

A Chronicle of a Sojourn Through the Enchanted Land of Yggdrasil. Come, journey with me to the mystical realm of Yggdrasil, where enchantment and reverie hold sway over all. Welcome to the world of my Novel. This is the travel records of my journey within the Novel, King Dragonheir. Here, in a world where the primacy of the elves is threatened by a demonic incursion and the doom of the end of times looms ever closer, our original valiant protagonist must navigate a landscape where technology has progressed to unimaginable heights and the very essence of magic flows freely. Yet, amidst the danger and uncertainty of this wondrous realm, my most pressing concern is one of survival. For I find myself faced with the most formidable foe: the ultimate darkness that lies beyond death. Join me now, as we delve into this tale of fortitude and perseverance, as our hero strives to overcome the odds and emerge victorious against the shadows that threaten to consume him while me, His creator, Will try to survive as a spectator.

LAWVOID_47 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Log 1

title: ....Respawning After Death....

"The battlefield was a sea of red, a symphony of destruction, a dance of death."

That's the first thought i had but i was wrong.

well First thing is that the sudden awakening from slumber-like state was a rude shock. Everywhere, the sight of blood and corpses filled my vision, air was so thick with the stench of decaying flesh that I could barely breathe in there. At first, I thought I had stumbled upon a battlefield, well technically I was under a battlefield.

RUMBLE... The earth above me was shaking.

Tremors... Aftershocks..... Even if I didn't see it myself, I could feel a battle taking place above me.

As I inspected around, I realized I was in a dark cave or it can be a man made underground chamber, anyways, the bodies around me were not the result of a battle taking place above me. and there were no signs of weapons, further leading me to believe this was not the result of a fight. All The corpses were that of children,11 to 19, teenagers to be exact and I could not fathom the reason for such a gruesome scene.

I was feeling thirsty and hungry.


I licked my lips.

"aoooh" I definitely made a funny and weird expression as I tasted blood mixed in dirt.

I am not proud of this achievement but it was my first taste in perhaps a thousand years.

Oh pardon my manners, I forgot to introduce myself.

Dummy me. Well I am currently unknown years old as I lost track of time in the great abyss, (I personally named it)

I am Argent Estalion, a renowned writer from Earth, but I distinctly remember dying and being condemned to an eternity of darkness.

While i was alive, I remembered a saying that life after death is eternal and Oh boyyyyy! that eternity was reaaaaally boring. Just your consciousness in a sea of darkness. No sleep, No hunger... Not even a single movement.

Everyday I wished even for hell if it meant to escape the abyss. Even hell would have some company.

Despite my wish I never left the abyss.

Until now.

As the saying goes that we should expect the unexpected and, here I am, in a new body. Today, i don't know why and don't ask me how, but i woke up in this body.

I don't have a mirror so the facial features are skipped for now but I wished it to be handsome.

And as for why was I not terrified? Hmm, Perhaps it was because I had spent too long in the abyss that even this bleak scene seemed like a blessing to my eyes.


The fact that I am in doubts that this is all hallucinations and imaginations in a deep dream that my consciousness is creating as a means to escape from that hell-a-byss. (another name I came up with).

Although light was very dim, But i was able to observe my immediate surroundings to some extent.

Heheheh, I got up and leisurely walked around to explore further.

It was a hard task in a weakened body.

Tremors,... The roof occasionally shook while I was strolling around.

With a sense of curiosity, I started explored from one side, reveling in the feelings and sensations that I had long forgotten.

Even if it turned out as just a dream of mine, I tried to enjoy it fully.

But what still kept me in doubts was the sense of feel.....a sense of reality.

I felt several things.

The pain in my muscles and a disgusting smell in my nose. It felt good. I felt like i became a masochist after death... I just hope I am not one.

Anyways, during my fun stroll, I observed that Not even a single one of the corpses had a calm face. Their dead faces tell the tale of their painful death.

I felt pity.

I inspected some of the corpses, There was not a single wound but their blood rushed out of there body from their every pore amd hole..... Piss and shit included.

I was bare foot so i could felt the sticky cold blood on the floor.

They must have died not too long ago.

I spent about an hour in there


I hate to admit but i was getting tired.

At that point, i discovered a small door.

without any hesitation,

I walked out through what seemed to be an exit, Arriving in a tunnel type hallway.It gave me two options , and with a shrug, I chose the right path. After all, I could always come back if it ever proved to be a dead end.

The tunnels were cleaned, Opposite of the previous cave.

It was properly maintained.

Lighting here was better which helped me in enhancing my sight. The tunnel was gradually ascending.

My journey was not too long. which took me to a small room, perhaps used for rest.... it got beds, chairs etc and after looking around, I was pleased to find scraps of food in a corner. My stomach rumbled in agreement with my thoughts and I ate it ravenously. The taste was quite unique as it was hurting my taste buds.

"oh" I looked closely, only to find out that the wastes mixed blood on my hands went inside my mouth along with the food.

Should I complain about it? Definitely not.

I tried to force it down only to retch immediately after. Turns out the shitty blood was not the only problem, it was moldy breads and other rotting leftovers. It was a comical scene, where I laughed and vomit simultaneously , feeling alive once again.

