
Novel Journey

Imagine residing in the body of a minor villain, knowing your fate and what's to come. Trapped inside the novel where swords and magic rule the world, Ajax marches forward to ensure his survival in this second life

The_Swimming_Moon · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Building Trust

Chapter 2

Building Trust

The Maxwell residence was an ancient establishment created by its first lord, who was rumored to the quite eccentric. The rumors proved themselves to be true as the mansion was a jumble of leaning towers and a collection of bizarrely sized buildings. With his divinity 'carve magic', he recorded history on the very walls of the mansion. Lord Maxwell would often tell Ajax that the irregular assortment of the towers held a special meaning that was yet to be discovered. It was a place truly built by magic, for without it, the place wouldn't stand.

In the extremely spacious dining room, lit with well-crafted lamps made of gold, sat the Maxwell family eating dinner. The table housed forty chairs but they used just three. There was a time when the table was bustling with conversations among the men of the House and their ladies, but the war between humans and demons nearly wiped out the great family, leaving only the current Lord Maxwell --- Abel alive.

Being a Maxwell was still a prideful thing to be. They were rich enough to buy the entire Ashtar Mountain Range and still have money to spare. Their only source of shame was that they had no inherited divinity. The children of House Maxwell were blessed with the weirdest abilities, and this was a popular topic of gossip. The current Lord Maxwell's divinity was 'able to understand all language'. Though he was mocked for it as a child, upon practice it was soon revealed to be a powerhouse in both its variety of use and effectiveness in combat. Pretty much everything was a language, including spellcasting, animal communication, and body language. Rising through the ranks ---- Lord Maxwell led the 4th battalion against demon kind and its monsters, to eleven consecutive victories. He was just twenty-four years old then. With his achievements, he saved a dying house from ruin. Though he now wished his son would inherit the same ability as him, the Maxwells were cursed to always awaken a brand new one.

"AJ, I read the report about your survival and I'm proud of your actions. The next lord of the House will be a very dangerous man", Lord Maxwell stated at the dinner table with his chest puffed out

"Dad, I don't even know of my divinity yet and how many times have I expressed that I wish to not be the Lord, period", Ajax turned towards his mom for support, "Mom's favored by the Gods and she's now bearing a child. Maybe he or she could lead this House into a new era of prosperity"

With a coy smile, Ella stared at Ajax, "AJ, you're going to learn of the Lord's responsibilities whether you like it or not", with the smile still decorating her face she continued, "and with the heroics, you displayed two days ago, I'm certain whatever ability you manifest, you'll grow up to be a capable man just like your father"

At his wife's praise the towering man dropped his head and blushed before lifting it back up, "son, I'll teach both you and my unborn child, to the best of my abilities. If you still wish to not succeed me when you turn sixteen, then your sibling will be gifted the title"

With a genuine smile, Ajax thanked his father before requesting "Dad, I'd like for my maid Sarah to have her revelation before me, just to put my mind at ease"

His father agreed to his unusual request and Ajax left the dining room after pecking his mom a kiss 'goodnight'

Ajax's room was moderately sized but lavishly decorated. A wooden bed made of trees from the Mystic Forest, lay in the middle of the room. These trees had the magical property that kept curses away. To the bed's left were the study table and a walk-in closet. To its right was a windowed door that opened to a large balcony with a tea table.

Once comfortable in his room he called for the maid, Sarah

Sarah was one of the protagonists in the novel, 'The City of Ascension'. It was an incomplete novel series, and, in its last installment, she journeyed with four others to the Demon Lord's castle. She would be bestowed the title 'Explosive Witch' by the inhabitants of this world sometime in the future and was also the one who killed Ajax, in the original plotline.

Sarah walked in carefully to not disturb the pondering Ajax and quietly stood by the door

Ajax motioned her to sit at the tea table and when she had made herself comfortable, he got up to pour her a cup of aromatic pink tea. This action greatly confused her

"Did you know, I've never held a conversation longer than five minutes with a child my age? It's not my own doing, it's because I've yet to make a friend", Ajax revealed, while he poured himself a cup too, "Sarah, make yourself comfortable. I only wish to make a friend"

Sarah picked up the cup and spoke in a low voice, "Master Ajax, you are the son of a Duke and I'm just a lowly maid, an orphan of common birth, I don't kn--"

Before she could complete her sentence Ajax interrupted, "The strongest human on the continent, Duke William was an orphan of common birth. Sarah, status is meaningless in the long run. It's a fabrication the nobles created to give themselves a sense of superiority. If I told you that three years from today, on November 14th 6063, the capital, Raitar, will fall, do you think status will matter then?"

"No", she answered. Her eyes bulging in shock

"I know it sounds crazy, but I have a secret", Ajax leaned in closer, "I have these prophetic dreams. I already knew of the bandit attack and that's why I was prepared", he held his breath, "it will be revealed that your divinity is 'Explosion Manipulation' of S-rank potential. Now there is no way anyone would know that but the Gods"

At his words, Sarah looked at him in astonishment. Ajax let his words sink in before talking again, "Tomorrow you'll have your divinity ceremony before me. My dad will pay for it. Invite your friends and loved ones to it. Tomorrow you'll realize the truth I've spoken of today is one of great value"

"Master Ajax ---"

"Call me AJ"

"Master AJ, why tell me all this?"

"First off, it's just AJ. Secondly, it's because I've got no one else to confide in. The adults will not believe me, while some might even betray my trust and cause me a lot of trouble. You are someone my age, and I hope to share my secrets with you; just like friends would", Ajax answered

Forcefully drinking her tea in a single gulp, she placed the cup back on the table

After a minute of silence, she raised her eyebrows and spoke, "I don't believe you yet but I'll try to be your friend"

Curiously she asked, "AJ what will happen on the 14th of November 6064?"

"Duke William will die at the hands of demon worshippers who call themselves Devil Eye"

Ajax continued to explain the particular event to her and she listened attentively. The next day, as Ajax prophesized, she was blessed with 'Explosion Manipulation' of S-rank potential.

While Lord Maxwell stood outside the temple since only one Guardian was allowed to accompany their child during revelation; unlike in the novel, Ajax wasn't blessed with 'Shadow Manipulation' but rather 'Monster Manipulation' of S-rank potential.

---Status Window---

Name: Ajax Maxwell

Age: 12

Sex: Male

Rank: E

Divinity: [Monster Manipulation: A dominated or a recently deceased monster will be absorbed into a black sphere before being orally ingested; making it a part of your army]