
Novel Journey

Imagine residing in the body of a minor villain, knowing your fate and what's to come. Trapped inside the novel where swords and magic rule the world, Ajax marches forward to ensure his survival in this second life

The_Swimming_Moon · Fantasy
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14 Chs

God Of War

Chapter 3

God Of War

"People don't listen to those who are right --- they listen to those who are agreeable", closing the novel he was reading AJ then proceeded to pick another, "you think they'll believe Duke William might die. Some already worship him as the second incarnation of the Sun God"

"Of course, they won't. I still can't, even though what you prophesized did come true right before my eyes", Sarah complained, "so are we going to prevent his death or what?"

"Save him? You crazy?", AJ looked at her in disbelief, "we've yet to grow strong enough to protect ourselves"

"True that", Sarah agreed, "but it's been four days already and we haven't started to train"

"I asked my dad to let us train with the knights but he insisted on getting us an instructor. Someone he trusts", AJ informed

"I can't believe I'm going to train with the next lord of House Maxwell", Sarah leaned on the seat and stared at the ceiling above

"That's cause I need you, Sarah", AJ said nonchalantly but those words made her blush red, "we'll have to train ourselves to at least C rank before July rolls around"


"A civil war will be sparked in Blackwater by Devil Eye", AJ laughed villainously, "we'll raid the Museum of Hero Shanz in the ensuing chaos"

"Chaos is destructive and must always be stopped", Sarah jumped up and spoke with a heavy breath

"Chaos is a law of nature and can never be stopped. Learn to revel in chaos, never fear it. We'll need the momentum it creates to survive", AJ advised

"What of the people?", Sarah frowned

"Sarah, I too want to stop this civil war, but that very act will shine a light on us. The people who wish to protest will hate us, the Kingdom will doubt our allegiance and what I fear the most --- Devil Eye will take note of us. Before we're powerful enough to do what, we wish, we must grow strong in secret", AJ watched Sarah's reaction and was happy to see her understand his perspective

Just then a knock was heard on the door and Sarah quickly adjusted her uniform

"Come in", AJ commanded

"Master AJ, a guest has arrived and the Lord has requested for your presence at his private training hall", informed the knight before moving out the room again.

The children followed him through the wide hallway --- mesmerizing paintings at each interval; down the floating, spiral steps, and through a large, dark wood door, into the Lord's private training hall.

In the center of the yellow-tinted hall, stood the lord and an older man with white, long hair and a well-trimmed beard. He was bulky but his most distinguishing features were his tattooed arms and neck. Intricate and colored beautifully. Upon seeing the children, he delightfully smiled, Sarah bowed and stood by the knight against the door. AJ moved closer

Lord Maxwell introduced, "Sir Arnold is the reason why House Maxwell is still alive and well. People of our battalion called him 'Weapon God'. He's here to assess whether you are worth teaching or not"

"Ajax Maxwell greets Sir Arnold", he bowed

Looking back at Sarah and signaling her to come and stand next to him, he waited for her to introduce herself

'A man whom my father couldn't completely convince must be a great man indeed', he thought before looking at him with a burning passion. Seeing through AJ's desire, the old man grew happy

"Both --- go dress for battle. Knight --- bring the training equipment and arm yourself with a wooden sword. Make no use of aura or mana", the guest instructed with his arms folded back

After a few minutes both Sarah and AJ took the center stage. Sarah armed herself with a wooden spear, and AJ picked a sword.

"The girl first", the old man ordered

AJ moved off the stage. The knight held his wooden sword and stared at Sarah. Sarah was the first to move. She ran forth and stabbed the spear forward violently. The knight moved back. Instead of waiting, she moved toward her opponent, stabbing her spear at his left knee, missing, but slashing it upwards in a fluid motion. Arnold smiled. The knight swung his sword downwards, and Sarah jumped back. Her hands trembled for this was the first time she had swung a weapon, but she still moved. This time understanding her spear better, she used distance to her advantage and tried to trip the knight, aiming for the left foot and then swinging horizontally. The experienced opponent realized her intention and jumped, not wasting a moment he lunged forward and successfully disarmed her.

The old man clapped, motioning Sarah to come, he proceeded to pat her head. Happy with the results, she bowed respectfully and skipped to where AJ stood. She looked at him seeking approval. He smiled before patting her as well. She giggled.

"Twelve yet a ladies' man", Arnold whispered to Lord Maxwell. The lord watched their actions with a grin that reached his ears.

"Boy--- quit the flirt and take the stage", Arnold voiced out

AJ moved to the stage stopping and acknowledging his opponent. He casually walked up to the knight, confusing everyone, and then it happened ---- AJ swung his sword, the knight shuffled back almost falling. Lunging, he thrust his sword towards the head, the knight positioned his sword high. The swords clashed. AJ held the knight's wrist and kicked him in the balls. Arnold laughed. The lord's mouth dropped open. The hurt knight came back to his senses and pushed the boy with all his might. Using the momentum, AJ rolled in the air. With the use of his free hand, he somersaulted into a defensive position. AJ was out of breath and his vision narrowed. Seeing the opponent frozen, the knight charged like a mad bull. AJ's instinct kicked it and without looking in his opponent's direction; he dodged. Arnold observed him carefully. AJ's wrist hurt, and he wasn't used to confrontational battle, so he slightly panicked. Yet light on his feet, he tried to analyze the opponent's style of battle.

'Wish I had a gun instead. At least I know how to use that', he thought

TING. The swords engaged again. The knight was stronger and thus AJ was disadvantaged. AJ created space and then ducked. Stabbing his sword towards the knight's heart, he placed his right foot behind the unsuspecting knight. The opponent parried the sword successfully, but was swept off his feet. Laying on the ground, the knight kicked AJ before the boy's next move. As the feet touched his chest, AJ threw himself back, minimizing the damage he would receive. Gathering himself he pounced towards his opponent, but surprisingly the knight dropped his sword and grabbed the astonished AJ instead, throwing him onto the ground.

"STOP!", the old man ordered and everything came to a halt. He then proceeded to laugh wholeheartedly.

Commanding the knight to move out of the hall, Arnold asked, "what are your divinities?"

Sarah looked at AJ, and he nodded,

"Explosion Manipulation of S-rank potential"

"Monster Manipulation of S-rank potential"

"Monster manipulation, what's that?", asked Arnold

"A dominated or recently killed monster will become a part of my army", he explained

"If you children, just train your magical abilities, you'll grow to be influential people in the future. Currently, there are only twenty-one S-rank humans on the planet --- this includes both me and Abel. Your abilities are such that they don't require you to wield weapons but doing so will definitely help"

Arnold then gave his evaluation, "Your way of blade and style of fight, resembles your soul. Just like your abilities --- Sarah is explosive and fast. Her choice of weapon does suit her. Sarah, I'll teach you an ancient form of wielding the spear. Ajax---", he paused, "you're beastly. You rely on your instincts. I'll teach you how to fight without a form, capitalizing on those instincts. I'll also teach you how to wield every weapon, but respect your wishes to primarily use the sword"

"Thank Sir Arnold for his acceptance", Lord Maxwell said

Bowing deeply, the twelve-year-olds said in unison, "we'll be in your care, master"

"Remember to not circulate your mana till I allow you to do so. You'll not be increasing your rank, rather you'll be disappointed by your initial slow growth", he said, "I'll break you and mold you till you turn into beings, the God of War himself takes notice of"