"even if it's a... Cough cough, ahem a dream, I don't want it to end."

I again ate it to vomit immediately while laughing at the same time.

Note : I am not a maniac. Or psychopath. In my defence, I was really hungry.


A sudden quake

Something heavy was felt hitting hard against the walls

And before I could even react to that


An explosion took place.

The debris from the explosion settled down after a few minutes while the dirt was thick in the air.

Just adding a minor detail, i was under the debris.

Anyways i crawled out and went outside the hole created by the explosion.

Rings were ringing in my ears making me unable to hear any sound.

It was really annoying.

I was curious about all the disturbances outside.

Feeling dizzy I was not walking properly, maybe due to weakness or injuries from explosion... I didn't know at that point because my senses were getting numb.

Anyways slow and steady wins the race and I reached outside.

The moment i stepped outside, i found out that i was inside a mountain.

Looking down was the forest and just a few steps more allowed me yo look up, the top of the peak with a flying ship up above it. Firing down on the mountain while rocks were flying up to hit the ship..... " Holy sh*t. "

Looking closely, i am 99.69420 percent sure that i saw a few flying robots.....with swords and rods.

" Things are getting out of the hands here."

And a moment later,

"blerghhh" I vomited again. " wow..."

They spinning got strong.

But I couldn't miss the action I am witnessing right now.

There were people fighting on the surface of the mountain.... With swords, spears arrows and I saw a few which had guns too.

But the more peculiar thing was that their bodies were covered in different colors like red blue yellow green etc...

I sat down on a stone to rest while watching the fun


"oh lucky me"

I saw up again and I witness the wave of rocks and soil running down.... Landsliding I guess.

The battle was too much for the poor mountain.

I think that was the time to wake up to the eternal abyss.

Accepting my fate I looked around one more time.

People who were fighting just a moment ago are now running down.....

" Huh do they believe that they can outrun a land sli..... Holy moly"

I witness a few of them jumped feets in the air and running at inhumanly speed.

Anyways..... It was a good experience.


The monitor beeped steadily, displaying a series of green lights. A sense of relief washed over me.

I Was alive.....somehow.

But it was not confirmed that I was in the same body or I possessed someone else.

But one thing is slightly confirmed that I was not in the abyss and I truly escaped that.


They pain was an evidence to this fact.

I heard the soft female voice, F1, "The vitals are back to normal." My eyes felt heavy, and it seemed like I was lying on a soft bed.

They language was weird but more weirdly is that I was able to understand it.

" I think he will wake up soon."

" how soon?" a male voice was heard. M1

" well it's hard to tell." F1

" No it's not. Looking at the charts, Estimated time must be between 24 to 36 hours. Look here." M2

I think I am really in a hospital and these must be the doctors discussing my case with juniors.

After a few chit chat they left.

I opened my eyes.

After a while I tried to say up.

A nurse came running to me and helped me.

She left to inform a doctor.

I looked around.

There were a few more patients in the room.

It must be a general ward.

I inspected my body, I looks like this was the same body....meaning I survived the land sliding.


They atmosphere was more modern than I imagined... Can't blame me as I saw modern military fighting using medieval weapons.

"I need information."

I didn't know were I was and when was it that I escaped the abyss. Must be a few hundred years.

I was deep in the thoughts



Suddenly, a woman burst into the room, tears were streaming down her face.

"Son" She ran towards me and slammed her body onto mine, causing me to cry out in pain.

'Argh! Look here willya? , I'm hurt. If I'm lying on a hospital bed, i must have been seriously ill so take it easy,' I thought , trying to calm her down.... From me.

"awwww" despite trying to hold back, a cry left my mouth.

"Mam take it easy. He just woke up." a nurse came after her and said while softly trying to get the lady away from me.

"I thought... I thought... aaaaaa," she tried to say something but couldn't, Again clinging to me crying . She called me son, making me wonder if she was my family.... This body's family.

But i shouldn't jump to conclusions.

"Mom?" I tried my fu*kluck

"Yes son, Mom is here. Don't worry, Everything will be all right."

Another man entered the room. He too looked worried. I even saw tears in his eyes



.... Complete silence.

They were looking at me With a shock.

The crying lady seemed to be in greatest shock as She fainted right after that.


through the glass window, I can see the vast area of city.

Although the city was big, There were no skyscrapers, Due to difficulty of defending against air attacks.

Beyond the city, I can see Huge wall extending endlessly.

The defense walls.

Actually, if i remember correctly, there are three layers of walls, encircling this city.

There's a floating island in the sky. A huge airship was about to leave from one of ports from that island.

Beyond the wall, I can see huge mountain range covered in snow . The sun was setting behind it but the day was still as bright as it could.


Because there's another sun which, at this time, i couldn't see. But it would be right above the city.

This is a fictional city


These fictional scenes are the new reality.




Long story short.

This is not Earth.

"Hehehe I am in danger."

This is Yggdrasil, The forgotten land of Ancient. Main world of the King Dragonheir, The novel i wrote.

Yeah... I woke up inside the novel world.