

A Chronicle of a Sojourn Through the Enchanted Land of Yggdrasil. Come, journey with me to the mystical realm of Yggdrasil, where enchantment and reverie hold sway over all. Welcome to the world of my Novel. This is the travel records of my journey within the Novel, King Dragonheir. Here, in a world where the primacy of the elves is threatened by a demonic incursion and the doom of the end of times looms ever closer, our original valiant protagonist must navigate a landscape where technology has progressed to unimaginable heights and the very essence of magic flows freely. Yet, amidst the danger and uncertainty of this wondrous realm, my most pressing concern is one of survival. For I find myself faced with the most formidable foe: the ultimate darkness that lies beyond death. Join me now, as we delve into this tale of fortitude and perseverance, as our hero strives to overcome the odds and emerge victorious against the shadows that threaten to consume him while me, His creator, Will try to survive as a spectator.

LAWVOID_47 · แฟนตาซี
3 Chs

Welcome LOG

I, As a scribe of renown, have embarked upon a journey into the land of Yggdrasil, a realm where magic permeates the air and dreams take shape in the waking hours. This world, so rich in beauty and wonder, is now facing a dire threat from the forces of corruption, as demons from beyond the veil seek to conquer and destroy all that is good and pure.

I am but a mere mortal, yet I am determined to survive and to record the trials and tribulations of my journey through this enchanted land. I have encountered many wondrous sights, from machines powered by the energy of mana to spells beyond my imagination.

Yet, despite the marvels that surround me, I am not without fear. For the greatest danger that I face is not the demonic horde, nor is it the impending end of the world. No, One of the two true adversaries that I must face is the fact that This Original Novel was a failure and never got to see a proper Ending.

The second ome which i must avoid and never face is the Infinity beyond death, a malevolent force that threatens to consume me and plunge me into eternal night.

With the uncertainty of the butterfly effects by my actions, i will become either a savior or a harbinger of early destruction.

Therefore, I invite you, my dear reader, to join me on this journey, to witness the wonders and terrors of the land of Yggdrasil. May my story live on long after I am gone, a testament to the resilience of the human soul.