

A wanderer can create NPCs

EimySenrioth · ไซไฟ
14 Chs

My First Home

Anna, the proprietor of the café, transformed into a dear friend and provided us with shelter, even allowing us to inhabit a small chamber at the rear of the café. It was a humble space, yet for us, it was a sanctuary.

My two handsome NPCs, Alex and Elara, acclimated to their new lives.

However, life can be capricious, and our sense of security was unexpectedly shattered. Anna, the kind café owner, was abruptly slain.

This new investor swiftly instigated changes. He elevated the prices of food and beverages, diminished the quality of products, and exploited employees, including myself and my two NPCs.

We began to suspect that the new investor might be somehow connected to Anna's demise. The circumstances were excessively suspicious, and his subsequent behavior only heightened our doubts.

Confronted by this fresh adversity, I encountered Alex privately in our modest rear chamber. The question he was tormenting me with finally left my lips.

—Alex, I have to know where you got the money to pay for the hospital. How did you do it?-

Alex glanced at the floor for a moment before responding in a hushed tone:

—Samuel, I stole the money. I robbed some mobsters and heisted a bank to secure the funds necessary to pay for your treatment. It was the only way I found to save you.

I paused for a moment to clarify my thoughts. I didn't want to return to the criminal world again.

—Alex, I need you to steer clear of any illegal activities. I know you did it for a good reason, but I don't want you getting into more trouble—

After my conversation with Alex and having obtained a promise from him that he would not resort to illegal activities, I tasked my two NPCs with shadowing the new investor. I provided clear instructions and specific roles for this investigative mission.

I instructed Elara, the vampire, to operate from the shadows and be prepared to act in case an opportunity arose to gather valuable information.

Alex became our lookout from a distance. I asked him to stay away from any criminal activity and discreetly observe the new investor.

In the uncertainty following Anna's murder, a young woman appeared at the café's doorstep.

—Are you Samuel? —the young woman inquired with a steady voice.

I nodded, somewhat surprised that someone recognized me, especially someone so petite. I leaned slightly forward.

—Samuel, you've been missing for far too long. I didn't think I'd find you here, hiding behind a mask of normalcy.

I swallowed hard, trying to maintain composure despite the surge of nervousness that washed over me.

—Lily —I replied, striving to make my voice sound firm—. It's been a while. What brings you here?—

—Don't play the innocent, Samuel. You know I have reasons to hunt you down. There are only two paths for deserters like you: prison or death. You're lucky I'm considering the former, but make no mistake, you're in precarious waters.

—A homeless person like me has nothing to lose. And you know, sometimes, someone with nothing can be far more dangerous than those who have everything to lose. So, if you're looking for someone who fears your threats, you've picked the wrong person—

My words seemed to have an unexpected effect on Lily. Her eyes narrowed as she assessed my response.

—You might think you're brave, but even the brave rot in jail. No one can escape the consequences of betraying the mafia. Sooner or later, they'll catch you, and you'll pay for your actions.

—I have no intention of ending up in jail, Lily. But I also have no intention of doing your dirty work—

She seemed to consider my words for a moment, but then let out a scornful laugh and walked away without saying another word. She turned and shot me in the abdomen.

She didn't utter another word; she simply took a sip of her coffee before walking away.

Filled with rage, Samuel intercepted her before she could completely leave the café. Without a word, he initiated a brawl with Lily, fists flying.

Samuel was taller and stronger, but Lily was agile and swift, dodging his blows with ease. Each impact reverberated through the space, causing other people to move away and seek shelter.

Lily had no intention of allowing Samuel to stop her. She knew that if she let him go, he could expose her and ruin her plans.

Punches and kicks mixed with cries of pain and the sound of furniture being toppled. The fight sprawled throughout the café, wreaking havoc in its wake. Tables and chairs were overturned, cups and plates shattered into pieces.

Red and blue lights from patrol cars blinked at the entrance as police officers hurried inside.

Samuel and Lily looked at each other in surprise, realizing they had attracted the wrong kind of attention.

The police officers swiftly took control of the situation, separating Samuel and Lily and ensuring they couldn't cause more harm. Witnesses to the chaos in the café were interviewed, and statements were taken.

Moments later, both were handcuffed and led to the same holding room.