayaka finished speaking, she pulled her hand from atop Reyoma's hand.

As Kishima heard these words, there was only one thing on his mind: whatever might happen to him, the punishment for his actions shouldn't be thrown on his family. He opened his mouth and was about to speak.

"But there is a way for you to survive," Reyoma said with a reassuring smile, looking straight into Kishima's eyes. At this point, even Ayaka was a little shocked by Reyoma's acting; he was really looking genuine.

Kishima slid back a little from the table and said, prostratingly, "I am ready to do anything you want, Ayaka-sama and young master."

"Anything?" Reyoma said, raising his left brow. Hearing this, Kishima, although feeling nervous without lifting his head, said, "Yes, young master, anything."

Reyoma simply glanced at Ayaka. Ayaka, turning her head slightly to Reyoma, couldn't help but curl up her lips a bit as she said, "my request is simple i just want you to make a amour and wepoen to my son"

Hearing this, Kishima suddenly became excited and enthusiastic, lifting his head. But recalling something, he went into prostration again. "But what happens to that young man, Ayaka-sama?"

Ayaka put her hand on her waist, taking out a pouch. Putting her hand into it, she took out a small scroll about the size of her hand. Opening it, the scroll was completely blank with only a partitioning line drawn between. As she wrote with her finger on the left side of the partition, [Abort], even though she wasn't using any ink or brush, the words got imprinted on the scroll. Just a couple of seconds later, a word appeared on the right side of the partition, [Order followed].

"I have done my part of the job, now it's yours. I have heard that you are holding quite a bit of soul chunks. How many, as they are, I don't care. I just want a full armor set and two weapons for my son within two weeks," Ayaka stated.

Kishima, sitting up, was just about to speak up when Ayaka added, "Remember what denying will cost you." Kishima felt the weight of Ayaka's expectations bearing down on him like an anvil, each word she spoke adding another layer of pressure to his already burdened shoulders. He knew all too well the consequences of defying her commands, yet the task she set before him seemed nothing short of impossible.

Suppressing a sigh of resignation, Kishima steeled himself for the daunting challenge ahead. Despite the overwhelming odds stacked against him, he knew that failure was not an option, not when the consequences were so dire.

Not to mention, he just had seven soul chunks, which was a lot, but after crafting, he would have just one soul chunk left. Now, he was even cut off from his sources of soul chunks. How could he ask them for payment? Wouldn't he be simply asking for his own death? Swallowing his bitter saliva, he responded, "How could I deny Ayaka-sama? I will craft the best armor and weapons I have ever crafted in my entire life. for the young master."

"What kind of armor and weapons do young master want and what souls enchantment does that armor and weapons to have?" Kishima's words faltered slightly, his voice betraying a hint of apprehension.

Kishima's weary voice carried the weight of his exhaustion as he posed the question to Reyoma, his features drawn with fatigue and uncertainty.feeling so many emotions. Being stressed, anxious, nervous, and despairing really tired him out. After all, he was just a commoner old man who simply liked smithing weapons and armor.

Reyoma pondered for a bit, regarding Kishima with a measured gaze, his expression inscrutable as he considered his inquiry. "My preferences are simple," he replied, "I seek armor that offers both protection and agility, crafted with lightweight materials."

Kishima nodded solemnly, his mind already racing with the myriad possibilities and challenges that lay ahead. Crafting armor and weapons of such caliber would require a delicate balance of skill and ingenuity, pushing him to the limits of his craft.

"And as for the soul enchantments," Reyoma continued, his voice unwavering, "I desire enchantments that buffs my physical abilities."

Kishima absorbed Reyoma's words with a sense of resignation, knowing that the task ahead would demand nothing less than his absolute best. Despite the weight of his weariness, a flicker of determination ignited within him, driving him to rise to the challenge before him. But before that, he needed rest.